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A member registered Apr 27, 2019

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Proxie is correct: the exact steps depends on the distribution and probably desktop environment that you are running.  When you ask for such help you should provide the information on which of these you are using.  There is also generally more than one way to do anything on a Linux desktop or laptop.  The following should work on most Ubuntu distributions and possibly others.

The first thing is to download the game (Linux version of course) and extract the files.  How to do this depends on the browser and desktop environment that you are running.  Open the folder in a terminal (or navigate to it).  Type the command "chmod +x ./Game" .  This registers the binary file as an executable.  Now to run the game, open the folder in a terminal and type "./Game"  These commands are case sensitive.

If you are having difficulty then, please, ask about it.  When you do try to include information about your distro (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.), your desktop environment (Gnome, KDE, etx.), and your browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) if appropriate.  Also, if you could specifically include what step you are having an issue with, what you have tired, and what any error messages say.

If you are not familiar with how to use the terminal in Linux, it is essential that you learn some basic tasks with it even in the most user friendly set ups.  There are numerous tutorials and guides for beginners to introduce this.  You can use Goggle to find one that works for you.

I love the game but there is an apparent bug in the Linux version.  The game looks for a file "./img/faces/g_Bunnies_Jovi_Portrait1.png".  There is a file of the same name at that location but with a capital "G"  Copping the files and renaming them with the lowercase "g" works.  I'm sorry if you are already aware of this but I though I would inform you just in case you're not.

I thank you for the preview of Trina.  I love your artwork.  She certainly seams exciting.  I'm happy that I was able to provide some help.

General Impressions:

A1)    I love the game so far.  Many eroge that involve the feminization of a (former) man beat the player over the head with humiliation, the player character being dominated, and the shamefulness of having a penis.  It is nice to have a game where the player can be proud of who she is, accept all of her body parts, and generally be welcomed by her community.

A2)    I am a big fan of world building, and I have to say, the world you have created definitely gets my attention.  One of my fantasies is about a world inhabited solely by futanari.  The world in Hard Love comes pretty close to this.  The way the three genders appear to be structured is quite compelling.  I would be curious to know about the ratios in the society at large are (I am willing to accept those that Nova interacts with might not be a random sample).

    I love how everybody’s tits, cocks, pussies, and asses, are on display all the time while still allowing for fashion.  Each portrait of a human so far shows a variety of clothing made for conflicting purposes of style, functionality, and status.  The personalities of the characters matches the clothing they chose to wear.

    I love how casual sex is in the world of Hard Love without taking the issue lightly.  People can show off their bodies, solicit others casually, show their excitement, have sex in public, and can be honest with each other while still having sex and sexual relationships be meaningful.  So far the game clearly makes a point of having sex and sexual relationships be very important, with a wide variety of attitudes towards these things, with openness about these topics, with rivalries, and opportunities.

    The game creates a society with a wonderfully erotic atmosphere and one that I happen to find quite stimulating.  I have fantasized about such places and even written some descriptions of worlds with this dynamic.  The execution so far in Hard Love is more appealing to me then any of the worlds have I written down.  Just having an opportunity to explore this world is enough to engage me in the game.

A3)    On top of that the dialogue is great.  It is wonderfully lewd and sex positive.  The same drama exists in such an erotic setting as exists in this world: people finding their place in the world, rivalries between people over stupid (or not so stupid) stuff, people struggling with morality, people needing to balance their short term and long term desires, people needing to make tough decisions about how best to support those that they care about.

    These intrapersonal, and interpersonal issues don’t seam to be made harder or easier, better or worse, by the innate eroticism of the setting.  Exploring them in such an erotic setting is very stimulating.  The dialog accentuates this dynamic really well and in a really stimulating way.  I don’t think there is enough game yet to form an opinion on the large scale writing for the game but the small scale writing is excellent.

A4)    The artwork is amazing.  I love how varied the characters are and how well drawn each of them are.  It’s hard for me to chose favorites but there are some I like more then others.  This is, I’m sure, mostly a mater of personal taste, but I quite enjoy the variety of parts that need to be covered on Terran societies.  You mentioned how long it takes you to draw and I can definitely believe that.  It looks like a lot of work goes into the artwork and that you have been practicing for quite a while.

A5)    The voice acting is good.  The lines that are voiced really bring the dialog alive and they’re fitting for the characters and the mood.  It’s also wonderfully stimulating to hear all of this lewd dialogue read in… such a compelling voice.

A6)    There is a lot going for this game that I enjoy.  It is difficult to be patient while waiting for more.  There are many questions I have about the world of the game.  I can’t help but to speculate about what the answers might be.       I’m also eager to see where the game is going next, to know what new lewd things the characters are going to say or do, to hear this dialogue spoken with such a sexy voice.

