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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Im glad you enjoyed it!

Yes and im sorry, I left a value set to 3 instead of 0. This value keeps track of how many bosses you have defeated. So the version i uploaded locks because the game thinks you defeated 4 bosses.

I loved the voice acting! I think the camera rotation could have been quicker. It was just hard to look around the scene. This was a great first game jam game!

This was really fun!! I got to 167! I wish the score didn't go away so quickly. I wanna be able to screen shot and send to friends! 

Unfortunately i cant play the game. I type go fishing or shop and the terminal just continues copy and paste the response to quickly. This causes the terminal to fill up and i cant read anything. I was looking forward to it as i love text based games! 

Your game was fun! Here are a couple tips / suggestions.

 I would make it so the player can manually pick up trash in the beginning. This will allow the player to earn coins in the start quickly instead of having to wait for the 1 fish. Think of the game cookie clicker. The player can manually click the cookie to get 10,000 cookies but the real goal is to buy cookie automation upgrades so it does it for you! 

Another tip is to allow for resizing of the gameplay window. This will allow people on many different monitor setups to enjoy your game.

I really enjoyed the game and the tutorial was a great as well! It really helped!! Great Job!

Oh does the fish grow in size as it eats more or does it change in color?

This game was fun! I wish there was a counter to see how much the fish has ate though! Nice job

Thank you very much!

Thank you. Yes i should have added some signs or an indication for the player on where to go next.

This is great! Love the audio and style of the game! Super cute

This was a good game! Liked dodging the jellyfish!

What an interesting concept! I enjoyed playing a lot! Wish i could change the volume though! Nice job!

Wow the fishodex is super cool! What a cool concept! Had a lot of fun in this game!

This was fun! I just wish the player was a bit faster. Don't know if there is a counter for how many worms i collect or not. Still good job!

Not sure how the trading works in the game. The text was a litter slow as well. I like the fishing part though! It was fun.

This is a fun game. The Key controls are a little difficult to use. I like the concept!

This game is fantastic! Would say my only complaint would be the music was loud. Just wish i could adjust the sounds! Amazing game, Kinda hope it comes out on mobile!

Are you playing on windows?

Hoping for the same thing. For some reason i thought submission was 8pm on April  8th. Hoping to get a bit of a grace period to turn in the game still.

This is a really neat concept. I would have loved to play longer but I kept losing even though nothing was there. I think the objects to slide under were invisible. 

The jump and sliding sounds were really good. Would've liked some more music!

Nice job! 

The parallaxing was really well done. I would have liked a way to make the game windowed. Unfortunately I have a 1920x1200 monitor. So I could not see the bottom of the level.

 Really good job!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Super cool game! The concept of you character not being able to take damage but only the looping ball was really cool. Tough challenges ahead made it fun. 

The character and the walls didn't really seem to fit. The character was drawn in a 45 Degree top down style while the map was 90 degrees. I thought the sprites were cute just didn't fit! There is a youtuber by the name MortMort . He shows off a really good tutorial on the different degrees of characters in pixel art!

Super cool game! I liked playing it! 

I enjoyed the story of this a lot. The art fit the theme of your game really well. 

Only thing was some of the time I was able to move to quickly through a "level" so text would layer on top of each other so I couldn't read all of it. 

Really good job!

Really Really cool mobile type game. I would honestly play this game on my phone. (Perfect bathroom break game lol)

So simple yet good. The only thing was the white seemed to be super bright or a little to glowing for me. I had a hard time being able to read the menu. 

Really cool!

Super cool concept. I really like the ever looping dungeon. I couldn't tell what the rocks were that I was hitting or if I was supposed to hit them. 

Also I hit escape and instantly died lol that was kinda a bummer. 

Really good job!

The menu was well done. I liked the game. The music was well done and fun to listen to. 

The concept and switching between the colors to do a platformer was really cool! 

Good job!!

I got to loop 9! That was a fun game!

I think a couple things I would change. Not allowing the player to leave the level. The player is allowed to leave the level and then you can't see him anymore. 

The player bullets hit the enemy bullets but the enemy bullets continue going. Either they should both cancel out or the bullets should pass each other.

I loved the art! The character and the enemies were really cute! Fun random bullet hell!

Good job! I enjoyed it! 

Oh i like that!!!!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

Yes unfortunately I did not leave myself enough time to fully polish and make the game scalable for different resolutions.

Thank you for playing. That is actually a really good idea to start out slower and gradually build up to a harder and harder level! 

Thanks for the feedback!

Oh I'm sorry that it only played in the main menu. What version did you play? The Web Build or the windows?

The idea, concept, implementation was super good. I loved dragging rooms into the portal and making all different looping combinations. Really neat!!

I just I could die quicker. Having to fall off the map every time I wanted to build a new map was kind of annoying. Maybe making the kill box higher up so when you fall off you restart quicker or a button.

Really good job!

This is a really neat concept. Loved having to switch between the players to get through the level. 

The art was simple yet I understood where I could and could not go. 

But the audio for the jumping sound for me did not sound good.

Otherwise good game. (Hi back ;) ) 

Really awesome game. I loved it. I found it a little easy. You could just spam click and you bullet would instantly land and hit the enemy while the enemies took time to get to you. 

Art, Music, Sound were absolutely fantastic! I really loved the opening scene you are shown when you play. The main menu music was amazing! 

Great job!

Oh I see that now the restart button does not work. Sorry about that! Thanks for playing!!

This game was really funny. I actually went around and around and around trying to see if he would say anything different, but alas "Loop". 

Good job!

Good short arcade like game. That was a lot of fun! Got a high score of 135. I actually liked that there was no music but just a rumbling noise of the spaceship. 

Good Job!