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A member registered Feb 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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why i cant play 

Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)

Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)

hello, I've bought this template and it's a good template for me. 

I have a question, can the relationship menu be clicked directly? without having to press the up and down buttons.

I'm thinking about it, but I haven't found the best way yet.

thank you... 

Woow. amazing, 

thank you very much.   

Hi thanks for respond. 

From variable maybe? 

if variable "CG01" = True 

the image "CG01"  will be appear in gallery. 

if false, not showing.  

Thank you.. 

Hi , i already purchases this kit, it's very nice design and i like it.
i want ask something again... 

How to add a  Images to Gallery if some conditions have been met. 

  • Chapter 1 Done:  Add Images Gallery "CG01"
  • Chapter 2 Done:  Add Images Gallery "CG02" 

sry for bad english. I hope you can understand what I mean.

Hi.. i want ask, it's work for mobile device?  (all functions are useful as they should be?  example: back button, etc)

Its include 1280x720 screen?

not working, i already tested in android. with error [ReferenceError] "Nw is not defined" 

is that work for android ?

can i use Commercial Use ? 

Paid 1 month thanks.. 

Its already 26 days and still not respond 

(2 edits)

Why my payout status still "in review"  and I have asked via email but did not answer  the problem,  but when I want to cancel payout he responds very quickly.

i know payout is human review but just give me a reason or  estimated time  to get my money,   I didn't want to make a thread like this before, and I actually just wanted to talk privately via email,  but my email was not answered so I felt ignored 

my payout ID is : 12044  (still In Review 15Days) 

I think, I will get the money before or during the Hallowen Steam Sale, and I plan to buy assets for the sake of my game. but that didn't happen because of this problem, so the game I made was hampered. 

  Pls Respond i need just a respond a reason and estimate time....