Super simple and varies between challenging and simple depending on the setup. Plus awesome artwork. Great job and fits great with the theme.
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Ah, the Champion has arrived! Glad you enjoyed it. That secret passage was a mercy. When testing that level, I was like. Ya know, this is a little TOO frustrating to backtrack through. How about a tiny bit of "help" for those who can read signs. Glad it didn't go unnoticed. Thanks again for the nice words!
Ah, thanks man. So the code to deal with the recorded moves is done in a surprisingly simple, but probably messy way. I literally just have an array with an instance object that contains the x and y positions and the characters current animation state. Every frame I just add an entry to that array. And then when time comes to "go back in time" I basically just create a new player character and every frame i update the time clone characters x and y positions along with state, to match what the array holds for that frame. So the clones are not performing any actuations, just frame by frame going to the x and y coords and state i recorded for that particular frame.
Again, Thanks for playing. Also, just updated it to add the levels which I was not able to put in originally in time for the jam review.
I am the Master 10/10!
Great work on your first jam game, simple concept to understand and kept on theme.
Small suggestion, you might want to look into disabling the arrow controls from scrolling the webpage when the character is swimming down.
See you next Jam!
This was a challenge but in the end I earned my Eternal reward! Overall this was a great entry, felt like a micro game sorta thing, basic task, multiple mechanics, short story added in for flavor as well. Good Show! My only suggestion. In a game like this where you are expected to die a lot. I think it would of been a nice QoL feature that when I die, I could just "press any key" to retry from the death screen instead of using the mouse to click to continue. :-D
Great concept. The mechanics were very simple, but still managed to be fun. Hear monster? See monster? Flashlight! Away with you! The monsters themselves looked pretty rad, I enjoyed the spooky screech of the white one.
I do wish there was a timer or scoring element, that way I could compare my progress on different runs. But I'll blame that on one the programmer, he probably got lazy.
I love this. What a great concept. This was probably one of the most unique and interesting libGDX jam games I've seen. and it fits perfectly with the theme as well. While it does get pretty difficult. Who cares? Especially when you realize you can just scribble all over the other size and slow them down. Amazing Job!