You can't struggle when the meter cursor is red, as that indicates you're in cooldown.
But now that I think about it, I should add input buffering so you can hit the key a bit early. I'll try to add that in the next update.
I've had other enemy types planned, but haven't given much thought to a boss encounter. Since you don't have a way to attack in this game though, I'd need to think about how to implement such an encounter. Maybe a carefully orchestrated chase sequence where the pred can't despawn, or a timed survival thing?
But I do think I ought to add something in the next update to make things a bit more climactic.
Again, I originally intended to put a sign there but I was so focused on getting everything else done that it slipped my mind. Between graphics, custom code, audio, testing and debugging, and many other things, there's a lot that goes into making a game. The custom physics controller took at least a week. The wolves and struggle system took two weeks. All of this takes time. There will inevitably be omissions.
Anyway, update forthcoming.
Edit: 1.0.4 is out now. I appreciate the feedback I get, but I do ask that folks remember that I'm basically a solo dev, and try to be courteous when reporting issues. Thanks!
I'm unsure what you're referring to when you mention a movement bug. If it's slope jumps, that's an intended mechanic. I sprinkled several optional paths in the earlier levels to give players the opportunity to discover the mechanic before requiring it to progress in the Mountain stage. I intended to add a sign at the base of that particular climb to signal the need to slope jump... but then I forgot.
The wolves are faster than you, but less agile. They stall for a bit just before they jump (from .25 to .6 seconds depending on difficulty). You can use this to juke the wolves by stalling their momentum, or causing them to miss a jump, or creating an opening for you to dodge around them. Most locations have either jump-through platforms, cliffs, or slope jumps you can use to your advantage here.
When it comes to struggling, the most effective method (that I'm aware of) is to wait for the cursor to turn white, then push as the cursor crosses the middle line. By doing this you can escape the wolf's belly going from 100 to around 87 health on difficulty level 1. I was a bit unsure how much of this to communicate to the player. My thinking was that I wanted the player to be able to discover the best way to struggle on their own, so in the instructions, I decided to be a bit vague, mentioning only the fact that you need to build momentum. I might see about being a bit more explicit about this in a future update.
The EXE in the latest version is byte-for-byte identical to previous versions of the game. Make sure your Windows Defender definitions are up to date:
Yeah, max difficulty is definitely hard and I don't even know if it's possible! But there's ways to increase your chances. Once you know how, it's possible to consistently escape tummies from full health leaving with around 30. It also helps to know ways to juke the wolves, like tricking them into doing a bad jump.
I once almost made it to the end of the first level on max difficulty. I think that stage is definitely possible but I'm a bit unsure about the others. I might tweak things a bit for a future update.
Thank you for pointing out that issue! I basically did all my playtesting on mode A and admittedly hadn't thought much about how releasing the direction would hurt your momentum in mode B. I wonder what the best way to address that would be. Maybe a buffer of some sort?
But glad to hear you enjoyed it overall!
As for the other Tummy Jam 2 games, go check them out here: (Password: TummyJam2025)
I'd planned for more preds, but unfortunately I had to cut back on scope to get the game done in time! I'd like to do a major content update somewhere down the line where I include all the stuff I originally wanted to have. Current plan is to do a Maw Manor content update next Halloween, then update this game next December.
Antivirus false positives tend to plague Godot games in general but my stuff is especially susceptible because I have to build a patched version of the engine to fix a few bugs that affect me specifically.
I'll see what I can do from my end. For now, make sure your antivirus definitions are up to date. If you're using the built-in Windows Defender, you receive the latest antivirus definitions through Windows Update, so if you block updates you won't get those.
1. A Mr. X style enemy that follows you around is a really neat idea but it might not work well with how the rooms and mansion layout are currently designed. The rooms themselves are sometimes a bit on the intricate side, so the player or pursuer might get stuck in a way that's either unfair or too easy. And the mansion layout sometimes doesn't generate many alternate routes, which could result in some impossible situations. I could see this working if there were a floor type dedicated to this mechanic, with plenty of alternate paths and rooms that aren't too busy.
2, 3. I'd love to add more room variety! In general though, I've been using newly added objects/mechanics to guide the design of new rooms, so I'd need to come up with more ideas, and then actually implement them.
4. Eating keys would have to be restricted to the higher difficulty levels, since I could see this being a frustrating mechanic if not done correctly. Also, since enemies and objects despawn when moving between rooms, there's the possibility that the key itself might vanish. Could probably deal with this by adding some persistent data to indicate that the key was stolen in that room. (Edit: also, canonically Nel is object voring the keys, so having a mimic eat the keys would be a bit hard to explain)
5. When it comes to straight up sex stuff, I want to be careful about consent (that, and I don't know if I'm ready to put explicit stuff in my games yet). The pumpkin pred is a funny idea though, and I might just add that to the game.
6. "Golding" wasn't going to be a mechanic originally. It's a thing I put in last minute because the original gimmick (kicking Jack-o-Lanterns causes random effects) had to be cut to make the deadline, but I still needed a good reason for the pumpkins to exist. Having said that, I do think there should be a small extra for golding all the rooms. I might add that along with the random effects in a future update.
While I'd like to do more content updates, I can't make any promises. Right now, Tummy Jam 2 has just started, so all my time and energy will go into making a new game over the next two months. Still, I'm hoping to return to Maw Manor at some point!
There isn't really an "official site" for it but I linked to the other entries here:
Your nVidia driver is a year out of date. The latest version is currently 566.03. I'd suggest installing updated drivers, and possibly checking the "clean installation" box (but keep in mind that this will reset any driver settings you've changed).
If you're looking for a good, no-bloat way to install the drivers, I recommend NVCleanInstall:
Does forcing the Vulkan renderer work for you? May also try changing the "OpenGL/Vulkan presentation method" in the nVidia driver settings.
Mainly interested in the GPU and GPU driver version. You can get the driver information through AMD/nVidia's settings apps. Also good to know if you're using any tweak tools. Resetting drivers settings to default might help.
The game defaults to OpenGL rendering but you can force Vulkan from the commandline with:
MawManor_1_0_2.exe --rendering-method forward_plus
Dang. Which antivirus, and which detection? It could be getting confused because I'm using a custom build of Godot Engine with a few issues patched. Source code available on request.
If updating your definitions doesn't fix the issue, we could see about submitting it to the antivirus vendor as a false positive.
Sorry to hear about your frustration! Every prefab room should allow you to kick every Jack o' Lantern, but maybe I made them a bit too tricky. You can trick the frogs into eating the kobolds but it's easier said than done.
I'm gonna release a gameplay/content update shortly that will add selectable difficulty. It'll tune a number of things like enemy aggressiveness and make the penalty for getting eaten less harsh on the lower difficulties.
RabbitStewGames made a vore game jam! You can check out the other entries here: