Thanks. I would prefer option 1 but the amount of redeems field vanished when I set it to 100% (free). When I set the price bar to 99% I can limit the amount. 😩
Creator of
Recent community posts
I checked the sale settings and one is set to require one project to be owned. And it shows for me. Does being the creator mean I own it?
It's this one, showing - 30% sale for me:
Did anyone ever have multiple bundles / sales shown on a project page? If usually only one is shown it would be nice to have all of them listed.
Hi. I created a bundle for 2 projects and one that reduces the price if you own the predecessor. But it seems only one bundle is shown on the page. (it also shows the second one for me but I didn't buy my own project)
Do you have to manually link them in the description or is it possible to see all bundles a project is part of on the project page?
Hi. I tried changing the font of my header and entered the name of some fonts like "Rubik Doodle Shadow", but they are not found and can't be used.
The popup says "These fonts are pulled from Google Fonts, consider using their directory and typing the font name here."
But I can't use many of the fonts from there?
Hi. The sale page says you can limit coupons but I can't find any option to define how often it can be used. ("You can also limit the quantity available."). And the help page says "Additionally, you can set a limit on the maximum number of times the coupon is redeemed.". Where can I find this option? I want the coupon only be usable by X people for a 100% sale.
And I can't create multiple codes, only one?
It was my first project for Xbox and to test the new Construct 3 editor. You can read about it here:
There may be future updates to add or change gameplay mechanics.
Great. :)
@Euvoltarei1 You can add "Rewards" to a game like the rewards on kickstarter. If someone pays e.g. 5€ he gets the base game, if he pays 10€ he gets additional extras. But you have to enter a fixed amount of available rewards. But digital preorders have no limit in most cases. :)
I use it for Standard, Silver and Gold edition of my new game (with extra skins and expansion pack).
Hi! I added a few rewards to my new game but the app does not show any of them on the game page. :(
And it seems preorder or donating is not working as well. I enabled the checkbox for a file to have it as preorder but the app shows an install button and shows an error when I click it. and my game with no files downloadable file has a suggested price but the app shows "not available for windows". Would be nice to have this in the app. :)
Visit the public Trello board to see all future and current changes and known issues.
Hi! I recently released my very first game available for PC and Xbox One via the Creators Program.
It's just a small endless runner to test the Xbox Live integration and to see if everything works. But more games are already in the works. :)
Other games and apps I make can be found on my profile.
About the game:
The very long walk is a running game.
Join Scott, Sara, Liam, Dr. Jonas and Bernie in a very long walk and see how far you can get without dying. Can you ever reach their destination to see what lies there? No one knows!
Link to the game:
Some Screenshots:

v1.5.3 (24.01.2017)
- removed all Ads! They are annoying and not working properly most of the time.
- added link to our Patreon page to About screen
- added Patreon Supporters to About screen
- added 3 new guides (New Symmetra Guide, How to Counter Symmetra and Pharah)
- fixed small issue with scrolling text in status bar hint
- updated Construct 2 to beta r242 (runtime fixes and improvements)
v1.5.2 (10.01.2017)
- updated app icon, logo and name (Companion for Overwatch)
- updated copyright notice
- removed Tip of the Day (on top)
- added hint to hide status bar
v1.5.1 (05.01.2017)
- updated code for Ads and added AdMob for Android (there may be some issues preventing ads to show sometimes)
- OWCompanion is free in all stores again! (sorry for the confusion)
Happy New Year! We are back at work and are happy to announce that Overwatch Companion is now available for Android.
But don't worry, it's still going to be available for Windows 10.
v1.5.0 (04.01.2017)
- added Minigame: Hero Roulette
- added new Comic: "Reflections"
- added new Comic: "Junkenstein"
- added new Animated Short: "Infiltration"
- added ability to sort heroes by role
- added new Hero: Sombra
- updated Hero: Symmetra
- redesigned Hero pages a bit
- updated all Heroes with strengths and weaknesses
- redesigned Guides page: added search/filter, updated logos
- added 6 new Guides (New Map: Oasis, Increasing Rank, New Symmetra, Sombra, McCree, Widowmaker)
- added 2 new wallpapers (Halloween Terror, Winter Wonderland)
- added new Achievements (Sombra, Halloween Terror, Winter Wonderland)
- added link to our Discord Server to About screen
- removed Weekly Brawls from Home screen (they are in the Arcade now)
- removed background music
- updated "Tip of the Day" messages
- updated Construct 2 to beta r241 (runtime fixes and improvements)
- other minor code and performance improvements
- added new animated short: "The Last Bastion"
- app no longer depends on WinJS library, which makes the app a bit smaller and more efficient (Updated to C2 r233)
- updated Tip of the Day
- added more "Tip of the Day" messages (on top)
- added new Weekly Brawl: Lúcioball
This update fixes some installation issues (problems with WinJS) and adds some minor changes.
- minor change to weekly brawls to make it easier to add new brawls
- updated WinJS components to fix some install issues
- added "Tip of the Day" message on start (on top)
- added donation link (leave a tip) to about page
The latest update adds new content and fixes some minor issues.
We are still looking for Beta testers with Windows Phones. Contact us via if you are interested.
- added Animated Shorts to Media section
- added Comics to Media section
- fixed Weekly Brawl image for "Moba-Watch" in brawl list
- added new Brawl: Ana Knows Best
- added new guides (Ana, Aiming)
This update adds details about the new Support hero "Ana", fixes a few small issues and adds support for multiple MOTD's.
