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Ben Adams

A member registered Oct 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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The art for this game looks awesome but unfortunately, only one person on my team was able to play the game as the rest of us do not own WinRAR maybe try using 7 zip next time (it's free and on apps anywhere), never the less here is what he had to say. 


  • Clear and cartoony, I wish there was some indication of hitting the other player.
  • Basic home screen but it works for what it is.


  • N/A
  • Wish there was music.


  • Can Imagine it's fun to play with a second player, Intense and high APM.
  • Wish it was a little bit more fast-paced but it works and is fun as is.

Concept art looks cool but it isn't playable 


  • very fun.
  • very easy to play.
  • beat em up style is portrayed well.
  • The art is nice, animations are smooth.
  •  I also liked the addition of the how-to-play button.
  • a warm atmosphere due to the autumn leaves.
  • very good concept to build on.


  •  The collisions don't feel too good so maybe rework the hitbox.
  • No visual effects to the hit animation 
  • When blocking, you become immortal 
  • you could add shading to the characters to add depth
  • Wish there was music

Main improvements

Adding more visual effects to the hit animation would make a lot of difference.

Make the Transform and action buttons in a better location. (E and Q would make sense?)

Re-work the collisions

Add music 

  • Pros :
  • easy to play once you understand
  •  the nice art style reminds me of the dojo club penguin game
  • smooth animations
  • I also like the customizable deck feature.


  • No tutorial so a little time to actually understand the game.
  • you could add more detail to your main fighting characters, especially with the hit animations make them bold 
  • Pretty good, although it does get quite repetitive after a while which is to be expected with one single track.
  • Balance Changes are needed

Main improvements 

  • A tutorial
  • Better attack animations with more visual effects 
  • another soundtrack