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A member registered Feb 24, 2023

Recent community posts

We love to see it!

it is normal that there isn't a way out, Ana is unfinished and supposed to be a part of the second day. But I imagine has been placed in a WIP status

What are your normal hours for streaming? I've been hovering around your twitter, but haven't been able to catch one

I mean he already got a vore scene but I think revisiting both of the people you can increase your relationship with(Azul and Zane) on day 2 would be very fun given the dynamics of their scenes

Well... I mean how could you forget Meep. did you mean to post something else?

Also Futa characters come nearly every Non-Fix update. You'll get more gock soon

What kinds of Vore are in this game, I saw a maw shot, I saw our green wolf getting sucked up, but the game has probably come far after it's promotional material, can I get just an ounce of spoilers?

We just got an update, but if you want to go on history of Kalnareff's production. We usually get a WIP 1 month after the last major update, and depending on contents, an update every 3 months

When it does. 

My favorite actually is a tie between Verina and the duo insert Orivon and Winter

Yooo same! How'd you like it?

Oof, I sympathize. My computer's humming the last hurrah of an 8-year death march. Struggling to play modern games through most of the last 2.  I'm just glad to have experienced Ultrakill and as many games like yours

Wish you well Kal, take your time!

Saw the post on twitter and reply on here, How's today Kalnareff?

Always nice to hear how progress is made and some history on development from someone who was on the outside until recently.  I wonder what the old sauna looked like... Good work Enro and Oz, I love the game you have made.

I hope your rest goes well. Art is art, and no matter what you've made your indelible mark upon the scene!

So... what's the general structure of updates to this game? Like does each 0.0.1 involve a new guest to the spa, each 0.1.0 is a main quest with branches, and something like that?

Nice! I figured hope was on the way once I saw Goro Birbjima sitting by Evan's pole, Can't wait for it to come out, and the entrance to the real game sounds cool!

Yeah, Youtube vore content has always been sketchy.. Can't get enough of Zaine and the male stripper.  CV here is by far the best I've seen in games

Gotta say, this game has had me hooked ever since I saw just Night one played without permission on youtube. Your work so far has helped me way more than you know. To have a decent outlet for the Vorny sensations.