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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I really appreciate it. 

Sound design makes or breaks a game so I'm always very picky when it comes to both custom sounds and sounds taken from other sources.

I wanna make standalone gzdoom/games that are not on Gzdoom, eventually, but for now, I gotta think about wrapping this up, this is gonna be my swan song regarding Doom mods and I need to do it justice.

I'd argue that John Carpenter score for 2018, kills and ends was the only consistently great thing about those movies, their plot is all over the place!


Sorry no, the levels are made to work with this game's entities and physics, they wouldn't work standalone

No, sorry, Zandronum wouldn't be able to run half of the code of this mod

I like that mod and i've enjoyed playing it, but I have nothing to do with it.

Read the first line of this page under the logo

Try re-exploring some of the levels whose paintings are located near the metal doors

As you said yourself, it's a Gzdoom project, so unfortunately it's not supported

Try using your alternate fire button to zoom and inspect what you think might need to be inspected...

(1 edit)

It's actually completely on me, as I said earlier, I didn't make the addon. Yes, I supervised the inclusion of the levels in Remastered and by working with Salahmander we changed them as well so they were consistent with my set of levels, but that's also the reason why, I was personally handling the inclusions of the levels in Remastered.

On the other hand, I had no involvement with Super Golden Souls aside from answering a few questions from Salahmander back when he was working on the set in the first place, so it's not something I'd add, even with permission, to my itch page, since it's the page of projects that I personally worked on.

If you play Super Golden Souls and Remastered's SGS levels, you'll notice a couple of differences, some of those are Salahmander's, some I personally worked on, we actively worked together to put them in officially.

Hi, thank you very much, I'm glad you like the new version!

To answer your question, while the Super Golden Souls levels have been officialized in the remastered (and also slightly altered to match the "original" set of levels), I didn't make the legacy Super Golden Souls addon, so it isn't on this page simply put because it isn't mine.

No OpenGL 3.2 support found means that your computer is too old to run Gzdoom and lacks the required horsepower.

You can try LZDoom instead, but it's untested, probably won't look correct, but it might run.

A copy of Doom2.wad and Ultimate Doom Builder is all you need for now, start there, experiment, make some maps, suck at it till you get good.

After you got mapping sorted out, get SLADE editor, check the zdoom wiki (it'll be your best friend throughout your modding journey) and start writing your own custom entities using original ones as a template, the more you learn to wrangle the code, the more you'll know how to make completely custom stuff as you go on.

I also suggest you to join this discord group called "The Entryway" created by James Paddock of Adventures Of Square fame, there's a lot of sections where you can share your work, ask for people to playtest, ask for help in case you're stuck on something. Here's the link:

James also has made a tutorial that teaches you how to make a simple doom map:

If you search for doom modding tutorials on youtube, there's an endless amount of videos you can watch to get you started.

Just fixed, sorry about that, it was a leftover from the dev build which has some different things going on.

Please download hotfix 5 and give it a go, it should work fine now.

When it's done

No in-level collectable is required to progress through the game. Some collectable might just be required if you want to 100% the game and unlock some special things

From the look of it, it's not loading vanilla Doom 2 assets correctly, make sure the DOOM2.wad you're using with the mod is not the BFG edition version, and also is not edited

Thank you, i appreciate it.

(1 edit)

You're right, this is Doom: The Golden Souls 3

Which coin are you talking about specifically? Are you running? It is recommended to have always run enabled otherwise you will not be able to make most of the jumps.

(2 edits)

Exactly, this is a project built for Gzdoom that makes use of everything Gzdoom offers, When I make projects on Doom, I want to take them as far as possible away from standard Doom, and Gzdoom gives me the best freedom of choice, since it's at this point a standalone engine for videogames, look at projects like Selaco or Ashes 2063 for example. 

When I develop GS3, I don't think i'm making a mod for doom, I'm in the mindset that I'm making my own game which happens to share parts of the doom universe, but in the end, it's a vastly different thing, and it's deeply rooted in what this new version of the engine can offer in contrast to the original.