Possible bugs:

B1)    The English translation does not appear to be complete.  There are two options “Always Run,” and “Remember Commands,” in the options that aren’t translated to English.  (Also “Font” is misspelled as “Fount”).  The remember commands function does not seam to be working by the way but that doesn’t bug me much.

    There are two non-essential lines of dialogue that aren’t translated.  One is from Priestess Basth during the wisdom nectar ceremony.  The other is when Nova tries to enter the cave at night.

    There are various elements of the interface that remain untranslated.  The battle feedback most prominently but it’s not hard to figure out what is going on.  “Essence” isn’t translated from the in game menu.  Nova’s heal spell isn’t translated under skills.  I’ve also noticed that the location for the wet house is untranslated while I’m there.  That’s all I can remember at the moment.

B2)    If I purchase Nova’s outfit piecemeal from Trina (Nova’s Corsets, Small Heals, and Diadem), I can’t change into these clothes from Amber’s bedroom (I can still equip them and get the battle benefits but this doesn’t change Nova’s appearance).  Also when I look at the option to purchase the new outfit from Susana, the stats don’t appear so in my first playthrough I thought they were really two different options.

    Perhaps these options could be removed from Trina or Nova could mention in her mind before talking to Trina (when reading the shop sign of first talking with her) that she can get the same things cheaper from Susana.  It was also not clear that I have to select the outfit and hairstyle options from my purse before I can change my look in Amber’s bedroom but this wasn't hard for me to stumble upon.

    This seams like a big deal for me as in my first playthrough I bought everything from Trina.  This made training against the Mowos frustrating and more difficult then I believe is intended.  Being able to get equipment earlier in the game (getting the outfit all at once from Susana makes these items cost about a third as much as getting them from Trina really allowing me to get more equipment faster) made this part of the game feel much more balanced.

B3)    The options of upgrading equipment with Pytras isn’t clear.  I think I have some things figured out but not completely.

B4)    It is possible for Nova to walk on the lava and quickly die on the lower floor of the cave.  Given the chosen save system this was… quite frustrating to have figured out.

B5)    When replaying “Another Wonderful Day,” for Nova in the Wet House, the same line of dialogue is spoken over and over (the written text appears to be accurate to the earlier game).

B6)    The sign at the start of the Wooded Path suggests being level 6 before proceeding.  I can handle Nova just fine with being at level 4 with a full set of equipment that has quite a few upgrades.

B6)    That’s all I can remember at the moment.  When I replay through the game I could catch more.

Room for Improvement and frustrations:

C1)    I don’t trust myself to ration my budget well on Patreon so I don’t have one.  I would like to support the game financially however with a one time payment.  Being able to purchase the game on would work from my perspective.  I don’t know what that would entail for you.  Having another way to make this payment could also work.

C2)    I am not a fan of having limited saves.  This might make sense in trying to make the game more difficult and requiring the player to make more strategic choices.  If this is the choice you want to make then I respect that.  The game would still be worth it for me to play and pay for.  I suspect that most of your audience would be more interested in the erotic aspects of the game rather then the strategic (though I do appreciate a game that can pull both off well).  Some players might be too frustrated by the save mechanics to give the game a good chance.

    There are other suggestions in this thread about ways to change this like having Amulets available for purchase or having the statues be repeatable save locations while the Amulets would allow for saving away from the town (perhaps both).  Having a single releasable Amulet (that all the island residents have to feel the love of the goddess no matter where they are) would also work.

    Having any easy infinite save option would require a repurposing of the statues.  I initially was thinking about having them provide a healing function but I think you have better plans for that.  Perhaps Nova could jerk off into the donation plate for a small amount of experience.  This could be limited to once a day to prevent experience spamming.

    If I could change any one thing about the game this would be it.  I really don’t enjoy having to ration my saves.  I think it could make sense in some games but I don’t think it fits in well with this one.  I respect your choice but this is how I feel about it.

C3)    Having a healing option.  At one point I was thinking about having a healing option of having Amber being able to heal Nova (any point after having Nova return form the shining tree of course).  Nova could get her hitpoints replenished by taking it up the ass from Amber and replenish her mana by getting it down her throat.  If Amber and Nova will adventure together then this wouldn’t make as much sense.

    Being able to have party members healed by visiting Priestess Basth and/or Doctor Nora would make more sense.  Perhaps Dr. Nora being able to top off hitpoints while Priestess Basth could refill mana reserves could make sense while forcing allowing for the player to visit both to get back up to 100%.

C4)    A quest log would be helpful.  It would help keep track of what’s on Nova’s mind (especially if I need to take a break from the game to recharge and come back to the middle of something) and could be a useful place to give the player hints on how to proceed or tips on the game.

C5)    A way for Nova to gain Essence and experience would be nice.  It seams to me like these are features planned for future releases and I apologize if I’m stepping on your toes.  There are two training grounds that Nova cannot yet use and these would be good places for her to train once the town trusts her abilities more.

