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Graphics were really clean, and the music was nice, but I feel the player movement could be a bit better, maybe add momentum/sliding so that the player's movement doesn't feel so static.

It felt pretty fun to play until I got really far into the level and ended up dying and then I had to redo it from the start. Maybe add a checkpoint system or extra lives. Overall a really nice concept but I think it needs more user control, such as the player being able to choose how much power they put into each jump.

Honestly a really fun game to play! I just found it hard to get more gold to get things other than knights, so maybe decrease the cost of better upgrades or make the enemies drop more gold.

Really impressive art and sound. The only thing which I found was a slight problem was that the "e" and  "r"  keys are right next to each other, so just as I'm about to go to the next level, I would accidentally press "r" and reset the level.

Yeah, I was assuming this issue would show up. I don't really know a fix for that problem, as pygame can only be turned into a windows executable as far as I know.

This was actually a really fun and almost relaxing game to play. I like the idea of sorting out the trash into different colors/types, and overall that idea was well executed through the visuals. It was very clear how the game works through just the visuals themselves. I just don't see too much of a connection to the theme of opposites.