It's alright, there's plenty of old school projects around for people to play, Golden Souls just doesn't happen to be one of them, and it's alright, because it's a beautiful thing that we can have so many mods in this community with different scopes in mind!

If someone goes and makes something akin to Golden Souls in style but with vanilla doom in mind, props to them, I may be the first one to try it, but that ain't my thing to work on.

I'm sorry, I highly disagree.

The Doom comparison doesn't stand because Gzdoom isn't classic Doom anymore, it's a modern engine and has to be treated as such, a 760 can barely run anything nowadays, and so it can barely run Gzdoom like any other modern program or game, it's a ship of theseus situation, there's barely anything that resembles classic Doom code and rendering wise, and it's fair because atleast for me, making vanilla or classic Doom experiences is not what i'm looking for, I'm more into making new games with Doom as a base.

If a PC can't handle Gzdoom, it's not because it's bloated, it's because it's time to upgrade. In fact I'd say the only reason why there's a bit of bloat in the engine is because it has to keep a lot of legacy support not to break things with much older projects, VKDoom, a fork of Gzdoom, drops that and as a result has a much faster rendering pipeline, especially regarding shaders and dynamic lights.

Golden Souls 3 and to an extent 2 and 1 use a lot of features Gzdoom offers that other sourceports don't, and that's because Gzdoom is its own thing at this point, and it's so advanced that it can be used as a proper engine for indie games, it's miles ahead compared to every other sourceport in terms of what the developer can do, and I assure you that this project would not by any chance be possible on anything else.

A GTX 760 as a minimum requirement isn't so absurd, considering it's a 10 year old GPU at this point...

Just some new screenshots to match with the current internal version of the game

Of course, you don't need my permission, stream and record it as much as you like

The fact that you jump too high makes me think that you've got a conflicting addon that replaced the player class and possibly other things, double check that you're not running the game with other mods or addons, if necessary, put gzdoom and doom2.wad in a new folder and let it generate a fresh config and try running the game from there

Please make sure you're running Golden Souls with Doom2.wad and the latest version of gzdoom, without any other mod addons

I don't know what you mean, there are plenty of custom enemies in all three Golden Souls alongside the usual cast of doom baddies.

Please follow the required settings in this page and make sure to be playing on the latest version of GZDoom

This is the highest resolution i have of that specific asset

I post updates every so often on my twitter.

Also just because I don't post it doesn't mean the project is dead, GS is not the only thing I do with my life, I try to dedicate as much time as I can to the project but ultimately I also have other things to follow.

Please press space to load the latest save or press esc and load a game manually, there's also quick save and quick load keys you can bind in the options

Hi can you please film a video of the issue and post it here? Possibly showing your progress, souls collected etc?

Sorry but it's not as simple as flipping a switch, making this work in multiplayer would be a huge if not impossible task. Besides Golden Souls has always been a singleplayer adventure, you can play it technically, but it's janky because it's not supposed to be played like that as many scripts only account for a single player.

Thank you for playing! Looking at the video it seems like models didn't load correctly, either being very warped or completely flat (like the lamps), I'd recommend to wipe clean your config, update Gzdoom and also the video card drivers, if you keep seeing the issue try switching from OpenGL to Vulkan or do the opposite if you use Vulkan by default

I am sorry that it's not running as good as it should be, please check the minimum and recommended specs to see if your computer is up for the task, try running it in Vulkan instead of OpenGL, disable the additional lighting effects in Options/Golden Souls 3 options.

3D models can't be disabled as they're not an optional extra but an integral element of the game

Hello, the charged punch is only featured in GS2 and GS3, I didn't put it here because I wanted to keep the way it worked back with the original GS release, these fists do however make enemies drop armor points on death.

Sorry but multiplayer is not supported, even if it manages to run in co-op there will be game breaking issues such as this one.

(2 edits)

Thank you very much! Please do keep in mind though that I have nothing to do with 3rilogy, and while I appreciate people making addons for my works, they don't represent the original game whatsoever and your experience might differ with those.

What you're trying to load isn't Golden Souls 1.4 but a user made addon (Super Golden Souls), you need to drop both onto gzdoom.exe