Hello, I am a proofreader and Russian translator looking for a project. I can proofread and translate both UI and dialogue. Here's my Discord if you're interested: BlindedByJustice#6085
Recent community posts
Hello, I am interested in this offer! I am a Russian<->English translator, also a proofreader. Anything to do with text is my jam! Of course, I can also help promote your projects/team in my country. I won't beat around the bush and say that yes, I am also interested in a little pay right now. My Discord is BlindedByJustice#6085.
Thank you for your reply! Is there any way I can send my e-mail to you in private? It seems this website does not have a PM function, and I don't want my work e-mail just hanging out in the open... I have a Reddit (DubiousDuality) and Twitter (@Motorolla15) account if you are wondering ! I can also make a Discord account if it's needed.
Greetings! I am a native Russian speaker who loves games and wants to gain experience in game translation. I am an advanced English language user. I am willing to help you with your project for free, as I have no prior experience in translating games. I translate English to Russian and Russian to English. I can also proofread your work. The only thing I ask for is a mention in the credits (for future references). =)
Looking forward to any replies!