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A member registered Dec 03, 2016

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(1 edit)

This game's got a lot of awesome going on. The gate is a neat concept; I sat there and let them queue up then wiped them out, one after another - but then they broke down the gate. Building the towers was cool (can the towers hurt me too? It looked like it, which adds a challenging dimension when friendly fire is possible).

I adore the alien jazz soundtrack, and the way you indicate health without a health bar. I also giggled at thinking what this would look like in real life, if society had built a country-sized cannon  that looked like a USB stick. Would the propulsion of such a powerful projectile send the planet out of its gravitational pull? With more development time, that could be an interesting feature: don't let Earth get too far away from the sun.

It's clear you really paid attention to juice on this one. Bravo!

WOO can't wait to give it a shot!

Awesome! Might I suggest starting one Z level up, so that when you click, something happens right away? At first, I thought it was broken. Also, this is most useful when you hold left click and then use WASD to drop tiles. I kept expecting to drop a tile where I clicked, instead of at the center of the screen.

(1 edit)

This is a really sweet tool, but I can't open .pal files that work in other software.
UPDATE: I tried to open a PAL file I downloaded from lospec and it did not work (perhaps I modified the file at one point). But, the PAL I wanted ended up already being included with the download file, so I got what I needed afterall :-)

what's boring about tighty whiteys?

Thanks for the clarification! I think maybe the create event for my TestObject was firing before obj_gmlive's, and that's why I was having difficulty.

Here's the steps I followed in a new project in GMS2. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do.

1. Make sure the following is checked: Game Options > Windows > General > Disable file system sandbox

2. Import a sprite named sprite0

3. Create a shader named shader0. Change nothing.

4. Import most recently released gmlive. Drag obj_gmilve into room0.

5. Import shader_replace_simple

6. Create an object called TestObject with create code:

shader_set_live(shader0, true);
live_shader_updated = scr_shader_reloaded;

Step code:

var hlsl_vertex_code = @"C:\Users\bitla\Documents\GameMakerStudio2\TEMP\Shader Replace\shaders\shader0\shader0.vsh";
var hlsl_pixel_code = @"C:\Users\bitla\Documents\GameMakerStudio2\TEMP\Shader Replace\shaders\shader0\shader0.fsh";
scr_shader_reloaded(shader0, hlsl_vertex_code, hlsl_pixel_code);

Draw code:

draw_sprite(sprite0, 0, room_width/2, room_height/2);

7. Add the object to room0.

8. Create script scr_file_get_contents with code:

var s = argument0, v = argument1;
var b = buffer_create(string_byte_length(v), buffer_grow, 1);
buffer_write(b, buffer_text, v);
buffer_save_ext(b, s, 0, buffer_tell(b));

9. Create script scr_shader_reloaded. I didn't know what to do so this is blank.

10. Press play.

11. Change shader0's fragment shader logic by adding this line at the end of main:

gl_FragColor.a = 0.5;

12. Press save

13. Shader did not change in the game window

I bought and tried it out, starting with shader_replace_simple_demo.yyz.

I ran the project.

I clicked on the game window.

I selected "HLSLCompiler.exe" (note: the default file name in the open window is SLCompiler.exe so I can't just press Open  without selecting HLSLCompiler.exe first)

The gray-ish screen that follows the mouse is now a vertical line instead of a diagonal line.

I tried to update the shader myself. I opened the directory that obj_test output to my console in its create event: C:\Users\bitla\AppData\Local\shader_replace_simple_demo\

I tried to edit fout.shader or vout.shader, clicking the game screen, and seeing if the effects took place. It did not.

Is my understanding of what the demo should be doing wrong?

(1 edit)

I'm still not entirely sure how it works, but you release high quality stuff that's well documented so I'm just going to trust it and give it a go :-)

I'm really interested in this, but I'm not sure how it works or what to do with the demo. Can you attach a video or gif of you using this tool? I'd specifically like such a gif with actual use and not in the demo, if you could.


Can't wait for that next update! This would help so much with shader dev.

Any recommendations for shader tools with GameMaker Studio 2?

Great example code.

When I imported into GMS2 and pressed play, the console was filled with this message:

Draw failed due to invalid input layout

The first example doesn’t clip as expected; it draws the outline for a rectangle and an outline for the circle but that’s it.

