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A member registered Mar 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! Yea we finished the prototype in like 4 hours lol, so it was just polishing and new features from then on.

Thanks bro! Yea we had just finished implementing the powerups when we realized that the player has no obstical descriptions lol. So I just quickly through one together sunday night.

Yepp, just went over there. Thanks! We had a big team so we were able to work pretty fast lol.

Nice work bro! I tested the webGL version of the game. You got alot crammed in this game for only working on it over the weekend. The actual gameplay is fun but it gets a little performent heavy at later scores cause theres so many balls lol. Good job! (I got second place)


Thanks! I dont really know either, one of my teammates set up the leaderboard system lol

Cool! Thanks!

Yea we just didnt have time, Thanks for the feedback!


glad you liked it! We worked our butts off lol

The team decided we were gonna keep working on it so we’re gonna push some updates every once and I while just to make it as good as possible

Thanks! Our artist did a great job

Yeah he's great. We honestly wouldn't have gotten half the stuff done without him lol

Yea I agree that after a while the scrolling effect can mess with your eyes. We just used unity's tile system and some procedural generation. The highscore system is amazing I agree (I personally didnt make it.  Kasmeltz did lol He whipped it up in like an hour, hes crazy good)

Awesome, thank you!

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Yeah, to fix the powerups being bothersome we just need to ramp up the difficulty faster or only make them spawn later to make them have an actual use because they don't really have one at the earlier stages. We're gonna add a setting to turn off the music as well just didn't have time. Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks! We're gonna add a setting to turn it off. Just didn't have time to do that and it was kinda low on our priority list.

love the visuals!

Effects are 10/10. Though the draw back is performance lol. The game ran fine for me but I have a decent Pc and im using a browser that is built to be optimized. The effects and movement is buttery smooth and I love it. Maybe make the spawn rate of the coins or point things a bit faster tho. Other than that, awesome job dude!

This game is so cool. The effects and music really make it stand out. Good Job!

doge coin go brrrrrr. 10/10 for the memes. love the music lol

This is super cool. Super hard but super fun. Maybe make the lasers stop targeting you a bit faster, but other than that, great job dude. 9 of 10, would play again.

Bruh this is so sick. I love the visual style and the music is awesome. Great Job!