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A member registered Oct 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Narrator: "it did not get more attention"


Love the visual style and music in this game. The idea to incorporate multiple plungers into the level design is a great way to give the player more to do than just using flippers.

The camera also tracks the ball really well without feeling jittery, which I think is an easily overlooked, but really difficult thing to nail down. 

Painball is such a good name too. Really pissed I didn't think of that one LOL.

Great work! :)

I love the little ways you can gain mastery over the controls, like learning to time your charges to hover in the air.  The way you stay in the same position on the map when you die, allowing you to get comboed into going back several levels at once, is a really unique way to implement Foddian elements in a level based game. Great stuff!