Sorry in advance.
Blob Guy
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I thought I had played video games before this. I was wrong. It was not until playing The Hunt (2025) that I began to appreciate games as a medium of interactive art. This revelation has opened up my mind and my heart, and the memory of The Hunt (2025) will live on in me, and I'm sure in many, many others. If you have a Mac or Windows system, PLEASE treat yourself to this magnificent work of art.
The controls being on a separate window mildly annoyed me, but other than that, the game was fun. It took me a second to figure out that I had to click on the header text to select the difficulty.
I like the use of sound, and the zoomed-in POV really limits your peripheral and keeps you on your toes. It was also quite hard, but for a short game, I think that makes it last longer. I still haven't beat it, but then again, I've only tried on the hardest difficulty.
A lot of things felt unclear, and it took me overhearing other people to realize how the minimap worked. After I realized that, though, I was able to complete some work. But it was also unclear to me everything that needed to be done, and even after I did some of my tasks, I think my character still harmed themselves. I ate a lot of food though.
Aside from the gameplay difficulties and raccoon confusion, I did like some of the room art. I would like to see a more fleshed out version of the game, and to better be able to put myself in the character's shoes.
I did not really understand how to exit full screen, and I don't think I completed things in the intended way. Overall, I thought it was really fun, and think it has a lot of potential to make an interesting platformer. I found the controls a little clunky and some of puzzles pretty weird at first, but it was very cool to play. I'd like to see a more developed version! Also, the graphics are really nice, reminds me of Celeste.