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A member registered Sep 23, 2023

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The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante is the best example of this kind of game that I think you are going for. It's great when it comes to showing consequence of choices, and the overall presentation and writing is in my opinion, perfect. The choices affect the story to such a degree that the game can get replayed several times.

> If there was any point where you thought "I'd like to be able to make the story go here" or "the consequences to this choice should have been this" that would be super useful to hear.
I will try to play through as another character when I have time and see if I have any more concrete feedback when it comes to this.

When you update your game, don't hesitate to write me a comment, if you will have the need for some feedback.

  •  For me, the game is sometimes written in a too casual way, especially the dialogue in the intro. Not saying that's bad necessarily, but I felt more like reading a story from someone's blog than exploring a mysterious tome. I do see that you can write though.
  • Not all the choices felt meaningful. It feels like the affect only the dialogue, instead of giving a direction to the story.
  • I like that I didn't get overwhelmed with text. Clicking "continue" before getting more to read is a good choice.
  • I regret to say that I didn't really care for the story too much. Perhaps because the outcome feels predetermined (you're reading a book after all). I hoped that it might be a more like The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante. I felt like I had more choice in what is being said, than where the story is going to go.
  • Diego de Francisco de la Rosa- the double "de" feels weird. I don't think that's common. Perhaps you meant to write "Diego Francisco de la Rosa"?

Please do not take this feedback in a negative way, and remember that those are my personal opinions. You've done a great job overall.

Cool. A little challenging! And the main menu picture is beautiful.