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Basyk Games

A member registered Jul 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yep these are issues I'm aware of, didn't quite had the time to finish the levels, later ones should have had more enemy houses meaning a but more management would have been required.

Thank you !

Pretty nice game and easy to pick up!

For me the theme isn't really there, for example I could say the green cube is a magic cube not an AI and the game would still work. It fits the theme but not that much, but still the concept is cool and nicely executed !

The graphics looks good but I feel like your palette could be a bit better, maybe it's just me but the flashy blue walls almost do not feel like walls.

Good luck and have fun on your game dev journey !

Really nice game, I really like the concept, only thing missing is balance. I find it a bit to hard and you don't have real control over the turrets so the player can't really have an impact.

(2 edits)

Thank you! I did not manage to properly make/finish all the levels so it makes me happy seeing it was still somewhat fun to play!

Hey ,thanks for the report ! It's a bug and I'm actually aware of it, in fact I plan on finishing a new proper and improved version of the game this summer... Without any bugs ^^.

Well, I hope my game didn't cause that ^^'. In anyway, thanks for playing ! ('might not seems like it but I've not abandoned the game !)

Sorry for the late reply, but I'm currently working, and reworking thing on the game right now so I can't really build it for linux... But stay in touch for when it comes out !

Hey, yeah I know hum it isn't really that obvious. But when you're black you are in the "untruth", then you become white and you are "stuck" in the "Truth". That's why at the begin, the game tells you "when you know something you can't forget it" because once you're in the Truth you can't go back in the Untruth. So the game lies to you by showing you a sort of false level. (Poooof mind blow).

In fact it all should've been told with the text below but I preferred to concentrate my self on designing the levels.

Hey thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it, like for real. As I'm going to work more on the game it really helps me gets forward. About the dialgue, yeah I didn't put much work in it while the game jam but I'm planning on adding a real lore to the game so I'm going to rework, or simply just work on it.

About the movement, for now I added a small acceleration when you start moving but nearly none when you stop. That let the player be more precise when he just want to get a better position when preparing for a jump but still have that snappy movement. 

First I thought having a non-ajustable jump height was the only way I'd go to add that difficulty but you made me reconsider it, going to test this out.

White player in white is also a big questionnable point as it, once more, add to the difficulty and really makes a difference between beiing black or white. I'm aware of the issue and still thinking about it !

And about gamepad/controller support, it's in the to do list don't worry ;D

And finally, thank you for reminding me for the collider going to change that right now ^^

Once again I love to see these types of comments, thank you and have a nice day :D

(1 edit)

Wow thanks a lot ! And hehe yep I'm going to polish the game, create a real story, more levels (hmmm, maybe not 300 ^^') and I'm planning on making a soundtrack for every chapter as I love making music. That said, once again thanks, it means a lot ! (Actualy I'm working on it right now)

Hey, thanks for the critism , it helps me go forward even if, in fact, I knew most of these issues. Time got me one these ones, if you intersted I'm still going to work on the game and publish a bigger better version some day. And for the level, you do have 100% in air control so the trick was to go left while the player was falling, not too soon, not too late so you could avoid the peaks. (Well yeah it's wasn't that obvious and the difficulty curve might be a bit too steep ^^')

First of all, thanks a lot ! And about the theme, I've explained a bit in the description on the game page but I searched for a less direct way of aplying the theme, like at first the game lies to you by showing you a "false" level then when you become white and the "real" level is revealed. And about that hurting eyes thing, yes I know, I didn't had this "issue" myself. But lots of people told me that, sorta kinda werid.

Played and rated !

Played and Rated !

Just played yours and it's freaking hilarous, good job on this one haha.

Hello world ! As many I haven't reach the 20 rates yet (14 right now, no that far away). Therefore I'm looking for some nice players to test my game ! And don't worry I will play your game too. Well, maybe not everyone because I'm not the type of guy to play 20 games in a raw  ^^', sorry about that...

Enough talking, here is my game, hope you enjoy !


Btw it's my first game jam ever, and also, people in this thread are certainly searching for rates too so don't be shy to play theirs.

Have fun !

Hey here is mine, 14 rates so far I would really appreciate a little more ^^


I hope you'll like it !

Hey, boom here is mine https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477365 Hope you enjoy !

Hey here is mine, enjoy ! https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/47736

(1 edit)

I just played it, annnnd I don't really enjoy this type of "troll" games. Altho I know it's a bit what the theme said. That said, the look of the game is pretty nice and I loved the music. Good luck for the jam !

Here is mine. Hope you enjoy !  https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477365

So hello again, I'm the maker of Back and White. My wifi crashed while you were streaming my game (perfect timing lol) so I looked back at the video and you asked what's the link with the theme, so here I go. In the lore when you're black you are in the "untruth", then you become white and you are "stuck" in what I called the "Truth". That's why at the begin, the game tells you "when you know something you can't forget it" because once you're in the Truth you can't go back in the Untruth. So at first, the game lies to you by showing you only a part of the level, a sort of false level. (normaly it should have been explained with the text below but you know, choices had to be made). Voilà !

(1 edit)

I Don't know if someone will ever see this comment but speaking about the theme ; In the lore when you're black you are in the "untruth", then you become white and you are "stuck" in what I called the "Truth". That's why at the begin, the game tells you "when you know something you can't forget it" because once you're in the Truth you can't go back in the Untruth. So at first, the game lie to you by showing you only a part of the level a sort of false level. (Poooof mind blow).

In fact it all should've been told with the text below but I prefered to concentrate my self on designing the levels.

So I made a game…

And you know what ?

You should totaly play it !


Hey I know about the bug… It's really frustrating and if you go on the game page I gave a link to a google drive for a corrected version if you want to play the rest of the game. And for the weird movement, I've made it on purpose so it's a bit harder but yeah It's not really perfect. Anyway, thank you for playing, thank you for rating and good for the jam !

Hey I've played your game before you commented and yes the idea has some similarities, the only thing i would say for your game is that it's a bit short but the idea itself was really nice and the level were nicely engineered. And thank you sooo much for the comment and rating, it means a lot for me. Good luck you too !

Wow thank you sooooo much, it's my first game jam ever and I just… wow. It's also the first time I "published" a game, it really means a lot for me. Thank you !

Hey, here is my game annnnnd, I'm also watching your stream ;D

Hey, here is my game https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477365 Hum, it's a bit hard, but I'd love to get some feed back. Enjoy !

Hey, here is my game https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477365

Hey, here is my game https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477365

It's done you can check in the description ;D

Ok, thank you.

Can I use downloaded custom post processing shader ? Like a tilit-shift shader that i used in another project. (I never programmed any shaders so it would be impossible for me to make it on my own in this timeline).