Maniacal, I love it!
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WOOO (coming for you fc :))) I copied the strat of skipping that diagonal speed orb but I actually found out about the wind trick into finish myself. Infact on my 2.35, I did it only using the wind in that section, so it's possible to save like 10 seconds there, potentially making sub 1m possible. Siickk
I ADORE this, played for like 2 hours and scored two world records (shrek's level 3 wr is so good though)
Amazing game, just needs more content. Doesn't even feel rushed somehow.
Update: Found a new strat on level 3, I now have tied wr with shrek, which technically makes me the WR holder for all 3 levels
Very cool and unique, I love amount of movement techniques and they all fit well into levels. Will say I couldn't find the nest (before fullscreening), and also I don't understand the "dash into the lizard 3 times". I dashed 3 times from below, ahead, and from above and nothing happens?. Also jump/run sfx would be sick.
Otherwise amazing, especially for your first game jam :)
Aside from spending like 10 minutes tryna figure out how to unzip a rar file ._.
The game is absolutely sick. It feels fun to play and everything, though I wish the game had a "life count", since it's difficulty is pretty hard. I can fairly consistantly get out of stage 1 with 200+ coins, yet I haven't completed stage 2 yet (i literally got to the striped part of the platform :...:
Anyways as formerly said, absolutely sick game. Very well done!
Cool game, I love the art style, but it needs some instructions.
I was often confused by the controls, but I figured it edventually. Like, why are both left click and E controls for the game when they're the same purpose, just for different scenarios?
That out of the way, fantastic little game. The crafting thing was actually really interesting IMO.