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A member registered Jun 19, 2021

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Is there anyone playing on Public? I have yet to see anyone

Hello! I had this video just rotting away in my files so I decided to finally upload it after idk a year. Here it is I had some fun!

Here it is and sorry for how long it took. Also, sorry for it probably not being what you expected I am new to this stuff.

Anti Furry Killer Made with Clipchamp (

I played the game and I enjoy it! I was originally looking for a game that was about fighting furries but this still works for me.

Can I make a video with your game? Just a warning though I do lack motivation at the moment and I might not actually post it.

Oh, I did forget. Atleast it is a good game.

Futa characters are mostly the ones capable of doing that but I think I have seen others do it.

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Hello I am having trouble with the grammer and I cant seem to come up with an answer for it. I would like some help. I have listened to the hint for the first part but still don't know the problem. Also may I upload this to youtube. (I swear a lot)

Forget the last part I see it was updated 14 days ago.

Oh, I thought there would be a part where it tells me my kind of personality or something. Anyway the quiz was kind of fun for a bit. Are you still working on it?

Does this quiz go on forever?

I just thought about posting what I thought about it but it's more like a my adventure than thoughts. 

(Probably going to delete my topic)

Ok, so the games lag was almost a killer but me wanting to know what will happen had me determined to continue. The games sky was pretty calming to look at while the music played. Also the first thing I did was run past everyone and eventually got on top of a roof. Honestly getting on top of a roof has started becoming my superpower in almost every game that has them but me being me I didn't think fall damage existed *SPLAT* I couldn't stop laughing at how I thought jumping off a roof and on top of someones head was a good idea. I bet if the npc had a mind they would be thinking why I am running into walls and throwing rocks at the invisible wall that I so desperatly wanted to get past till I fell into grass. Honestly I was having so much fun running around and listening to the calming music. After that I had finally put my name in for that wolf guy and found a place to sleep. I woke up and fell to my death once again! This is the last time I fell to my death. So I got ready to go and I was in a cage, I looked around and saw nobody. After that the cage opened up and faster than a bullet I ran without thinking. I jumped higher than the trees and stopped when the timer stopped. At first I thought I did something wrong or I had to go somewhere and then I saw it a million wolf people running and I was so far away they looked like ants. I ran off towards the forest after that and you already know I was teleported or something. Well on the next area I ended up getting grabbed by a white wolf while the lag was slowing the game down. I did not even know I was grabbed until I noticed I was no longer on screen. Is it bad that I ran like 50 miles away without noticing? But anyway I got away with from him with my knew knowledge  that some hotel thing was up ahead guarded by wolves. I did what I did before and slammed my head against the building when I got to it! After that I took a look at a dungeon and the dungeons are great because of no lag. My final word is this game is so good!

Should I delete this?

What I think about it.

What makes a furry a furry? This is an actual question because I own a fursuit and still have not even cared to wear it fully . 

I do like challenges tho so I have worn the head and paws while playing Call of Duty WW2 on veteran. I still have one more mission to go and I am the first in history to play WW2 with paws and a hard to see through head on veteran mode. 

This seems fun to play! Once I play this awesome looking game I will write what I think about it. However that might take a while seeing how it has moved up to 19 hours to download. See ya in hopefully less than a day because I might forget to even come back here with my comment. app download - Search (

Did you get it?

(1 edit)

Do the same thing but with 7-zip. hover over the button till you see more options. I believe it should be "Extract to "file Name" and or just extract the files exactly. Just a reminder I only learned this from messing around with 7-zip so my advice may not be perfect.

If it still doesn't work you may want to seek some advice from YouTube.

If that still doesn't work I am sorry that I couldn't help.

This is a tip on how to download and start the game but be warned that I am not a computer expert and don't know much about computer safety.


If you did it from the internet it should be in your files, go check it should be in downloads.

Once you get to downloads locate the game and right click on the file containing it.

You should now see something that says "open with WinZip".

Now search for something that just says "WinZip"

Hover your arrow over it till you see more options pop up.

I think you now press "Unzip to here."

You probably know what to do next.

My free trial ended and I don't remember how to do most of this stuff.


 If you did it from the app it should be in library. 


If you are asking how to download it if you didn't already click download and press no thanks, just take me to the downloads and click on the version for you. If that still doesn't work you could download the app because for some reason when I tried to download something from the internet it would say "Network Error".

Did you download Itch or do it right from the internet?

Is it always bad treatment or is it because I was a red?

(1 edit)

I played this game for hours and enjoy playing it. I also wanted to say many other things like I played this game using my very soul and decisions I got so immersed I made decisions I would probably make IRL. Also, you did great work on the characters! My time playing was uneventful because like I said played the game like it was real life. Eventually though I accepted to become a test subject for the credits and to better the world. "Worst mistake ever" I was filled with wrath because I was treated like I was nothing more like a toy to that person. What really put me on the warpath was the goo thing and not receiving any help to escape from it while she watched. When I tried to escape the padded room, she just kept beating me! it was humiliating enough that I spent a lot of time beating up everyone for a baton. At the end I had 10 batons and a few shivs as well as a storage of painkillers and energy drinks. She humiliated me so much I took part again just so I could fight her using my newly acquired baton and shiv. It was great to finally have a chance against her and I won! I had never done any NSFW until the goo thing shown up.

It's a good game but does the hot dog stand guy stop chasing? Also got 135,194 points.