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Blower Pot

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Also, I'll find a way to make you unable to win if the players are discarded by a trash tile. But it seems to not to work, I'll try to fix that.

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You used Dario PuzzleScript or Puzzlescript Plus? I don't think that the this could have been done with the normal PuzzleScript. But I liked this game. Also, most of the games here were made in PuzzleScript, but this one looks the best.

Icely isn't anymore only playing puzzles. He is MAKING the puzzles.

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Cool! And wait, you are the same creator of Crate Assembler? I saw this game in the gallery of the PuzzleScript page.

Comparing. Teleport Jumper was made in august 1, 2021. Offset was created in december, 2023. So Teleport Jumper was created before Offset.

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When I play those puzzle games, I always think of ways to beat it, seeing what I have to do, if it'll work, or not. Puzzle games are always good and with unique concepts. ...If we exclude the rip-offs.

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Nice game. I saw a rip-off of it in Puzzle Playground, well, those web game sites are already full of rip-offs of other games. So its no surprise for me at this point. But if you want to known about this Tiny Fragments rip-off, here. But Tiny Fragments is better, the only difference between those two games is that the player falls if they reach the end of a "fragment", and they rescue the other penguin instead of collecting a fruit.

Icely but after he melt.

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I expected that... Oh, and I will get a artwork to add. Soon. Also, here are some future changes: I'll move to work on this game with Dario Zubovic's PuzzleScript, cause so you'll have level select. And also, I'll upgrade the sprites to have now 11 pixels, so expect them to look better, I will also add switches and thorns.

I'll guess that this person that comments on topics without images will come here soon...

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I finally made  a new game. SWAP BOX was so big that it wasn't fun to make and most objects didn't had much to no chance to have their use seen. Now, I made a much simplier game...

Inverted is a new PuzzleScript puzzle game created by me, and no, this isn't Dark Light Swap. This game is a top-down game but with a unique goal: two circles, black and white, and they must be on the same tile, fusing into a gray circle, so you wins. However, black and white have inverted controls. Black moves to left, right, up, down, while white is the opposite. Black can interact with black objects, and white with other white objects. Later, here will be red circles that must be destroyed so they can fuse.

The characters are almost always in positions that are a mirror to eachother, making it harder for them to reach eachother. So you must find ways to make them to move to a bit out of place.

This game is under development, but I hope I complete it soon. And don't worry. I won't make too many objects this time. So this will be simplier yet harder. Also, I'll create this game on Dario Zubovic's PuzzleScript cause this one have level select.

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This must be the most coolest PuzzleScript game ever, it doesn't even looks like PuzzleScript. Liked it.

Cool games!

In level 24, you must use the four pieces to make a tower, then use he bishops to reach that platform on the top. Then, make another tower on the right now, so the knights to get up to the platform there too, then, make a tower using the two bishops, and then placing the knight on the to, to reach the key, now, just lead everyone to the place where the second rook is in, so make another tower to make the king able to reach that high place, and then use the knight to reach the button. And then the king can reach he king. Probably, you won't understand, you should just watch a gameplay of this level.

I managed to beat this game. Good. Also, I saw this game in Just Fall in github, it have some Poki games on it. I'm not sure if it was Robert who put those there (probably no), or if THEY put his Poki-exclusive games in there.

Unfortunately, he won't most likely.

This is common thing on his games. But I'm not really sure if the music was taken from Big Tall Small of if it is a original one. But one part of it sounds like Big Tall Small.

I love this game's soundtrack. I noticed it is slightly similar to Big Tall Small's soundtrack. But its no surprised based most soundtracks of each game were reused from another.

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At least, he isn't  making games anymore on this site. Look, his last game here was Multimove, and he never did any other games here after. Then look at Poki, he did other games there that aren't here. So he apparently is now doing games on other sites, and not publishing them anymore on Itch.io. He was also on Newgrounds, and he also isn't publishing his game there anymore. So, yes, you can only play his new games on Poki, but I found those games on other sites, such as y8, but I only found Jumping Shell there. Also, rest in peace those menu screens (those screens you see before going to the level select), we'll always remember you, were last seen in One Button Bounce.

Its Poki icon doesn't shows the character, unlike the rest.

I like this game's soundtrack 1. It fits, this is also one of the few games to have more than one soundtrack.

