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A member registered Feb 23, 2014 · View creator page →

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Fun twist and clever mechanics like the username and system file dumps, I enjoyed it!


I agree the railroad track was hard to see, I think because I designed a compact level there along with the track art having thick lines it became hard to read - I will fix this in the future if I carry on with this idea, thanks!

Thank you for your feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed the minecart level - I felt the tight turns and having it loop around fits a minecart theme so I'm happy you picked up on that. Would love to add more levels, I may work on this further after the jam!

Thanks! Yes wish I could have made more, I might add some more after the jam.

Fun game! I liked the intro story level too that was clever. I'll echo others comments about the respawn time but apart from that I enjoyed it.

Clever idea, I had a couple of moments where I was stuck and when the solution clicked into place in my head it felt good.

Fun game, whacking the trolls felt good! I ended up with a loop of dirt mounds and I was running in a circle smashing them and managed to score 22,590!

Loved being able to get more chickens from the trolls with bags, it reminded me of loot goblins in Diablo. Great job!

Jumping out of the water gave me Ecco the Dolphin vibes, very cool! Fun game, good job.

Thanks! From the start I saw the different vehicle and path sprites and I knew I wanted to use several of them to keep it interesting.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you, feels good to finally have people play something I've made!

I see your point, it would be frustrating if you're not quick enough but know what the solution is - I know I'd get annoyed at that too. Thanks for that I'll keep that in mind if I develop this further.

Thanks :)

Thanks for your feedback! I had planned to create many more levels than I managed to make which would have provided more challenge, maybe I'll add to it in the future.

Thank you, I'll have a think about the mobile game idea as you're right I think it could work!

I agree on the minecart level, the tracks were hard to tell apart from eachother I should have made a more open track so it would have been easier to tell where to go.

Thanks for your feedback!



Thanks for your feedback! I really wanted to add more levels but I just didn't have time, the original plan was to end up having all 3 vehicles together on later levels.

Really well done, gameplay was fun and I enjoyed the writing!