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A member registered Feb 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Dude...this looks like it could be released on steam as-is. Unbelievable that this (and a video?!) was created in 200 hours. Whatever you guys did, you did right. Get some rest!

omg tell me about it... I always severely underestmate how much art games need and kinda feel bad when I keep needing to ask our artist for more sprites lol

That's super admirable. To go in with 0 experience and not being an artist, and then ending up creating a full game, full of art. Sounds like this was a massive learning experience for you!

Holy crap, that's a hell of an end product for 73 hours! I really like the idea, and the art+music really comes together very well too. I didn't understand at first what I was supposed to do, so I made a huge snake infestation that spiraled out of control lol, but then I realized that the point of the game is to optimize the number of animals you send out each round, which is quite clever!

Yeah, I think we were in a similar position in terms of getting stuck on functionality. Some things that felt like they were necessary for the MVP took way longer than expected, unfortunately pushing things bcak and causing a pretty hectic work schedule for the past few days. We also hoped to get a lot more out for this jam, and we also hope to make some post-jam changes/additions. Looking forward to seeing what you guys add!

Thank you for the answer! That's awesome, sounds like you learned a ton and maybe you'll be back for another jam? :)

i like it! as a music/sound guy myself, i find it really cool how the C D E F G F E D C pattern played when you hit the keys is always in tune with the rest of the backing track. it makes it feel like as you're playing, you're adding on to the music!

woah you really put on so many hats for this project, that's so impressive

Woo! Congrats on your first game! Full steam ahead!

Can I just say how much I'm captivated by the use of puppets here? Even though it's a simple game (which isn't a bad thing at all!), the puppets really bring it to life and make the whole experience 10x more enjoyable. And they just add so much soul and character to the game. I'd say those 4 puppet days were very, very well spent!

:O would be interested in seeing this timelapse!

Sometimes life gets in the way, and that's ok! Hopefully next time you'll come back way stronger and be able to make 4/3 of your original idea :D

It's a charming game with a pretty nice and coherent artistic vision imo! I think managing scope well is such a huge flex, especially if you're only able to work on the game on evenings and weekends. Too many times our team ran into overscoping issues... but I think we're getting better at it. Would appreciate any tips you might have for scope control!

If you've made stuff in 2D before as well, how much more work would you say it is to work with 3D assets in a 3D environment vs. 2D? I'm curious since I've never ventured into making 3D games before.

That's awesome! Going from zero experience to a complete game as a solo dev in 2 weeks is no easy feat.  Your motivation is inspiring :D

I've never even thought about combining 2D and 3D elements into a single view in this way! Such an inspiring artistic vision.

You We all tried so many times and none of us could LOL

Thanks for letting us know it's winnable!! Also, yeah, UI definitely needs a ton of work but we unfortunately ran out of time :(

Thanks for leaving a comment!

Love the music and art direction. Definitely see the papers, please inspiration, but also really dig the twist you guys included with the infection spreading. 

I'm not sure but I think I'm running into a couple bugs, like not being able to click on the person after a couple turns, which makes it really hard to tell if they're a zombie. Also the cop button didn't work for me even though I had some money, but maybe I didn't have enough?

Making a game alongside a full time job is pretty darn hard.

That being said, the fact that it's possible is impressive to me. Just by spending an hour less on Instagram Reels or scrolling through Thor's million YouTube shorts can really free up so much time over the course of a week to make something cool!

Hey, thanks for checking out our game! Yeah, your feedback is really well received. We talked about the necessity of a tutorial screen, but it slipped through the cracks as we were trying to bang out features and bugs.... If we had more time that's definitely something that we would have done. We did try to explain things in the description of the page as a workaround though! But probably still not enough haha

(1 edit)

I'm curious how much time y'all have actually spent during this game jam. Our team thought 2 weeks would be p l e n t y of time, but man did it fly by...

Our team was a group of 4 (2 programmers, 1 audio, 1 art), and we think we spent around:

  • Programmers: ~4 hours/day, for most days
  • Art: ~2-4 hours/day, for most days
  • Audio: ~5 hours/day, for the last 3-4 days (this is me, really rushed this out lol)

This jam really helped us set some reasonable expectations for relatively larger scoped games, as we really only have experiences doing super small games in super small timelines. 

Anyways, super curious to hear how others have may have burned the midnight oil...

(Also check out our game! We didn't manage to hammer out all the bugs in time, and we didn't have time to make a much-needed tutorial, but I think we made a valiant effort overall! I'll be sure to check yours out too if you post a link)