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A member registered Apr 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi, Astronaut here working his way towards Commander. I didn't know I had a deep seeded hatred towards rocks but it will be a cold day in hell if my 10 ton hand laser and I even let one gosh dang rock hit this planet. Complete game changed was when I went and laid down on my couch instead of playing it standing. Simple and fun concept. I can definitely see myself relaxing on the couch shooting up some more rocks.

Well I think I can officially call myself a professional ballooner (balloonist??) now. Score of 1090 with 0 crashes! Once I realized the puzzle aspect of the game it really clicked. I can definitely see where you are going with this concept and I like it. It also looks like I was the only one to finish which means I'm raining champ right now.

If you are looking for feedback, I have a couple thoughts that might help if you continue to develop this in the future, which I hope you do. If you're not looking for feedback then skip right to the end for proof of my victory. 

As Ian mentioned, having an alternative way to present the weather would help a lot. I did keep the weather report open most of the time to make sure I was in the correct altitude range. 

I can also see where people would get a bit motion sick playing when it rotates to face the direction of the wind. I was definitely doing balloon donuts on the first level while being stuck between 2 wind directions when I was trying to figure it out. I understand rotating to face the direction is a way to show which direction you are traveling but you could probably accomplish something similar without rotating by using some in game context to show you changed direction. Ian had some good ideas there as well with visuals, audio, UI, etc. I'm a fan of how Valheim shows wind direction when you are boating:

Ultimate Ships Guide (Valheim) - EIP Gaming

Simple, straightforward and easy to understand when you're running away from sea serpents. 

I did lose my bearings a few times when loosing sight of the target , especially when I was high up. It could be helpful to have some kind of outline or silhouette on a beacon, or something like that, on the target so you can see it through the basket. I used this free tool in my game:

Let me know if you make some more levels so I can keep my title going. Proof of my victory:

Oh no... Thank you for literally suffering through my game. I'm currently trying to improve the movement in the no gravity sections which should be up tomorrow and then I'm going to build a full settings menu which will have all the snap options. I would have liked to have had that done by the end of the game jam but this is my first game so I'm still a bit slow at things, sorry.

Thanks for the feedback and I totally agree with you. The movement when there's no gravity needs a better way to move around. I was thinking about adding some form of jetpack that helps propel you around when there's no gravity. I'll be playing around with some ideas this week.

I appreciate you giving the game a try and the feedback. There is actually supposed be a trigger that resets you back to the other side but it is bugged at the moment, sorry about that. I'll be working on that today to get it fixed. Clicking down the left stick does let you run so it would probably be helpful to have some kind of control scheme or something like that in the description of the game and in game somehow to let you know. I'll add it to my todo list. Thanks again for playing!