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A member registered Jun 10, 2024 · View creator page →

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I could tell by the first chord that you've played AC, it reminded me of the Island Orientation music. I'm also a big Wild World fan, and I feel that game has infected your brain like it has mine. It's too hard to not take inspiration from things like WW and CF because they really paved the way for NH and any future Animal Crossing games. This was a great entry to listen to, I felt like you really understood some of the chord qualities and their harmonic functions in the way the AC series utilizes them. I can also tell you internalized those things (from playing the game) by the way you've arranged those progressions. Very organic. Truly, a great job!

The guitar sounds great on this, very clean and crisp. Anchorage Sun was a great descriptor for this piece, as well. It definitely gives those vibes, and I can imagine this playing in an actual game. Great work! 

I really liked the direction the harmony took in certain places, it reminded me of something (a soundtrack from a game or movie) and I just can't put my finger on it. Also, you have a great sense of melodic phrasing! Really enjoyed listening to the piece.

This is such a calm and relaxing piece! You did an excellent job, especially considering it's not your usual style of composition. The rhythm section really stood out to me, it emphasized the "sunny island" theme and gave a lot of personality to the piece.