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A member registered Dec 09, 2020

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you're fucking pathetic dude.

imagine begging for a free copy?


mmore benevolence pppplease im fucking broke and maybe reading this will make me feel better

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oooohhh a plus 1! i've been fucking noticed! someone has fucking perceived me i'm going to leave now

i cant live in the fucking panopticon (ignore that i automatically get perceived because sorts comment recent first)

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I hope more people [CONSUMERS] are able to find this [CONSUMER PRODUCT], it seems quite [CONDUCIVE TO EMPLOYEE MORALE] fun!
(mostly for my own personal benefit [CEO GRINDSET] as i [PLEBIAN] would be able to clench a [STATE-CONDONED PIRACY EDITION] community copy betwixt the various amount of buttocks of my so-called "broke ass")


side note you should read House of Leaves
(fuck that doesnt make it blue uh um uh fuck um)
yeah that works

Linux version please?

It would help a lot!

Try uppercutting twice? The wallclimb upgrade (Lady of the Lake claws) has an attack form, so that might be it. Also you have some LORE coming for you.

By pausing, your movement in all directions is set to zero.

You know the side where you can get the vapor plasma? Yeah just do that for the other side. You can then wall climb up and jump into the void.

I saw this area while using pause and ijkl to look at the map and it's bugging me out because there's no door sign in the map for it, but it's there. (btw this is in the above-ground financial district.)

Stand Name:『Desole』

Stand Nickname: 『Mario』

Stand Master:『Lori Fernandez』

Stand Master's Nickname: 『Super Mario 64』

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Steps to reproduce:

1. Go to the place where you fought Richter the second time, in the Night Market, with all upgrades.

2. Attempt to jump and orca jump into the one part of the wall where it's not covered in electric wires.

3. Rage quit for how hard that is, then go eat lunch.

4. Try again.

5. Now, wall jump off of it, dash right, jump, orca kick, dash. You should be on top of a tall tower now.

6. Now, jump left, dash left, jump left, orca kick, dash left.

7. Keep going left and embrace the void.

The reason I didn't make a video for this was that it took so long to get it the first time I just don't wanna.

The only thing wrong about this is that when you lock your camera on to DIO, and he ROAD ROLLER DAs, you see the ground. Maybe lock the camera to where he was?

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While in an animation, say, for example, Meteor Dive (before touching the floor), you can parry, which will override the Meteor Dive animation and start the Parry animation.

please don't get mad at me sevencrane i'm not implying anything by pointing out these glitches

On the space above the door, where the barrier is thin, jump while crouching, and you shall fall through, if you are not above the jump pad.

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So, spamming the meteor dive thing (down-shift) above a jump-pad enters the animation inside the jump pad, not causing Val to get boosted up. I think you could be able to make a check for the character being inside the jump pad every frame, but I'm not really sure.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Have Meteor Dive.

2. Find a jump pad.

3. Use the jump pad.

4. Spam Meteor Dive.

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I landed on the electricity (this might be possible with spikes but probably not) in a weird way and I think it somehow set my "safe reset point" to the electricity. 

Could this game be released for Linux? (Too many people are missing out on this!)

Suggestion: You know how the body parts of enemies tend to not fall off after enemies die? What if, during timestop, you disabled the ability for enemies to die, so we could get some sweet combos off on a hand cancer man? (the plan is to make is so that enemies cannot die during timestop, so that I can knock the legs, arms, and head off of a hand cancer man for maximum brutality)

A glitch that I found: If you have enough speed, you can go through walls without triggering enemy spawns.

I dunno how I did this, but it was with the shotgun. Legs got folded into the enemy.

It means if the display is using two's complement or not. I think


that's a THICC idea you got there lol

You can infinitely slide on a wall if you walk into the wall and no-jump rocket boost.

You can clip through the floor if you punch lower legs, but awesome game otherwise!

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What about for linux? (I know this is unrelated)