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A member registered Apr 07, 2015 · View creator page →

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Heya, thank you for your comment! Yes they are all real places I have visited :)

The humour in this is fab, the battle music is a banger, what else is there to say??

Thank you! I totally meant to add sound but I got so tangled up in running the site that I ran out of time :(

I downloaded this game to give it a go but I get an error when trying to run the .exe! :( 

It was still great to see it in progress and in action!

Thanks Jupiter! Sorry you couldn't actually play it for real :)

This is amazing. And perfectly sums up so many experiences.



Thank you very much! :)

Thank you both!!

Thank you! ^_^

Thanks! :D Don't get eaten by anything...

So wise

So sooothing :D


I hadn't actually considered remaking this for the simple reason that I tend to make all my games in a short one or two sittings, so they are very much the product of a time/place/emotional state for me. I do think if I wanted to do something similar in the future I'd probably turn to Bitsy as my tool of choice, particularly as I have seen some bits about incorporating Tracery scripting inside Bitsy games that looks quite cool!

Thank you for the kind comments about my art, I appreciate it :)

Thank you! :)

This is very cute!

Thank you very much! :)

Cute story :)

I love this, and thanks for the devlog/tutorial, very helpful for the future :D

Nice game, I like how you used bitsy for navigating through the dialogue!  :)

Very nice for your first use of bitsy :D