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Boy D. Joy

A member registered Apr 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you kindly

Thank you so much for the incredible feedback! It means the world to hear that the passion and inspiration behind the game is coming through, especially from someone who clearly gets the vibe we're aiming for. We're thrilled that you're enjoying the balance between we've strived to achieve while staying true to the source material while carving our own path with it.
We're excited to keep building on this world and delivering updates that keep that spark alive. Thanks again for your support—there's definitely more to come!

This is in fact a bug and will be resolved in future builds.

Hmmmm this could be a bug, going to see if it is, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

If you're on Chapter 2, thats it for now. There is an additional scene if youre on Chapter 2 Update 1.

Thank you for bringing this up, we seem to be having some issues with either really old Samsungs or really new Samsungs, we are looking into what could be the issue, I do apologize but we don't have a solution for now, our current plan to tackle this is to run an Android simulator on a PC and do tests that way.

I apologize, I'm a bit unfamiliar with the poco phones, but it says the OS is android, so in theory it should work fine as long as you download the .apk and install it.

What version are you on? Windows, Mac, or Android?

Not anytime soon, but if there is a big enough ask for it, we will consider it.


We don't have a strict deadline at the moment, we are working on this game on a less than part time bases and life gets in the way a lot of the times. The next update is going to be Chapter 2 Update 2, which will include additional game mechanics, while our artist works on Chapter 3 art.

(1 edit)

I'm not God, but you're welcome lol.

This page had just been updated yesterday, with the public release of Chapter 2 (Polished)

no plans for impregnation at the moment.

updates coming soon, once we finish a new build, we will be updating this page as well.

(1 edit)

Here goes the link to the discord:

Chapter 2 being public is fairly close.

Here goes the link to the discord:

Chapter 2 being public is actually pretty close.

For Chapter 1 Update 1, that's the end, you can sleep at night and dream about Boa.

New discord link:

I'm not sure why that issue is happening for you.

Sure thing, here you go:

Not anytime soon, we currently don't have a Mac device and you need one for xcode so that we can push out iOS apps. Most likely once we get some traction we could purchase one for our developer to build out iOS versions of the game.

Oh... there will definitely be more dominant characters in the future. It's just a matter of time.

hmm depends on what you consider big, Chapter 2 update has a new story arc, introduces the first real crew member. A massage scene, with voice over, as well as one handjob scene. Chapter releases adds more to the story, Updates makes improvements to the game and add new dialogue and h-scenes.

It is definitely something we are working towards, so keep an eye out.


lol that's a huge claim, thanks a lot! next update is currently out on Patreon.

We are working towards an iOS and Android version of the game.

It will be in the future friendo, and no worries we all know the struggle xD. Once we have Chapter 2 Update 1 available to Patrons we will make Chapter 2 free.

lol we didn't time it for that, but hey, here we are.

lol you know what, that's actually not a bad idea.

I commend you on your bravery, though once again at this time there are no plans for Koby.

Thank you so much! We did fix the UI, now when you hover over an interactable, it highlights white.

On the left side of the room, there is a door you can click on to get out.

Thanks a lot! It means alot to us to hear that people think that the game is good.

I question my life choices every single day.

Thank you so much, we are still learning; in the future we do want this to be available on mobile.

There is no plan for any H-Scenes involving Koby in the future.