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A member registered Mar 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Beautiful game!

I'm also going to play (facilitate) it at a con this weekend! :)

I'd like to know as well. Much appreciated if we could get an update on those :)

Any news?

In the heat of the moment, this setup seems to be a bit misleading :D at first glance, I thought I could buy the Companion right here and now (yeah, I know, one should properly read everything of course ^^). But that's also a known problem on, sometimes it's not easily visible that you own something already, even on the check-out page, it doesn't tell you.

(it won't let me attach a screenshot, but it's not really necessary, since everybody can see the "Buy" button right below the cover)

Awesome! :) thanks for your effort!

Hi, this game sounds really interesting and fun, but I'd like to have a few more details on what it contains exactly. It sounds like a lot of mini games, but how many? Thanks! :)

Done! :] looking forward to seeing what the two of you come up with!

Done! :]

Sure thing, sounds like a great idea. Just let me know where I can send it to!

Sure thing, sounds like a great idea. Just let me know where I can send it to!

Hi there,

this game looks absolutely gorgeous!

I hope you don't mind me asking if there are already some actual plays I could have a look at or listen to. I'd like to have a short glimpse into the game before buying it :) if not, are there any in the making? (I just found an AP video, apparently from a time when this was a DW hack)

Thanks & cheers! :)

Great oracle!

That's a fun idea! Currently listening to the third book of the series :) I'll be sure to check it out!

Thank you for your feedback! :)

Happy to see that you think this oracle could help in this matter. And I totally agree since this is the reason I thought something like this should be created.

If you have any other ideas on such tender moments, let me know and I'll add them :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a nice comment! I'm happy that you liked it :)

(1 edit)

Very happy to hear that, thank you for your kind words :)

If you try it out, I'd be super interested to hear how it went and how you liked it!

Well, this will hopefully make it even more exciting :D

And as a horror-themed BoB game, I immediately had to think of "Sleepaway", which you probably know as well. I can really recommend it or the podcast episodes on it on the One Shot network :)

So anyway, I'm really interested to see what you come up with and to try it out eventually!

(1 edit)

Looking forward to seeing and getting more details, this sounds pretty cool and I love the BoB engine! :)

Hey Adam, I'm currently working on a solution to play the game online (using Google Sheets). In case you are interested, for example to add it as an asset to the game, I'd love to get in touch about more details :) additionally, I'd be interested to talk about a translation into German if that sounds interesting to you as well. Cheers!

The original Crowns always seemed to be a bit shallow and somewhat stereotypical to me, so I got quite excited when I saw this today! I mean, I tried improving/diversifying the questions myself on the spot when GMing BB, but that was nowhere near as thoughtful as these Alternative Crowns.

Much love for this amazing game, very excited about hopping into my first session soon :)

There's also an already existing translation on (kind of a second iteration by now, if I"m not mistaken)

Hi Jamila, I was wondering if there is a specific reason why the game is supposed to be played with 3-6 players. I'm currently wondering if it can be run as a duo game, but maybe there is something I am missing :) 

I'd be super grateful to hear your thoughts about it.

Cause I don't know if I can do it.... 

.... jk! Great jam idea, hopefully I'll get shit done! :)

Miss Marple und Jessica Fletcher buchen sicherlich gerade ihr Ticket nach Brindlingen am Buckl :)


Hi Rob, I plan on running your game some time very soon - of course I have to as I love Lady Blackbird, PbtA mechanics and fantasy :)

Anyway, I'm not quite sure if I understand the MEMORY SCENES correctly. Are they intended you be played strictly narratively and without rolling dice? Will the group decide as a whole on the content of the memory or is it the job of the player(s) related to the memory (as long as they have an idea and don't ask for other input)? So taken together, I'm wondering if these MEMORY SCENES are playable scenes or if they are mostly a narrative tool to generate elaborate background information.

I'd appreciate some input on that :) cheers!