    If this moves into a more open RPG type of game rather then a guided path then there are lots of jobs that Nova could do to make more money.  The most obvious choice in a game like this is prostitution but I don’t think this would fit in with the game’s social structure.  If time of day becomes a thing in the game (and it looks like the framework is there) then Nova could spend one or more time frames working to earn money.

    The hospital could use a dedicated receptionist to allow for Luna to focus on her nursing duties.  Trina could use an assistant.  Nova could work to clean up various shops or civic locations.  Nova could have a garden outside of town on the north of the island close to where we first meet her that she could grow produce to sell in town.  She could remark on the irony that she can’t eat any of it (it’s only the fruit of the shinning tree or cum for her).  A bonus could be exploring to exotic fruits and vegetables that people eat in this world like milkpods, and phallusroot.

    If nothing else there could be a place that Nova could go to to level grind to get experience and money.  Perhaps level appropriate Mowos span in the cave everytime Nova enters?  I would prefer the more RPG methods mentioned above if they fit into what the game is going to become once the player is out of the introductory phase.

C6)    The hunt and seek for hidden chests is not that entertaining for me.  It is a little bit but I would prefer to focus on other parts of the game.  Having chests scattered around in plain sight would be nice.  This isn’t a big deal for me just something I thought I would mention.

C7)    In the same spirit of the hidden chests, I don’t have strong feeling one way or the other for the Dream Drops.  It’s something I could do without but nothing that breaks my experience.  I can find or purchase all of the memories easily enough so far.  Perhaps once the main game is done these can be repurposed to show memories from Nova’s past or future.

    Some such memories I might like to see: Nova still on Terran confiding her true identity in school to some of her friends and being awkwardly supported.  One of Nova’s webcam sessions.  Nova being tended to her first month on the island when she was feverish and drifting in and out of consciousness.  She still had to be fed right?  This could be the origin of Amber and Maya’s rivalry over Nova.

    The Lover’s duel between Amber and Maya.  Nova meeting priestess Basth for the first time.  Nova’s first tribute to the Queen.  Amber and Nova’s wedding.  Nova meeting Melinda.  Nova being pregnant and loved by Amber (both non-erotic love and erotic love).  Nova taking care of her children.  Nova teaching her children in the ways of the island once they get older.  Nova’s children’s weddings.  Amber and Nova spending quality time during their twilight years.  A somber but loving ceremony after Nova past away after a good long life only to wake up from a dream back when we first saw her on Earth with, inexplicably, an artifact (like a Goddess Amulet) form this new world proving it wasn’t just a dream.  A happily married Nova on Terran showing this Amulet and telling the story to her adopted children (finally telling the full story to her adult children or having the story appropriately censored).

C8)    I would like an option on the tittle screen menu to view the credits for the game.  I found some credits once but I can’t remember where and haven’t been able to find it quickly.

Hopes for the future:

D1)    Honesty, you have brought some of my favourite fantasies to life in a better way then my own imagination could have done.  You could ignore everything I say and I’m positive that I would still love the game.  You have asked what players are interested in and I trust you would want such feedback.  I am have no expectations that you will fulfill my personal desires for this game.  The thing I want the most is for you’all to continue working on it and to bring your’alls vision to fruition.

D2)    You have mentioned a karma system.  I think a system for Nova that goes from Loyal to Slut with subtle and/or not so subtle effects could be intriguing.  I would like Amber and Nova to stay married even on the Slut path but possibly with Amber treating Nova differently as she goes more in one way or the other.

    If on the loyal path, the two could become even more committed to each other and have a wholesome (for this world) family life.  If on the slut path then Amber could encourage and push Nova into being a slut and doing slutty things while still taking full advantage of her and other betas and women.

    Regardless of how it’s implemented, a loyal and slut karma system appeals to me more in this game than a more traditional good and evil karma system.  I also would rather see the main content of the game worked on and than the implementation of a karma system as opposed to the other way around.  I’m sure I would love the updates in either case and could see how implementing the karma system after the main content might be more difficult than vice versa but that’s what I am most eager to see.

D3)    Everything that explores the world that Nova inhabits would be things I would appreciate. I want more to fill out Nova’s library and I would especially appreciate dialogue and action of the game that explores these things.  I am also particularly eyeing the “Found Diaries,” portion of Nova’s library.  I am eagerly anticipating what’s going to be there.

D4)    None of the characters (other then Nova) seam particularly shy to me at this point.  A character whose shyness equals Nova’s and who Nova is friends with could be enjoyable.  Perhaps her sister in law?

D5)    Seeing Nova develop over time would be really interesting.  How big will her ass finally get?  Will she develop a respectable chest?  I know the game mentioned her cock and balls getting bigger but I honestly love how they’re currently proportioned and like how cute her comparatively small size makes her.

