Im glad you enjoyed it!
Yes and im sorry, I left a value set to 3 instead of 0. This value keeps track of how many bosses you have defeated. So the version i uploaded locks because the game thinks you defeated 4 bosses.
Your game was fun! Here are a couple tips / suggestions.
I would make it so the player can manually pick up trash in the beginning. This will allow the player to earn coins in the start quickly instead of having to wait for the 1 fish. Think of the game cookie clicker. The player can manually click the cookie to get 10,000 cookies but the real goal is to buy cookie automation upgrades so it does it for you!
Another tip is to allow for resizing of the gameplay window. This will allow people on many different monitor setups to enjoy your game.
I really enjoyed the game and the tutorial was a great as well! It really helped!! Great Job!
Super cool game! The concept of you character not being able to take damage but only the looping ball was really cool. Tough challenges ahead made it fun.
The character and the walls didn't really seem to fit. The character was drawn in a 45 Degree top down style while the map was 90 degrees. I thought the sprites were cute just didn't fit! There is a youtuber by the name MortMort . He shows off a really good tutorial on the different degrees of characters in pixel art!
Super cool game! I liked playing it!
I got to loop 9! That was a fun game!
I think a couple things I would change. Not allowing the player to leave the level. The player is allowed to leave the level and then you can't see him anymore.
The player bullets hit the enemy bullets but the enemy bullets continue going. Either they should both cancel out or the bullets should pass each other.
I loved the art! The character and the enemies were really cute! Fun random bullet hell!
Good job! I enjoyed it!
The idea, concept, implementation was super good. I loved dragging rooms into the portal and making all different looping combinations. Really neat!!
I just I could die quicker. Having to fall off the map every time I wanted to build a new map was kind of annoying. Maybe making the kill box higher up so when you fall off you restart quicker or a button.
Really good job!
Really awesome game. I loved it. I found it a little easy. You could just spam click and you bullet would instantly land and hit the enemy while the enemies took time to get to you.
Art, Music, Sound were absolutely fantastic! I really loved the opening scene you are shown when you play. The main menu music was amazing!
Great job!