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A member registered Jun 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for giving our game a try, and thank you lots for your feedback! We're aware that there's little to no time to realize what the next sentence is, we thought to stop the hand in the air between sentences, so you can catch your breath and see where to place the keyboard next. This will be implemented in a post-jam build!

Thank you for your feedback! We were thinking on implementing a checkpoint system per words (and clear the previous mistakes), so whenever you lose you wouldn't have to restart the entire level from the beginning, making the act of losing less frustrating and punishing, but we couldn't implement it in the jam build in time, but it will be added in a future post-jam one alongside other needed updates. Im happy that despite that you were able to enjoy our game!

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Thank you for your comment, I'm really happy to see you enjoyed our game!

As for the WebGL builds working on mobile, it was more a happy accident more than anything, we were kind of shocked to see that it worked rather well on phones (I personally tried with my Android device and everything was working well enough, and iOS didn't seem to have working audio out of the box). We do use a custom-made template for our games, that isn't anything special actually, it just strips out some things off the default Unity WebGL template (funnily enough, I forgot to remove the check for phones that says they're not supported, despite the game still loading in the background). 

If you want to, give our WebGL template a chance, it is open source, you can get it here, and let me know if by any chance it helps. Other than this, we had a rather default WebGL build config, with the recommended compression method for the jam.

That's a fair point, we could have made the input box translucent for those cases. This is very valuable feedback, thank you so much for letting us know!

I'm also pretty happy to see someone coincide with our opinion regarding those flying things hahah

Thank you for your feedback, we're very happy to hear you like it! Different types of keyboards (shapes, layouts), distractions and whatnot were among our ideas when we started working on the game but were left out due to the time constraint, but we would love to give this idea another shot!

Thank you for your feedback, we will keep it in mind! I do agree that with some hand speeds, that the levels can go for way too long

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm happy to hear you had fun!!

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We're happy to hear you liked our game! Although, the game definitely has sound effects and original music, have you checked the game's settings? there should be some sound-related sliders there

Thank you for giving our game a chance, I'm very happy to hear you enjoyed it!

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We're happy to hear you enjoyed the game! Thanks for giving it a try!

I love the concept, it would've been awesome if I could seen a preview of the arc that the character was going to take after a dice roll and clicking to jump it would've done it for me as a barebones prototype. You really have something here with your core mechanic, really good job!!

Nice work, it is a very simple but cool way of interpreting the theme! Good job!

This is a very funny, little submission! Cute and simple, I love it! Great job!!

Thank you for playing our game! Your feedback is very important for us (and especially for me, since I was the one on the team who made the water level), and will be taken into account for future versions of the game! Unfortunately, we couldn't 100% tweak the physics of the rope for it to work the way we wanted (even swinging, although a bit less, but underwater), but as stated, is one of our top priorities to fix for a post-jam build.

Thanks for your feedback! Yeah unfortunately we couldn't quite tune up the physics to what we wanted, and will be addressed in future builds. That's Unity's built-in physics for you, I suppose. And yes, unfortunately we missed that spot on level one, will also be addressed in the future. Thank you for playing our game!

Thank you for your feedback! It is really appreciated. Yeah unfortunately we didn't have time to have the physics as refined as we wanted it to be, and we will be tweaking this aspect in future versions. That's Unity's built-in physics for you, sadly. Thank you for giving the game a go!

Thanks for your feedback! Yes, we have the tile issue  written down in our to-do list and will be addressed in a future build!

This is a super interesting concept!! It definetly has a lot of potential, but I found myself struggling a bit  to change to different properties on time, maybe that could be tweaked so multiple keys in the keyboard could modify the different sliders and what not. But aside from that, this is great stuff!!

Woah, that is a lot of feedback, thank you so much!!! We're really happy to see you really enjoyed our game and are thankful for your suggestions, we will definitely take it into account for an upcoming post-jam version. We aim to polish the game more in the following months and add more content that we would've loved to include in the jam build but due to obvious time constraints, we could not.

I reiterate, your feedback means a lot and we will take it into account. Thank you!

Yeah, it was a bit hard to tweak all the physics going on in our game, we will fix this in a future post-jam version.
And to answer your question regarding people underwater, they have gills.

Thanks for playing our game! 

Woah, this concept was sublime! Some glitches to iron out here and there but really cool stuff!! Great job!

Visually this looks and sounds great, gameplay loop is interesting, but the levels have a bit of a weird difficulty curve... tweaking the level design would probably improve this game quite a bit. But this is a really nice start!

Interesting concept! I unfortunately could not get past level 3 or 4 I don't recall properly but it is quite nice! Could've been good however to mention the controls of the game, I stayed a good chunk of time in the first level trying to figure out how to jump. Might be dumb, but I couldn't guess it after mashing my keyboard a bit. Still though, only a bit of polish would be required and this concept could become a nice game!

The mechanic is simple but good enough to entertain! The puzzles were simple, but what can you do with 48h to do everything right? I really liked the game but no music and sound effects is kind of odd. Still, great work!

That was a super interesting concept!! Nice job!

The core mechanic is really interesting! Unfortunately I ran sometimes into an issue where the enemies would get stuck in corners and would kinda softlock me but honestly its something understandable and quite minor for it to be a big deal. Great work!

Thank you for your nice comment!

We're definetly going to work into actually making this a fully playable game,  as polished and as fully working as it can be, so I definetly encourage you to have us in the back of your mind and be looking forward to a hotfix that addresses all the bugs.

But we're happy to hear that even with the bugs, that you liked it :)

Thank you so much for your feedback!

We will definetly be doing some more work on it and make a post-jam version where things are actually completely polished and where these awful bugs would be a thing of the past. 

And thank you for your kind words 🙂

What an interesting game concept! Although maybe you guys went a bit too far with the "out of control" part, because I got to a point where I got stuck with a bunch of rotating "slots" I will call them, probably due to them being completely random, and couldnt do anything but rotate in place. 

I also got a bit confused in the beginning when I first started, when I wasn't very sure what to do.

But overall, really cool! Great work 🙂

Thank you for your feedback!

After way too many git conflicts during development, we have tried our best to have something fully polished, but it wasn't very possible.

Regarding to the theme, our idea was mainly a tower-defense game, but unlike other games of the genre, this one doesn't have a pre-defined path to it, and originally planned on making the enemies spawn from anywhere. The enemies also do drop a pile of scrap when dying, becoming solid for the other enemies and the player, essentially creating impediments for the enemies and randomizing the play area a bit. We saw it as something that is definetly out of control.  But I guess it is a theme that can be interpreted in many ways.

Really cool little game! 

The only little thing I'd see to it is that the camera can be very confusing when changing direction, but otherwise it's really nice!

Thank you so much!

It would be really nice if you (or anyone!) could give our game a look.

Our game is a platformer where can only move and jump with a single key. It gets pretty hard to the end but it's pretty doable.
Hopefully it doesn't glitch out much it was our first game we could actually say we finished!
Check it out here: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463330