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A member registered Jun 21, 2021

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so... we really can't have Alvy as a main ro? he is so cute : ( one of my favs, F

Hiii, idk if im the only one with this problem, but I guess this happens when you take all the more aggressive options with Milo or something because literally I have another file when I take all the more soft option with him (Romance him) but after you found him in the aqueduct and talk with him, I also clicked in the option him escorting MC to the exit and there is also a bug or something where you can't continue the story.

In the pic is other part of the story (with the same characteristics I write before) where there is not "Next" part


Ohh entonces perfecto, perdona que te responda en español, me es más rápido hacerlo así, espero que no te haya sentado mal, es que no sería la primera vez que veo a alguien poniendo que España está en Latinoamérica xD y era más que nada para corregir ese pequeño error

Lo de Gibraltar no debería haber mucho problema dado que en ese entonces tanto Inglaterra como España estarían en la UE y por ende habría una mayor libertad de paso (de hecho la sigue habiendo incluso cuando UK ya no está en la UE XD) pero no sabía que eras una persona latina así que pensé que quizá habías buscado zonas aleatorias en España (cosa que yo también hago, las cosas como son) para poner un lugar bonito y justo diste con Gibraltar, así que lo pusiste pensando que era parte de España

Sea como fuese, me encanta tu historia y la forma en la que das forma a los personajes, espero seguir leyendote por mucho tiempo 💙💙

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hiiii!! first of all I need to say I love this game sososo much!!! but I found a little mistake in the second side quest, when you are helping Charley and Marissa. 

lil spoilers!

When they asked you about where you would like to live if you have a lot of money, you can choose Spain, if you choose that, you get this:

"...Spain." Marissa grins, saying, "paella and bulls?" You nod, "yeah, Argentina sounds like a great place to go."

Argentina is a hispanic country on South America, Spain is the country in Europe!

Oh, and if you choose Italy, they talk about gelato and siesta. I think in Italy also they take some siestas, but I don't know if they called them like that too, usually the "siesta" thing is also a stereotype of Spain hahaha but maybe is something usual in Italy too

Either way, thank you so much for all your hard work! I love this story so much! I cant wait to read more of it < 333

PS: If is true that geographically Gibraltar is in the Iberian Peninsula, and it was Spain territory, officially, now is part of UK, since Ultrech Treaty

Hii!!! Sorry, MC in this game is female? Male? NB? Thanks!

is abandoned?

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perfect, thanks!!! <3

I guess, we will receive also a steam key when the game is out? 

ohh fantastic, there is another way to pay that is not PayPal?

If we buy the 0,5 version for 13€, we will able to buy the new version when it goes update? Or is only for that specific one you bought?

Vers like you can choose or 50/50 or Vers top where you have one scene with the characters as bottom max?

I'm genuinely asking, sorry if I sounded rude, xD English is not my mother tongue 

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I was looking at the wiki page and, everyone is practically top? Lol, just asking 

Thanks for answering!! I didn't realized CHYSA confirmed it, sorry, do you know if it was in Patreon?

PS: lets be honest, all the characters are GREAT, but my gay af ass is obsessed with that characters XDD, I can't wait for more

Will you continue this game??? I loooove it <333

I love this game so muuuch! It's super fun and promises a lot, I haven't been able to stop playing it since I downloaded it and I read it in a day or two wtf

I love all the characters so far, especially Kit, Chase, Rojas and best friend forever <3 (if is not a spoiler, he is a RO? I only ask cause he doesn't appear in the character RO summary) but I think my fav for now is Male!Incubus human form, I hope we will see him in the future <3

I have a couple of questions, in the nsfw scenes, will it be possible to choose at some point whether to be top or bottom? I only ask cause I would love to see more tops MC but usually the games here prefer bottom MC : (

I absolutely will buy the game in Steam when it is for sale, do you have more or less any idea of when it could be?

okeyy, thanks for answering!!  And good luck with the launch :)

I love how people still come even after years to continue loving this game < 333 this also was one of my first IFs ever and I will always love it 

Ohh a pity, MC will still have top scenes with everyone? Or only bottom?

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The demo is awesome! I think it has a lot of potential, from lore to world and characters, if done well, it could touch on some deeper and more interesting themes, as for the art it is quite good! I just hope that we are given the choice to choose to be top/bottom or in its case have some scenes with MC top, all good games  usually have MC as bottom 😭

Edit: before I forget, if you change the preference to "skip all text" there's a bug where the screen tittle and the game scene are superposed and you can't continue or the game freeze, like you can still interact with the text box options (preferences, save etc) but the text doesn't continue 

I have a question, the parts where you can write something, there is something specific you should write? and where can you see it?

I only want to say this:


Nah, now seriously, I loved every minute of this game, the sprites are awesome and super dynamic, the characters super lovely and the lore interesting, I can't wait to see more of this!

Hellop, have you set a deadline to sign up for beta testing? I say this because I have not been able to do it until now and well, if the deadline is already close or full I don't see any reason to full the data xDD

nah, don't apologise, it makes sense, at the end of the day, it's more work! It was just curiosity 

omg Vers suppremacy! Best MC are Vers MC, I have another question tho, if we buy the game now and in the future you will make the R+18, we will need to buy it like an DLC? Or will be included in the first buy?

