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A member registered Jan 20, 2019

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(1 edit)

No not the Digipedia descriptions..Just as an update, I haven't noticed any mistakes since after the prologue. That AI lady had a few mistakes but I can't go back and give you examples without restarting the game..It's all really just water under the bridge because this game is super amazing! I wish official Digimon games were this good :3 

There are many mistakes in the dialogue that imply this was written by someone whose first language isn't English. But a very solid and well-made game ^-^

There's a portion of text that misgenders the Roadwarden rather than leaving their gender ambiguous -,-  It happens during the "convince the Creeks" scene in the middle of the funeral pyre

how customisable are the protagonists..? are they customisable only in the sense that u can choose theirgender? -,- 

i want to play a demo..

Another worthless jrpg with an uninteresting unnecessary male protagonist uwu trash