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A member registered Mar 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the review


Made by:cheesorable, shikishuki and Bolitop

Each turn u get random amount of moves, every thing u do reduce your moves.

press E to heal

Thank u for your kind words 🙂

Thank u for your review 

Simple and nice game 

So cool one of the best games I played in this jam!

Really impressive art and music! 

great game!

Really impressive idea, great game!

really nice game!

the art is great.

the controls for me was a bit hard.

overall great game for 5 days!

(1 edit)

Made by: Shuki,Itay Keret and Bolitop

Btw u can restart the level by pressing R

Hi wanna work with me? Bolitop #7838

Think first before u start working, plan your time.

because we don't know yet the art pack of the jam

very good game.

nice levels.

and amazing music.

great game.

lovely art and fits to the theme.

great game!

(1 edit)

Thank u for your feedback!

As u can see my art skill is'nt that great but I did my best.

Anyway thank u so much for playing my game!

Such a great game, great art,great music,and the concept is realy cool.

Great job!

Thank u for your review

Great idea, like it so much!

What a great concept!

 like it!

no problem!