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low key sirius

A member registered Jul 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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Descend to the surface of Mars in this atmospheric game that can either be a relaxing descent through space or an exhilarating thrill ride into the atmosphere of the Red Planet. 


I hope you enjoy it!

lol thanks! I appreciate that. 

Thank you!

Thank you!

If I had to state that in the description, it wouldn't be a puzzle! Thanks for playing. :) 

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the recommendations! Already working on them. :) 

Thanks for playing! Glad you recognized the limitations of the jam, and thanks for the suggestions! 

thanks for playing!

Thanks! Very glad to see that you recognize that :) 

Great work! Keep it up. 

nice work!

Mine uses PPE as well (just a bit though)--it's still pixel art even if it glows! 


I couldn't seem to get very far into the game, the chat box wouldn't submit my chats :( But I liked the sounds and it's a fun concept! 

Just played!

Took a minute to learn the controls, and I died a few times. I kept getting stuck not being able to jump off the eyeballs. And I noticed there was a lot of repetition in the level design as I descended. But overall great work!

Thanks for playing! I ran out of time, so only the first level is really polished. I've improved it since the submission period ended, though, and there are more fun puzzles now. But I can't share until after the rating period is over. :) 

Thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing. 


This was really fun! The graphics and animations were great, and the metroid-inspired undertones worked really well. 

I played this yesterday! Thanks for sharing. :) 

Just played. Thanks for posting! 

Going into it knowing the controls would be difficult to learn actually made it easier to understand them. Nice work!

(1 edit)

Post your pixel art games here and I'll play, rate, and leave a comment on them. 

If you'd like to give my dungeon diver / puzzle solver a try, you can find it here: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236968. Ratings and reviews are appreciated!

Great work to everyone for completing the jam. You all deserve recognition for the hard work you put in. Now we're playing with pixel power! 



Wow that's a lot of ratings to give out! Thanks for playing everyone's games! https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236968


Thanks! There was an issue with my movement code that I've since fixed, but some PCs have very slow movement while others experience normal movement. 


Thanks for the comment! Yes, I should make that more clear in the description that this is still a work in progress and what's available was what I made for the game jam. I'm still developing it and will have a much more developed game that fits the description in the near future. 

I wanted to implement that but ran out of time! Thanks for playing, I appreciate it. 

I died so many times learning the controls but once I did it was pretty simple to descend. I love grappling hook games, and this was fun to play! I liked the little news clipping pop up whenever I died, that was a nice touch and quite funny. 

We only had a week to build these games so none of them are perfect, but I'd have loved more audio with the game., it would have helped build the atmosphere a bit more. 

Here's mine! Thanks for making this post. Taking a look at your game now, and looking forward to any feedback for mine. https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2236968?after=20#post-8505569

Thanks for playing and glad you loved it! 

Thanks! I'm excited to keep developing it. 

Thank you! Others have mentioned the slow movement, and I found the issue that's causing it in some devices, so it's fixed now. 

Thanks for playing! I made everything from scratch so I appreciate the note about the music. The first puzzle is definitely not going to be the first puzzle in the final game, but it's what I made for the jam. There are a few hints baked into the level if you look deep enough though! 

Thanks very much!

Glad you liked it! Thanks for playing. :)