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BlackBird SR

A member registered Jun 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi there, the itens in the inventory are just for telling what you have, the game end up been more on the harder side, even after i try to rebalance it a bit.

Are you sure you did buy something before the hitting the end turn ? the amount you lost should be conscistent with what is show on both versions, the only problem i know is on the jam version that sometimes it doesnt give you a gameover if you food is negative.

Hello there, i didnt undestaind the second part of question very well, on the first part, there is a score on the side of the resorces that tells you how much you are going to lose very turn, or if you have a high income, how much you will gain.

Balance is a bit hard, giving the way i made things, on the post-jam version i did a bit of it.

Thank you for playing.

There is a Skip button on the starting screen, it skips only the opening text for now.