D6)    For some reason, I especially want to see what Trina looks like.  I think that it might be that she has some lines voiced but doesn’t have an image.  It might also be that I want to see what gear she does her metal work in given her world’s fashion sense.  Would she have a transparent apron, or a protective cocksleave (or cover for her pussy if she’s a women), or does she just let it all hang out and have to be careful?  Does she protect her nipples with pasties while having the rest of her tits exposed or is she confident enough to show them off?  Does she have to wear full body protective equipment?  Inquiring minds want to know.

D7)    Maybe Nova could adopt a Mowo as a pet at some point and have a Mowo wondering around Amber’s home to receive pets and to be all cute.  Maybe help Nova get through times when Amber isn’t there…  Amber of course would want to kill it when she first finds it and Nova would have to try and convince her to accept the creature.  The domestic conflict and resolution could be interesting.  This could also be a small daily source of money as the Mowo could leave Essence fragments in its litterbox.

D8)    I wouldn’t mind some (potentially optional) watersports scenes.


E1)    That’s all I have more now.  I absolutely love the game.  There’s not much of it right now but it has amazing potential and I have enjoyed what is there quire a bit.  It has already surpassed the expectations I have for such a game given how the memes for these specific fetishes play out.  I will do my best to be patient.

The .exe for my game also states it is from 2015 though I've downloaded a newer game.  It is likely that 2015 was the first time Runey created a file named Harem_Hotel.exe and changes to the file have not updated the create date.

The default folder name for Harem Hotel should have it's version number in it and the version number is also available under the info selection of the options screen in game.  Check you version number and if it's less then 0.8 you can download 0.8 here on itch.

I don't know if there is an update utility but your saved games from previous versions should still be available even when downloading the entire thing over again (granted that the newer version doesn't break older files which I have not yet encountered with this game).

First you need to have goddess slice so you need to have at-least 1 point in passion.  You need either Mary's or Evelynn's stories completed (completing Haru's story requires goddess slice).  After you have goddess slice you need to explore the Valencia forest with Mary (so you have to progress far enough that she agrees to go exploring with you).  After entering the forest you go south through some vines to a portal that only opens with Mary present.  You go through this portal you arrive at the north pole (!?) outside of Santa's workshop.  Look around and you'll find the charm that allows you to create the Christmas outfit for Mary.  You can also examine one of the light poles to get a kissing scene with Mary.

Mary and Rose talking with Raylene while the main character performes his special job is also something that fires at random and won't happen every time.  I don't know the frequency but it's less then half the time.  You can check to see if the scenes are unlocked by seeing if they're available in the theater in the bunny mansion (you will have to pay to open up the theater).  Unfortunately, the theater does not have dialog so you have to see the actual scene for the full experience.

I also think that who shows up is time dependent but I'm not sure.  If you perform a special job in the afternoon then Mary might show up but if you perform the special job in the evening then Rose might show up.  At-least that's what I think.  I haven't bothered to figure out what the chances one of them show up is but I would say that it is less then half so if you perform the special job a few times then one of them will eventually show up.  If someone knows the actual chance they show up then that would be great.

I have found two places to obtain a Sakura flower, both are behind the green barrier in Valencia's forest.  There is one south of the starting point near the portal to the north pole and the other in in Tana's camp east of the starting point.  Both require Goddess slash to access so you have to finish either Mary's or Evelynn's story first and talk with Minerva before being able to finish Haru's story.  The flowers are sparkling as long as you need to grab one for Haru.

Mary's storyline starts by walking in on her before taking a bath three times.  Mary takes a bath in the evening in your bedroom.  Walking down into your bedroom in the evening is sufficient to count as walking in on her for these three times.  I recommend having at-least 3 charm (I don't know exactly how much you need for these but you'll need 3 charm eventually) before walking in on Mary the third time.

Mary gives you the task to find chickens again (this time in the center of town) later on in the storyline.  After walking in on Mary enough and talking with her a few times you eventually gain the ability to help her with the chickens during mid-day so check in with her during these times.  You might need some agility for this to trigger (I always get all my stats up to 3 before starting the NPC's storylines so I'm not sure).  The first time you help her out here you do a chicken chase but after that it's automatic and it trains agility.  You need to help her out at-least once more to advance the storyline.

So there are three apparent issues here.  I have 1.3.5 for windows and they are all present.  Without knowing specifically what is going on in your playthroughs, I cannot know where the discrepancy would be but I can verify these scenes are present.

1)  The sprite scenes with Raylene and Rose are present late at night but don't matter in terms of progressing the story.  You probably need to explore the basement for the special drink as part of Raylene's story (or at-least pick up the lantern) but I'm not sure.  That's when you get access to the bar's basement anyways.  It doesn't always fire (some nights they apparently aren't seeing each other, at-least not there) so you might have to make a few trips for the scenes to fire.

