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Battery Smooth

A member registered Mar 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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i honestly appreciate a ton the time you spent writing such a descriptive review.

I am very glad you enjoyed most of the things and as far as the negative go, i'll try to elaborate:

  • You are absolutely correct about the diagonal shot, that was the most junky code i've written in a while but with the time limit i just brute forced a working minimum viable product. Also, the shooting controls point you made is something every single one of my buddies that tried it said as well, but  i had already submitted it :/
  • The enemies being unnecessary to hit [im pretty sure you are refering to bone hitbox rotating for the most part] was intended. There are two types of frustrating, bad and good. Think about hitting dodgy enemies in Enter the Gungeon or Binding the Isaac? i would argue that's [good frustrating]. I feel the way i implemented it it feels like you "just miss the shot by a very small size of height" which seems like a bug, so i might have overestimated getting my point across. I feel like this is one of these game design philoshophy things you need a lot of experience with, which i don't have. That is also why you commenting on that as a negative is an immensely useful feedback.
  • As far as difficulty goes, it's king of subjective but i feel you. I also think it's hard to strike a perfect balance between hard and too hard. This is a game jam, so a player is most likely another dev rushing other developer games at about 15-30 minutes each. In such a format, it might have been wise to do something like refill the health but i chose[chose meaning didnt have time xD] to implement a harder iteration.

All in all, thank you for taking the time and enjoying the experience!

hmm? pack as in pack of cigarettes?

I'm glad you liked it!

Unfortunately, i can't take credit for it, you should google "ansimuz", he makes a lot of free assets both in Unity Asset Store and in, an amazing pixel artist.

I did everything else in the artwork department myself tho!

Thanks a lot for your kind words, friend!

Really glad you enjoyed it :>

What does this have anything to do with "pack"?

Also, the controls are kind of wacky

This looks pretty good and i like the UI you used!

Well why thank you kind sir! The music is done by a former employee at my company. He was a good lad.

(1 edit)

damn, nice game my dudes!

the controls felt very satisfying :)

check my game if you would like as well!