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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay I update the game, i hope it works now

Do you have a number pad or not ? (I'm gonna fix that tomorrow, I think I know where the problem could be)

Try to restart the game with CTRL+0 then wait for a couple of second. Maybe there is a bug somewhere on your end, and it don't want you to type the right answer or something (I only got that bug once and I thought I fixed it ...)

finally got the puzzle done ! It was really tricky (to really understand the rules, and I don't think I got everything) but really clever !

I'm one away, I know I messed up at some point, and I think it's because I didn't understand purple x) I'm gonna let my brain rest, but it's a very interesting puzzle !

Spoiler ahaed, even if there is nothing to spoil :

Le GOTY x) il n'y a pas besoin de plus !

ok now I know what that button do.

Wow that's addicting ! I love the smalls caracters in the background and you can really recover from your mistakes, at least on the firsts levels. Really clean work ! GG !

Good hike among the nature ! I really loved the littles sceneries along the path, and the feedback on where the hiker is and the snacks. Sad that there wasn't more interaction with the environment, but for a jam, it's completely enough ! GG !

A simple cozy escape game indeed, but the controls of the mouse in a "locked location" mode (idk how to call those ones) is a bit strange to use. But, the puzzles are fine, I liked the first one, even if I don't think I understand the red one completely (I just tried differents combinations for the last digit). Still good for a Jam ! GG !

That was a cute game ! The absence of gameplay didn't stroke me, because of the dialog on phone, and the ambience, and the art works really well with the theme of the game. Sad that we can't speak with other people, but that was a good vibe nonetheless. GG !

A bit sad that there was no falloff from the end of the quest, but the ambiance, and sounds, and graphics are nice ! It's a bit hard to see behind trees, because of the camera, but I think a simple "fade to invisible" could solve that. It's still a good looking prototype ! GG !

A cute cozy game, I really like taht simple concept and i'm hyped to see a less buggy version of it ! Some of the textures seem over texturised (like around the cauldron or some rocks and trees), but overall i like that style. I'm looking forward to see what it can become, after the jam ! GG !

Really fun game ! The teleport is a bit hard to use with all the boxes and healths to move, but maybe i'm just bad at it x). GG !

That's a hard game, but it's really fun, with the gestion of the cells over time and in the map, with the size of them. I haven't manage to win, maybe the fact the the lazer is stuck to a position during is charging, while the cells move out of the way, make it a bit to hard, but it was fun anyway ! GG!

It is a cozier peggle ! At first I thought that it was sad that we can keep the upgardes after theirs use, and between levels, but then a saw that we didn't get an high score with the powerups that cleared the stage faster, and so i think that was the best decision ! I would love to see more upgrades (like troll ones) or more maps, but that's a good game ! GG !

Cool idea, but i wish there will be more potions to do ! An idea could be that some instructions in previous recipes has to be taken in conciderations for futures potions (for exemple, we will always need to put the pumpkin directly before the redcap mushroom, if both of them are in the same recipe). I also like the details in the background, that's adding some good life in it. GG!

Fun and chill game, with a different physic than some flappy bird like (which give this nice cozy pace). There is just a distance meter missing, and the background doesn't seems to loop correctly, but overall the game is cool ;) GG !