2)  Mary gets her adventuring costume from Rose during her story arc.  She needs it to explore the Valencia Forest.  Once you have access to her wardrobe and once you've explored the forest once the outfit should be available.  It changes he schedule so she tends the chickens in the morning and in the afternoon she's hanging out by the town fountain.

3)  You should be able to work with Raylene at both midday and at night from the beginning of the game (you need to talk to her about working for her).  Once you've progressed far enough in Raylene's story you should be able perform a "special job (???)" for her when choosing to work as opposed to lifting barrels or serving drinks.  If you don't see it yet, continue Raylene's story until it shows up.  If you're stuck at a particular point, check your journal and see what tasks you have to do.  You can always ask if you have trouble with a particular quest.

I'm sorry if this isn't much help.  Without knowing details I cannot say why the scene's aren't working for you.  If you let us know what quests you have to do, I or someone else might be able to provide more specific help.  If you're sure you're doing everything right you might want to try a re-install while getting rid of all of your saves but I think you should be able to progress without taking such a drastic step.  Let us know if you want more specific help.

Finishing the character arcs for each of Mary, Evelynn, and Haru each gets you one level of passion.  Which arc are you having trouble finishing?  You can click go to the menu, then to status, and then to relationships to see your progress with 6 of the characters including these three.

You need to throw the coin into Minerva's fountain.  You get back there by "falling" down the hole you made in Rose's yard during the tutorial.  Walking up to the hole and pressing enter should let you go to Minerva's fountain.  Go straight up and it should let you throw your coin in.  I don't think the time of day matters.

You get the first gauntlet by taking the aptitude test with Akane.  You need three strength after finishing training strength with her (she offers you to take the aptitude test if you level up to 3 after training with her, otherwise you'll have to train strength with her after you're at level 3 or higher.  I think, I haven't tested the second part).  After she offers you the aptitude test, visit the dojo at night and you'll be able to take the test.  Pass the test and you get the first set of gantlets.

To get the second set you need to toss the gantlets and 5 goddess coins into the upgrade pool that is hidden in a cave to the right of the library.  You need to first set of gantlets to punch a hole in the cave wall there.  You can similarly upgrade the shovel but nothing else (at-least yet).

At night enter the haunted forest (through the purple boundary).  Head up going through the dangerous area with all the monster girls.  After you exit you'll find some cliffs with an entrance further north.  Navigate through the obstacles and you'll come upon an abandoned town to the north.  Talk to the orc there, she eventually lets you go.

(1 edit)

First trick is with the first three stones (on the bottom row).  you have to push the outside ones up one then the middle one to the side.

Now you are looking at 4 on the top row 3 on the second, 4 on the third, and 1 on the bottom.  Push the middle stone on the second row up and the other two on the second row to the side.

Now you should have 5 stones on the top row, 2 on the second, 4 on the third and 1 on the bottom.  Push the 2nd and 4th stones on the top row up then push the middle one to the side.  Now you should be able to get through.

Step by step after steeping on the reset space: LUUU-ULLU-URRU-UULR-LURR-UUL

I'm not the developer but I might be able to help you out.

1)  The player character is always essentially the same person and is male.  The PC being male is required by the story.  Not only that the dialog, artwork, and story progression, are tied to a specific character and not modular (like other games where there is either a choice of starting characters which chance the story or the starting character can be modified at the start with those choices having effects on story or gameplay).  Each choice has strengths but this is the choice that Siren seams to have made and it really works out well for this game.

2)  There isn't combat in the traditional sense.  The most violence the PC does (so far) is shooting a sling shot at NPCs to stun them so they won't chase/stop chasing the character.  There are several more situations where the PC will need to use stealth to avoid being caught sneaking around.  Most of the difficulty in the game is in puzzle solving (both in terms of obvious puzzles such as how to push rocks around but also the more subtle puzzles of how to progress the story and unlock extras).

3)  It's not obvious at the start of the game but there is something weird going on in the town.  The game isn't finished but I find myself trying to figure out the mystery of what exactly happened/is happening.  Hopefully as the game is worked on, the ending will answer these questions but right now that is a mystery I enjoy pondering.  There are things to discover in the exploration of the setting, backstory, personal histories of the other characters, the town, and the like but there aren't any "who done it" type mysteries that I recall.

The game is quite erotic with a compelling setting and well written story.  Many NPCs have internal conflicts the PC helps "guide" them through which adds depth to all the characters.  The game has parallel paths but each path is pretty much set by Siren and the game (so far) ends up at the same place every time.  It is largely non-violent and the puzzles add a challenge to the game but I believe they aren't designed to be a real hindrance to playing out the story.  If you get stuck somewhere you can ask in the hint thread here and people tend to quickly offer help.