- added new Support hero "Ana"
- added 2 new Achievements for the new hero Ana
- fixed wrong link on Mei icons leading to McCree page (Hero good/bad against)
- fixed video link on "Game" page, was clickable when not visible
- fixed wrong link on "Top 5 Heroes For Bad Aimers" (Guide)
- changed wording on Guide page ("new guides" instead of "new videos")
- added support for multiple MOTD's (Message of the Day)
- updated Weekly Brawl image for "Moba-Watch"
We are aware of some issues with the new touch controls and are looking for beta testers with WinPhones to help us to track down all of them.
If you want to participate in beta tests send us your Windows Store email address to Thanks!
- changed some code of the touch controls to hopefully fix the issues on phones (please let us know if you have still problems)
- changed scroll direction (swapped up/down) for touch controls
- added a new guide (Top 5 Heroes For Bad Aimers)
- improved some collision boxes to improve touch recognition
- replaced "Rate" button with "About"
- added link to the Overwatch Companion website
- added changelog to "About" screen (external)
- added clickable "Message of the Day" to home screen
Thank you for all the reports and screenshots you sent!
We were able to identify some huge memory consuming issues and optimized them to GREATLY reduce memory usage (up to ~93% less).
Hopefully this will fix the performance problems and crashes many users on WindowsPhone had. The detailed changelog can be found below.
Touch controls and scrolling and the advertisements were also updated. Please let us know what you think so we can further improve our app.
- redone ALL pages to GREATLY reduce memory usage (up to ~93% less memory usage!)
- optimized many sprites, removed a few unused images and changed some settings to improve general performance
- improved touch controls and scrolling
- fixed clicking on invisible last profile names (profile search)
- fixed some minor issues with profile search
- changed advertisements to show only on start and every few minutes
- added some general guides for Overwatch, ranked games, Ultimates, D.VA, Tracer and Genji
- updated all hero pages and added info about effectiveness against other heroes*
(*This info is subject to change. Well played characters and game updates can change the effectiveness and we will try to update the list regulary.)
We optimized several graphics and code and reduced the memory usage to hopefully fix the reported crashes and issues on Windows Phones.
Please let us know if this update resolves it or if you have still problems using our app.
Guides for maps and heroes are coming with the next update.
- added hero details for the remaining heroes
- added search field to look up player profiles for PC, Xbox One and PS4 (remembers the last six used names)
- optimized several sprites to improve performance on phones (much less memory usage, this could fix some crashes too)
- disabled some code for the release countdown to improve performance on phones
- removed some unused sprites to reduce download size
- added credits for the background music to the app (was only in changelog)
- fixed broken links to hero details on achievements page
- changed banner on top (should no longer be outside of layout)
We decided to publish this version early to hopefully fix the problem with Windows Phones not being able to install our app. The remaining heroes are coming soon!
- added ability to set completion status for achievements
- removed release countdown; rearranged some items on home screen
- added hero info for Genji (Offense) and Soldier: 76 (Offense)
- added ability videos for all available heroes
- added guide videos for all available heroes
- grayed out the rate button until it can be fixed with a new update for Construct 2
We are looking into reports that our app is not available for Windows Phones.
Another update with new content (hero details and guides) is coming soon.
v1.1.0 (includes 1.0.1 hotfix marked with +)
+ music icon should now display if music is playing or not
+ music should no longer start over and over again when you switch pages
+ music setting should be remembered per device now (using LocalStorage instead of RoamingValues)
+ added link to "Overwatch Launch Protocols" (release times and install instructions)
+ adjusted release countdown time (+1 hour) (may not work with every timezone with this hotfix, sorry!)
- added overview of all weekly brawls we know so far
- fixed some animating frames which should not animate
- fixed wallpaper download (should no longer break app; now saved on our server and not in the app; requires internet connection)
- changed background music to "Trailer Theme Orchestral Remix" by Rob Platt (Pl511)
- improved touch/click recognition (images can be clicked if partially hidden)
- added new section for guides (work in progress)
- added new section for achievements
- added 60 achievements with icons, descriptions and rewards
- added name headline for heroes
- added hero details for Junkrat (Defense)
- added hero details for Tracer (Offense)
- added hero details for Reinhardt (Tank)
- added hero details for Lúcio (Support)
- more heroes and guides are coming soon!
- added overview of all weekly brawls we know so far
- fixed some animating frames which should not animate
- fixed wallpaper download (should no longer break app; now saved on our server and not in the app; requires internet connection)
- music icon should now display if music is playing or not
- music should no longer start over and over again when you switch pages
- music setting should be remembered per device now (using LocalStorage instead of RoamingValues)
- changed background music to "Trailer Theme Orchestral Remix" by Rob Platt (Pl511)
- improved touch/click recognition (images can be clicked if partially hidden)
- added link to "Overwatch Launch Protocols" (release times and install instructions)
- adjusted release countdown time (+1 hour) (may not work with every timezone with this hotfix, sorry!)
- added new section for guides (work in progress)
- added new section for achievements
- added 60 achievements with icons, descriptions and rewards
- added name headline for heroes
- added hero details for Junkrat (Defense)
- added hero details for Tracer (Offense)
- added hero details for Reinhardt (Tank)
- added hero details for Lúcio (Support)
- more heroes and guides are coming soon!
We are looking into reports that our app is not available for Windows Phones.
Another update with new content (hero details and achievements) is coming soon.
- music icon should now display if music is playing or not
- music should no longer start over and over again when you switch pages
- music setting should be remembered per device now (using LocalStorage instead of RoamingValues)
- added link to "Overwatch Launch Protocols" (release times and install instructions)
- adjusted release countdown time (+1 hour) (may not work with every timezone with this hotfix, sorry!)
- added game info
- added wallpapers
- added "Weekly Brawl" info
- added release countdown