I have a question, if you will be able to make the R+18, will male MC top? thanks!

you are SO cruel 🥲😂😂😂😂😂

this vn is so gooddd!!! I have a question tho, I supposed Hector will be always bottom?

I will buy thing game only for the milkman? yes I will /j

now seriously, I saw a lot of people playing this game and now I'm so hype to playing it lolol

Personally (I'm writing this when I haven't finished the whole demo yet, so I may have to go back and edit some things later, I wanted to write this more than anything because there is a scene that I think needs to be corrected and with my memory, I was afraid that I ended up forgetting hahaha) I have been liking the game so far, from the mechanics with the dice to the way in which you have represented it artistically, the characters are extremely lovable and interesting, it is true that I miss the back button a little the texts (I tend to be a little clumsy and sometimes I skip a page without finishing reading it lmao) I appreciate all the care you have also put into the different possibilities depending on whether the die has had a much larger number than necessary or if you have barely managed to pass it.

About the mistake I saw in one scene, when Lairen was searching for food in the forest and started raining it said "[…] The cold settles in quickly since he is still wet from falling into the river earlier." the thing is I succeed in that scene, so Lairen didn't fall in the river, I tried to go back to that scene and doing it again just in case I was wrong and I was playing the route when Lairen indeed fallen (I was curious about what happened if you failed) and even then there was the same text saying Lairen had fallen into the river.

One last question, will Lairen always be the bottom? As I said before, I haven't finished the demo so I don't know if there will be many more nsfw scenes, but so far that seems to be the case, I'm asking this more than anything out of curiosity, there aren't many games where the couples are switch and personally The dynamic of this couple would fit quite well, it would be a shame if it didn't, anyway, good job, the game is super well done! < 33

This game has so MUCH potential! I LOVE ITTTTT, thanks for all your hard work, its funny, easy to read and interesting : D

okeyy, thanks for telling mee

cool! With Owen too?

eyyyy, question, this game has nsfw right? mc is always bottom? (I hope not XD) just to know

How old are Harus? I need to know if I can call him daddy or not /hj

now seriously, I loved this piece of art, from the characters to the style of writing, all the plot and trauma is just *chef kiss*, thanks for all your hard work

(seriously, tho, Harus is much more old than MC?? I NEED TO KNOW : (((( )

well, that's good news, at least we know they don't... well scam us haha, I can totally understand if there were any problems in the team or something and the game was posponed or something, really, but people are going to bitch if there is any new about the game is forever, I try to be sympathetic too, and is for that reason I didn't put any post on this page until now, at the end of the day it was me who trusted the game would be finished, but if someone updates only in Patreon but not in the others pages, the people who don't follow him in that web are going to be confused or mad, and that is also comprensible, anyways, thank you for the news, I really thought I won't be able to see this game again haha

I friking love it? OMG the way you write is so mesmerizing? like... from the usage of words to the emotion you transmit with the story, the characters and the lore! Its incredible, literally only 3 chapters (and the third one is not even full) and the story already captivated me?

I adore the way you write, idk if my fav part is how you express MC feelings and hardships or how complex the characters seems and feel...

PS: The... horny part about MC first time lets say calming themself, it was PERFECT I laugh so hard with big bro entering in the worst time possible but also I read all the three possibilities and oh boi, if this story is going to have more scenes like this are going to be *chef kiss* thanks for all your hard work, I cant wait to read more of this

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I just finished Aiden, practically also Dallan chapter (I left the best to the end, my little Miau miau) and OMG this is so well written, the art is so amazing, the complexity of the characters seems so natural! 

I have a question tho (I hope is okey to ask this xD) are we going to be able to choose the position in the NSFW scenes? like I know there is at least one with Tate where you can, but Idk if with Dallan and Aiden MC is going to be always bottom, I'm a bit curious about it (it would be awesome if you can see all the character in both ways, top and bottom, but I can understand if you are not going to do it, is just curiosity)

Thanks for all your hard work! I love the story so far, i cant wait for more <33

PS: Someone knows how to unlock the second page of Aiden nsfw? I tried different ways but I only got the headmaster and the shower cgs xD

ahhhh im so happy for you, really! I was following here in this game from practically the beginning, so idk why but im a bit proud of watching you improve everyday, thank you for all your hard work!! <3

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hello!! I just wanted to know if maybe I did something wrong? after the first dungeon (the well) I noted there was a door closed so I thought maybe I needed to enter in the most profound part of the well (in the room of the boss whale) but I couldn't do it after the boss battle, so I thought I could go after go to the town and do that event, but when I tried to enter again to the well the character didn't let me go, so im a bit confused, will I be able to enter later? what I need to do to enter again?

There are any walkthrough for the skins? 

I love this game so far! thanks for all your hard work.

Edit: Okey, im a dummy dummy and the game itself made you go there again like 5 minutes after I made this comment LOL, (still kinda curious about the guide for the skins xD)

AHHHH I didn't know this game was also in lol im so happy to see it (a bit late, I know lol XD)