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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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This makes me think that they won't remove the game page but just the files or put a blank zip file, technically you will still have the game. itch needs a basic versioning system at least to prevent stuff like this.

I was thinking about subscribing to Netflix when WWE comes to it next year but this made me decide that I will never give a single cent to any of their products, but that doesn't mean I won't consume them. You know how it goes, if buying isn't owning..

I think needs to give an explanation why this can be even allowed. This is more of's problem because if Netflix can decide to be robbers and steal people's games, the problem isn't just Netflix but them being allowed to do this means others are allowed to do this too which means we can't trust this platform. This doesn't happen at all in other platforms and Netflix hasn't tried to remove the games from them neither for that reason.

I wonder if anybody bought this. Easy money.