The problem occurs in obj_clip_rect_shd’s draw event, on line: draw_circle(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_r, false);

I expected it was an issue with the shader; when I comment out that draw_circle line, I don’t see the error anymore.

In rm_clip_rect_shd, I noticed a “Compatibility_Colour” layer is created with a depth of 2147483600, which I think is out of range in GameMaker Studio 2 so I set it to 999. This alone did not fix the problem.

I deleted the Compatibility_Instances_Depth_0 layer, create a new instance layer, and dragged obj_clip_rect_shd into it. Still did not remove the console message.

Finally, I edited shd_clip_rect and discovered that commenting out the line:

v_vTexcoord = in_TextureCoord;

resulted in no warning messages in the console and the shader worked.

Happy new year! The codes didn't work for me; was each one only redeemable once?

(1 edit)

Excellent job teaching the mechanics. I'm glad you didn't implement damage ending a life, because having infinite health let me enjoy the demo, even the challenging bits, without worry of having to start over.

The music and sound effects were great. Art was fantastic.


Excellent work, all!

(1 edit)

I updated GameMaker todo and, when I ran it, got a strange error:

action number 1
of Create Event
for object WaterRockAnimatedTile:
Variable WaterRockAnimatedTile.buffer_network(100992, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
 at gml_Script___lnc_const_decl_f13 (line 33) -        gml_const_add("buffer_network",buffer_network);
stack frame is
gml_Script___lnc_const_decl_f13 (line 33)
called from - gml_Script___lnc_const_decl (line 16) -        __lnc_const_decl_f13();
called from - gml_Script_live_preinit_api (line 28) - __lnc_const_decl();
called from - gml_Script_live_preinit (line 111) - live_preinit_api();

Your guide.html file is awesome

Can you upload these in ZIP format instead? Windows does not come with a default utility to extract RAR files.


(2 edits)

This is the same thing that happened to me. I was trying to save in a Desktop folder.

I think this is more of the limitations with GameMaker. I recommend using INIs or checking if save was successful (it should return a flag). If it fails, show an alert message that tells users where they should save.

Also, not sure if you do this already, but consider saving the directory they last used in an INI and always default to that directory.

(1 edit)

How can you use this tool if you don't have photoshop?

Specifically, I intended to use this to convert a full RGB color created by particles into colors in my limited palette. I'm not sure how to make the look up table for this.

I saw this on your front page:

Some people are unable to save a .ppd project into the app root folder. To avoid this just save the project to another folder.

Just FYI, I was unable to save in a different folder, too. If this continues being a challenge (saving to a file in GameMaker is surprisingly difficult), consider trying to use an INI file instead. It's not as contained, but GameMaker has good support for INI.

Ah; is that what the Pixel Render frame is all about? I was curious how you managed to get such an excellent outline on particles. Thanks for the response!

This looks awesome. Is there any way that you could export the GameMaker particle scripts? I'd love to use them for variety and their smaller size.

Excellent sets; thanks so much!

So excited that this is out! Beautiful work.

As far as I can tell, there isn't a built-in unzipper for RAR. You have to install additional software.

(1 edit)

Excellent work. Could you upload as zip? The rar file format is a little extra challenging for Windows users, but zip is easy for both OSX and Windows.

Does this come with a separate sprite sheet that contains just the single particle images used in the explosions?

(2 edits)

Will do! I look forward to digging in once work settles down.

Consider linking to this video by Mark Brown on adaptive music:

You might also want to explicitly state this is for Game Maker Studio 1 & 2; maybe call it "Dynamic Music System For Game Maker Studio."

Real cool. I can't wait to play with this :-)

The PNGs worked great with GameMaker's particle system. Thanks for providing a zip!

(1 edit)

Are you able to upload this as a zip with separate PNGs? A .unitypackage requires unity.

Downloaded the raw particles - thanks a lot!
In GameMaker, the engine I use, it's easy enough to delete frames, so I don't think you need to take that on yourself. I just like the randomness and compactness that you get with your own particle system over sprites. I'm looking forward to playing with these - might take a few weeks to get to resolve all my current to-dos, but this looks like an excellent pack.