I hope I answered your questions and gave you a better idea if this game is right for you.  Is there anything else about the game you would like to know?

I’ve recently played through Town of Passion 1.1.2 and loved the game.  It kept me glued to my computer until I’ve completed most of the game as is currently developed.  I would recommend the purchase of this game but desire to give more detailed feedback:


This post is not for purposes of a review but rather to give Siren feedback that I hope is helpful.  I apologize if I’m arrogant in giving feedback.  I know that that is a problem I often have.  I did enjoy the game and am looking forward to future additions.

What I liked:

1)  The interesting setting: I am eager to see how the main storyline finishes.  When the gods fight it is humans who are harmed the most.  I am a sucker for stories set on a grand stage and there are signs that the mythology is well thought out (it hasn’t all been revealed yet).  I don’t know how much detail the game will get into but I am intrigued to figure out more of how this world works.

2)  The pervasive blasé attitude regarding sex:  If the player character (PC) is the only male for some time it makes sense that he would be popular with the women.  Given the setting it shouldn’t be surprising that it’s not that hard to get them to have sex with the PC.  It is a nice touch that the unrealistic sexual dynamics can be explained by the game’s background.

I also appreciate games (and other media) that are either clearly about presenting sex or have a realistic depiction of sex.  I tend not to like games (and other media) that are a vehicle for presenting sex but try to be convincing that they’re not.  I like pornography that also has a story attached to it (and the more story the better) and I like the honesty that media such as this game has about its purpose.

3)  The characterization:  I like how the characters are set up.  Each of the characters interacted with have a relationship to the PC that is relevant to the interaction.  Even from the start most offer hints of being sexually interested (after all the PC is the only male that has existed for a century; I have thought of a way this makes sense to my satisfaction but I don’t know how close my head cannon is to being correct) but have other reasons for interacting with the PC.  Both motivations drive the stories forward.

I like how each of the relevant NPCs are eager for sex, open on a conscious or unconscious level for sharing the PC, have tendencies to be jealous of others and/or possessive of the PC that they struggle with, and struggle with their own conflicts regarding fulfilling the sexual needs with other responsibilities that they have reason to value.

4)  The dialog:  The lines are well written.  The plot elements fit in together and are part of a comprehensive and compelling story.  Each person has been effected by the curse and the closure of Valencia in their own way and each have been waiting for the prophesied savior to arrive.  Some of the dialogue can sometimes seam sparse to me but (as I’m sure you can tell) I tend to be verbose and I like reading more than most people.  I acknowledge that I may not be not a typical target audience member.

The dialog are the best part of the sex scenes.  The eroticism that they bring to the encounters should not be discounted.

5)  Outfit design:  Well-designed clothing can be much more erotic then nudity.  Some of the default outfits fit this description (or come close) already.  The additional costumes also add to this.  If the women of Valencia wore clothing such as this, I would want to live there even if I wasn’t the only male around.  The design really adds to the game.

6)  The sprite artwork:  I honestly don’t have a lot of experience with RPG maker games but they’re growing on me (both erotic and not erotic).  This is the best spritework that I’ve seen thus far.  The sprites themselves are attractive no matter what they’re wearing (although the PC always looks like he’s exhausted and ready to pass out but that might just be a natural result of how I play him)  and when they’re undertaking an action (other than standing around, walking, etc.), it is clear what they are doing and it’s compelling.  I also like how few people are just standing around motionless for no reason.

7)  The artwork:  The still visuals and animations are really compelling.  I’m not a great art critic so I can’t explain what I like about it but I do really like it.  If this was instead in, say, a comic form, it would be one of the best drawn comics that I read on a regular basis.
Things I think could use some improvement:

1)  The isolation of the characters:  There are times when the characters interact with one another but each person’s story is its own story.  I focused on completing one or two character’s story at a time and probably didn’t play through the story in cannon order (I understand that such flexibility is a positive).  It would be harder to write a game where nobodies story can be completed in isolation and that there are advantages to having mostly isolated stories, but I did get a large feeling of playing lots of separate standalone games that have been put into one game.  Some individual stories are worked in well into the main story (and in general, the story somewhat organically requires the PC to complete the individual stories).

There is some of this in the book pages (there is conflict and love between Mary and Rose in the Sakura Forest Storyline for example) but there is none in the main game.  I’m not saying that Mary and Rose need to be actively fighting each other but it makes sense that each would keep track of what the other is doing.  Some of the dialogue when clicking on the “Talk” button could reference attitudes the characters have on the PCs relationships and activities with the other characters (the game keeping track of who the PC had sex with in the past, say, three days could help drive this).  An NPC could be actively jealous, supportive, teasing, drop hints of hidden possessiveness, etc.

