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A member registered Nov 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Those are some of my favorite games too! Though I'd like to play around with the dark depth of space, I'm working on another project rn. Still thank you for playing!

Working on difficulty/balancing. Thank for playing and the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! I'm working on another big update and I'll be sure to address the indeed very slow tutorial!

หลังเก็บครบจะมีฉาค 2D ต่อ แต่ระบบหลักก็มีประมาณนี้แหละครับ พอดีเจอ development hell เข้าก็เลย feature ไม่เสร็จและ bug เยอะหน่อย55

Yes, Got lots of problem trying new shader. And I guess I didn't got much time to check after submission too. 

I see, I was having some trouble exporting game last minute. But thank for trying either way!

Appreciate the feedback and thank for playing. QoL is something I'd like add more in the future. Glad you like the upgrades, that something I'll need to improve too!

Thank for the info! There so many weird bugs around..
But hopefully they will be fix in the next big update, so stay tuned!

Glad to hear that! Thank you for playing!

Sorry that you have that problem. I know that it can take some time loading in browser but haven't seen that problem before. Alternatively, you can try the window version in the meantime if you're interested.

Thank for playing! Sorry that there's a lot of bug with the UI right now. New hotfix should issue some of the bug regarding arsenal menu too. 

ขอบคุณที่ลองเล่นเกมครับ อัพเดทใหม่พยายามแก้ปัญหาใน Arsenal Menu ครับ หวังว่าจะแก้ปัญหาตรงนี้ได้นะครับ

I'm glad we have such good people like you in the community! Thank you for playing and patiently waiting for next update :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and the praise!

We wish we could do much more but we are still proud of with what we did here.

This is one of the rare time that I have artist to help in game jam, really love the art and music!

Thank you for playing. We absolutely love the art too!

In hindsight I could have do some adjustment to make the game have better ramp up difficulty.

But sadly we are running low on time at the time XD

I'm worried that it might be a bit confusing too. I'm glad that someone can find enjoyment out if it!

I do like these simple core mechanic and wonder how much we can expand it further. So we feel quite reassuring that people like it.

It always an honor when someone play our game, so thank you for playing!

The game can be quite confusing and we don't have much experience doing puzzle stuff before. The game could use some tutorial or accessibility option.

But it was an interesting experimental and we'd like to see how we can expand this further!

We also love the art and music too XD

Oug, oug indeed my friend.

Seem like you really enjoyed the game XD, I'm glad! Thank you for playing.

I'm glad you liked it. Thank for playing!

The other people does say that mashing E is a problem too, and some kind of instruction would be nice too! It was a good lesson. And also thank you for playing!

I'm even surprise that other people like the concept. But yea, there still many tweak that can be  made to improve the experience. Thank you for playing and the feedback!

Very nice! I'm glad you enjoyed playing the game!

Thx for playing. I wasn't sure if it will be fun myself, but I'm pleasantly surprised that peoples like it!

Thank you for playing and the feedback. Now looking back, that interact spam do feel like a pain..

Thank a lot for playing! Sadly, I want to try making some other genre. So might not be another horror game for a while.

(3 edits)

I'm honored. Thank for playing and the feedback! (Iron Lung is indeed a big inspiration for this game)

Thank for the feedback!