This must be one of his most good-looking games. Like, he didn't animated stuffs THIS good, also, the  objects are placed one by one. He definitively put even more effort on this game. I would like to see him to do those well-made games for Poki.

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That must be the best game. Everyone liked it as I could see. I like this game soundtrack, which was actually reused from the soundtrack 2 from Puzzle Tactics, and also reused again for Shoot to Slide.

This is game is very similar to Elemental Tiles in terms of appearance of the stuffs, the player, red squares, and the appearance of the blocks. I would like to see it on Poki.

Fun fact: Those two players are called Dark and Light according to the Poki description. This is the only time the player characters are given a name.

This game must have one of the most calm soundtracks. Also, yeah, this wavey background was meant to be the sea. Its Math and Puzzle Playground descriptions say this U-shaped character is trapped in a island, meaning those blocks are actually floating into the water and the floor is above the water. Yeah, the descriptions of other websites tell more story, though short.

This was the first game I ever played. Which was on Poki. This was how I discovered about his games.

This game looks old. But its not so old. I liked this game, this was one of the many games I beaten. I'm on a game rush of his games. Its ongoing.

If you wonder how I even found Plactions, I searched "Plant" on Poki. Looking for games like PvZ case there had many clones of many games there.

Have you done it? Would like to see it.

For me they are genderless. At least this is my version of them, and every Rob1221 universe characters.

Was this reall made with PuzzleScript?

I decided to do a new fun thing: rhythm.

Just for fun, I move the character on the rhythm of the music, cause its fun. And cause the soundtracks of his games are always great. So why not to make the player dance, right?

This is the riskiest game to rhythm at. What is a "rhythm" in the Rob1221 games? See my comment in Matchkey.

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I had a fanmade idea of more elements, all using a new control to be used: space/action

But all of them have limited uses, but stepping on the element tiles refill the ability use. After you run out of uses, the player acts like the normal element.

There are four new elements

Plant: Creates a temporary bush block that can press buttons and acts as a solid wall. But only one can be at time, and after certain turns, the bush disappears. It can be only used once.

Electric: Creates a lighting bolt in a straight-line to where the player was last facing. The lighting bolt pushes the red square two tiles back, disappearing after this, the lighting bolt cannot pass through obstacles. It can be used three times.

Water: Becomes submerged, in this state. The player can pass through anything, but they can only become back to land when it is under a red square which it'll swap places with them (the square is send to the place the player last used this ability in). It can be only used once.

Gravity: Can change gravity four times. The first changes gravity to left, the second to right, the third to up, and the last to down, which after this, the ability ends the gravity changes back to normal.

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I saw another rip-off of your game. Its called Square Monsters, not only the players looked similar, but the level were really just copied from Jumping Clones. But this game is much better to play as Clone Jumping where there had time and it was hard to do the clone-jumping-from-another-midair thing. Here: https://www.puzzleplayground.com/square_monsters

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I like how, as it can be seen, the Busy Fairies have actually more reactions compared to other fairies. Not only idle animations, she will look when certain stuffs happen, such as if a toad is poked, or the fairy that poked the toad is caught.

This game is very well-made, and I love it! The characters have many reactions to stuffs, and not just don't care like other games. Each show a unique personality just through their animation and stuffs, the Blue Fairies are the normal ones, they always smile, really always and like to anger the toads cause yes. Strong Fairies are friendly, even if their arms are buff they could bonk a toad maybe. And Busy Fairies... They care about nothing but reading their book, but we can see they don't approve toads being poked and will laugh if the fairy gets justice(?).

Also, I saw a video of  older game also titled "Poke All Toads" on YouTube. Was it how the game used to look like? Apparently yes.

The world's fastest series

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I decided to end SWAP BOX sooner. I got tired and I wanted to make other games. So we have the released SWAP BOX. With the final world, the space, there is a ending...

Now, I'll work my new project , "Help I'm Being Threatened At Laserpoint".

Actually, I plan to do PuzzleScript demakes of his games, just for fun. And I plan to make Light Push demake, however, how will I do the flashlight light, I have no idea.

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Aren't all of them (and every characters of Rob1221dev games) genderless?

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This game looks amazing! And cute, of course.

Well, based the fairies just go around poking toads, who are like much larger than them, and could swallow them whole. Those fairies for sure don't fear for their lives.

That's not Small, its another character. I'll name it... Well "Gravisquare", cause that's literally the game name, and possibly the name of this creature.