2)  The consistency of the dialogue:  The “Talk” button always reveals the same statement every time at the same point in a character’s story.  There’s little talk of the weather, or the progression of the main story, or the town, or the curse, or the NPC’s life outside of their story, or the PC’s recent actions/progress.  Perhaps there could be a “Talk” button, a “Small Talk” button, and a “Gossip” button available.  Not all need to be active all the time for every character and clearly the responses would get respective but it would add good atmosphere to the game if the NPC’s resting dialog had more variety.

3)  The mini-games:  I understand that they add to the story.  I like that they don’t revolve around martial prowess for the most part.  That shows real creativity and is refreshing.  I think they could be improved.  Getting through some of them can be frustrating.  There are times where it seems I need perfect button pushing and finding all of the chickens was annoying.  More than once I’ve been frustrated by being slightly slow in moving from one arrow to another arrow.  The timing can also be frustrating.  The spotting mechanics for enemies that react on sight is also inconstant.

One thing that I would like is, that once I learn shadow walking from Akane, the ability to use it elsewhere.  It might be too difficult to program in as far as I know and I guess I could understand not having the technique available when I am in someone’s mind, but it would make sense story wise to have the ability when, say, trying to avoid Goo Girls.  It would make it easier and a player who wants a challenge could refrain from using it but I would like the game better if I didn’t spend so much time on the mini-games.

I understand the mini-games add to the story and I want to see them kept.  I don’t know if I’m a fan on using the same stealth games to resolve an internal conflict as I am for navigating the forest but some mini-game makes sense.  The pursuit games makes more sense to me for an internal conflict.  I don’t want to be mean but I do hope my honest feedback is helpful but in general, the mini-games are not a selling point for me.

4)  The lack of tension:  From my understanding of the story, the cursed town of Valencia is anxious for the prophesized “boy” to free the town from the curse.  I can understand if at the start of the game everybody is up-beat and positive and nothing but supportive when talking with the PC but as the game progresses there is ample reason for impatience and tension to subtlety show themselves.

As the PC develops and goes on adventures some people could want to push him to go even faster in solving the town’s problems.  Some people might also get possessive.  This is both in terms of their problems being put on the back burner (the more quests that are completed, there might be a greater chance that a NPC passively aggressively might complain that their quest has not been completed for example), and in terms of the PC not fucking them enough.

This could be especially problematic when the PC has completed several characters stories and cannot actually satisfy everyone on a timely basis.  If the game keeps track of the player’s recent activities NPCs could drop hints that they’re really horny and want the PC to satisfy them or express jealousy of other NPCs that have been recently satisfied.

If something like this is implemented it wouldn’t be a problem at the start (after all none of the character stories would have been started, much less completed) but would naturally become more problematic as the game goes on.  This could add a nice atmosphere of urgency to drive the story forward and add to the triumph if the lifting of the curse brings men back to Valencia.  (The PC, being the hero that he is, would still be able to bed the women he was previously able to but he would not be relied upon to satisfy everybody).

5)  The sparseness of Valencia:  The atmosphere is very much of a town that is too large for its population.  I am divided on this one.  Valencia is a town that was ravaged by war and then cursed.  There is every reason to understand why it would be sparsely populated.  The only background character I think is in the game so far is the chick that spends her time at the tavern.  If you’re deliberately going for this atmosphere then good job, otherwise adding in some more minor characters who don’t contribute but can say something when talked to could liven up the place.

6)  The economics.  I earned enough money in my first couple of weeks of level grinding that added to money I found, easily satisfies any amount that I would ever need.  I also seem to have a surplus of Goddess Coins.  I actually like this.  I think I would rather focus on the story and on the sex without having to worry about money, or health points, or resting enough, or other typical RPG worries.  I can see how someone else might not like this part of the game though.

Summery so far

These are the main points on what I specifically like about the game and what I think could be better.  I understand that some of my desires might be contradictory and things that please me might be a detractor for someone else.  This is how humans work.  It is imposable to make a perfect game for an individual player (because people are complex enough to have contradictory desires) much less a perfect game for everyone in the target audience.

There is a lot more that I like about the game then things that I find frustrating etc.  I was always eager to find the next thing to discover in the game.  I have to admit some disappointment that there is much more to discover that has yet to be implemented and I await in eager anticipation.  I am hesitant to download the recent update immediately as I just spent a few days spending all my free time with the game and think a break would be good.

I have already revealed some suggested additions/changes.  I gather that you have a plan and I don’t want to interfere.  I don’t know how much you are receptive to such suggestions.  In the case that you are, I will leave more bellow.  I don’t have any expectation that any of these will be implemented and some suggestions might actually make things worse.  I also know enough about programing that a seemingly trivial addition might break something else significantly and thus I understand that an improvement that naïvely seams simple could be very difficult to implement.  The suggestions range from minor interface improvements to major element additions.

Desired features:

1)  That the save file information include information on the time of day.

2)  That Rose’s quests be added to the journal.

