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A member registered Aug 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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I think I'm in love

Quite unique concept, took me a while to get the hang of it, but I could never get to a point where I could reliably control the game. Maybe that's a part of the experience though! Goodjob!

Fun game, amazing idea, but sadly I couldn't finish it because of the captcha being unbeatable. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong :(

It's technically ranged- but not really HAHA, didn't have enough time to implement it, so it's just a faster/weaker unit :)

Played the game, quite fun, the only annoyance for me was that the controls felt... weighty. I was pressing space and sometimes it wouldn't register it as a hit, same with the turns.

Goodjob nonetheless, on the presentation, gameplay, as well and the polish!

This was amazing ahaha! Goodjob!

Thank you so much~!

Nice game, some sound would've added a lot to the game in my opinion! The only sad thing I found was that I had to read the game page to figure out my options, and would've liked some instructions instead.

Nonetheless, a really good game, and definitely worth exploring further.

Thank you so much for the feedback

You can place units on the left side of the screen! We should've made it more obvious, my fault!

Interesting concept, just feel like "killing the pet" (feels weird even saying that ahaha) could've been more fun. Also, the end boss felt a bit spammy, I had to keep mashing Z/X non stop to shoot as much as I could, and I managed to cheese it by staying at bottom right where neither the knifes nor the projectlies could hit me.

Nonetheless, a concept I didn't expect to see anywhere, presented in a decent manner.


Ah, I get it now!! Thanks for the explanation!

Game was quite fun, I agree with the comment of it saying that it could use balancing, but it has a certain vibe and aesthetic going for it.


A very nice concept that sadly gets repetitive because of not having enough variety. Some audio could've really done good here as well. It can definitely be expanded further. Goodjob ^^

Happy to hear that you liked it!!!

You're right, it could've pointed to the enemy cursor and been like "this is the enemy player".

It's something we'll keep in mind if we decide to expand. Thank you!

He do be lifting heavy.

Thank you so much! I felt like it would add a lot to make the AI visible on screen instead of it just placing stuff, and I'm happy to hear that people liked it, along with the fact that Dante programmed it so well!

Happy to hear that! The AI was Dante's work, he did a really good job!

Thank you ^^

Amazing presentation and idea! I guess the only thing I would want would be more because some puzzles I could solve just by spamming R and Space! Still, really good for a game jam! Great job!

I defeated Robo in around 2:14 ahaha! Fun little puzzle game, though would've liked to know the controls for the end battle beforehand :D

That's such a kind thing to say! Thank you so much!

Nice idea, though I definitely wish there was more of everything. More polish, a tutorial, everything. I understand that it's a jam game, but unfortunately, I personally felt like it's too simplistic for a jam game. Keep it up though, I see this is the first game you've posted on this website. Keep making games and get better with each one :D

I believe in you!

Nice aesthetics, managed to finish the game. Just not the biggest fan of the theme interpretation.

Great concept, fun puzzle game! I feel like allowing the level to continue and giving the player a reset to checkpoint button could be a good idea, since it could test some reflexes and/or managing to barely solve a problem! Goodjob nonetheless, one of my favorite entries!

Quite liked the game, though didn't feel much of a connection to the theme of being role reversed as I just felt like playing a rythm game.

Overall, goodjob though, had quite some fun :D

Interesting concept, though the game sort of left me confused on how to activate certain zombies. The art is nice, just wish the instructions were clearer!

Funnily enough, that was the exact inspiration that struck me!

Haha thank you, I especially made them in Paint for Windows XP :')

Thank you!


Thank you very much, and well I still stand by what I said. But hey, it is something.

~ BladeSides

Thank you very much for trying out my little creation, I hope to get around to playing everyone's by tonight.

~ BladeSides

If this managed to resonate with even one person, I'd have my objective fulfilled. I thank you very much for taking your time to tinker around with this little creation, and hope I don't disappoint your expectations!

~ BladeSides

Thank you for giving this a try, and for donating a sum as well.

I hope you are doing better these days, and, that even better stuff lies in front of you.

~ BladeSides

Nice game!