3)  That the game credits either be visible on the title or accessible through the title menu.

4)  The ability to autoplay the cutscenes and sexscenes.  Perhaps pressing the “tab” button could toggle autoplay mode with a subtle indicator.  It would be easy to add a description at the start of the tutorial dialog.

5)  That the dialog be added to the theater scenes.  Perhaps the last option would be for which version of the dialog (including a no dialog option) would be played.

6)  That one could be able to ask the mansion bunnies for help.  If the player gets stuck in either the main story or a major NPC’s story (as of 1.1 the 5 characters on the relationship status screen) they can go to the mansion and ask a bunny for advice.  The bunny would then offer a useful suggestion on the next action the player could take to advance the particular story.

…or perhaps, say, a hint ghost who wanders around the fountain late at night…

7)  That the PC can ask Minerva (??? Why Minerva?  She doesn’t strike me as particularly easy or passionate.  Not like Aphrodite or Hera for example.) for another of those big goddess hugs, not just a titfuck.

8)  That sometimes (not all the time) if the PC comes home late at night, Mary could me masturbating (not just when it advances her story).  The scene would advance with Mary’s story like the other sex scenes.  Perhaps the last could have Mary spot the PC and tease him in order to get him to jerk off and cum on the floor.  I like catching her masturbate in the PC’s bed on a rainy day though so…

9)  That after completing Evelynn’s story that the PC can get her to blow him while she’s tending the shop.  It would require a different background to be drawn, I know, but I want her to be able to have some fun during the day too without making a big excursion.  Perhaps, Rose could sometimes interrupt looking for fabric if her own story has progressed to at-least two hearts.

She could tease the pair about how difficult but satisfying it is to get the PC down her throat, could encourage Evelynn to go faster and Sulla to enjoy himself, could complement both on their anatomy, and could ask Sulla to shove his cock into her later.  Evelynn could remark (to herself of course, she wouldn’t be in a position to talk) how exciting it is to be caught blowing Rose’s nephew in front of her and could tease the PC on how much of a naughty boy he is blowing his load all over her/down her throat with her auntie watching.

10)  That Mary, Rose, and Evelynn all get diaries/journals.  These would be in private places (the attic, the sewing room, and the bedroom respectively) that could only be read when the PC gains access to them.  Just a few simple passages would add to the erotic atmosphere of the stories.

11)  That all the player have the option of dressing all the characters in their birthday suits when their wardrobes are unlocked.  Mary would stay home, of course, as would Rose (She’s adventurous but I don’t see her being that adventurous).  (In the evening when she’s ordinarily at the tavern she could be masturbating on her bed, maybe).  Raylene would dress normally during most of the day except at night where should would be waiting, in her bedroom, for the PC, in the buff.  Evelynn could either be nude while tending the store (perhaps her people don’t have to same aversion to nudity that humans do), or dressed normally during the morning/day/evening.  At night she could be dancing naked under the starts illuminated by the moonlight off the town fountain.  If the PC askes she could either take him back to her home for some love, or have some love on the town green.

12)  That during the “Halloween Horror!” that these be a sprite animation of Rose and Raylene 69ing when the PC picks up the key to the ghost’s room across the lake.  I don’t think dialog need be appropriate (though the PC’s reaction certainly could be) but couldn’t hurt.  There could be moaning sound effects.  When confronted later they could ask if the PC is enjoying the adventure because they sure are (without actually admitting to anything).

13)  A dickgirl character.  I know it might not be in enough people’s kinks to be added but it’s something I would like to see.  Perhaps a monster in the haunted forest could qualify and sulk around nude.  It could drop hints it wants to let the PC hunt it and each time the PC catches it (the “prey” would infectively try to elude the PC), the PC could extract a blowjob, a titjob, or an assfuck from the monster.  The monster would be flaccid during the meet and chase, and erect during the sex scene.  It could even cum when the PC does.  I would not have this be plot central so those wishing to avoid it can.

Most eagerly anticipated update:

I got to tell you.  The women who grabbed my attention the most before the PC started having sex with anybody was Fey, the librarian.  I’ve always enjoyed all types of nerds in just about anything (friends, lovers, co-workers, characters, etc.).  To see what she’s like when getting amorous and to see her characterization would be great.  Right now she’s just teasing me, with her glasses and her bow… and her chest window in what is an otherwise completely modest sweater.  It would also be a good place for an intelligence skill check.


I love the game.  I’m sure to love whatever you end up developing for it.  A lot of good work has gone into it so far and I am eager to know how the story ends.  I hope you don’t focus on my quibbles (which are intended to give you honest feedback) because they’re really just nit-picking.  I also hope that I didn’t annoy you with too many or inappropriate suggestions.  Some creators like them and some don’t.  I don’t know about you.

I hope you’all keep up the good work.  I wonder how long I can resist downloading the update and playing through the game again.