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A member registered Feb 29, 2024 · View creator page →

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The game had a really cute esthetic, I honestly died because I was just enjoying the music so much I closed my eyes and forgot I was playing a game lol

At first I was vibing to that music, but then I grabbed the pill and suddenly I wasn't vibing anymore.

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I read the description and saw you're challenge to beat your score of 30, I thought to myself, "I've played video games for way too long, I can do that easily". Well I got to 30 pretty quickly but... I wasn't expecting that twist.

Thank you for the audio adjustment screen because I would have gone deaf if that was played at the volume I currently was at. Also when the circle started to massively expand it almost felt like a nuke explosion, destroying everything in it's path.

Same, as someone who normally sleeps in... A LOT (I normally sleep like 10 hours and get out of bed at 11ish when I don't have class), I felt I wouldn't be true to myself if I was actually dedicated and got out of bed.

I gotta say, with how that start screen was, I was not expecting that arcade like music nor was I expecting the game play to be as such. Certainly a good subversion of expectations.

Got to the end first try, I got that finesse. Interesting game, having the random generation and sprinting is really unique, haven't seen much of that in any of the other projects.

The first thing that stood out to me was the music, it felt very tranquil and peaceful. I think it really added to the feeling that the game has.

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At first I was thinking the game was really easy, but the moment the "responsibilities" turned red and the background was black, that was an absurd amount of things to dodge, makes me want to try again.

Hmm, for some reason the game wasn't working for me on the WEB version, but seems like it worked fine for others so maybe it's just a personal skill issue haha. I downloaded it and played it that was and the game was very fun to play.

Simple game but I love the sound design and the animations for the game. Really appreciate how it starts to speed up as time goes on too.

Did my first attempt on impossible, got a 761, I'm fine with that. I'm sure I could get much higher if I took the time to play it that long.

I think the level you're talking about is the one where you have to wall jump for the first time. (Even if its not I'll still put this here as I've seen people struggle most with the wall jumping).

But when it comes to wall jumping, think about "real life" physics. If I were to go for a wall jump, but I'm jumping at the wall from 20 feet away, I'm going to lose a lot of momentum from gravity and the distance so I won't be able to get a good kick off from the wall, thus my wall jump will be weak and suck. However if I was to do a wall jump and I jumped at the wall from 2 feet away, I'm much closer so I don't lose any momentum and can get a much better kick off the wall, thus my wall jump will get me much more height and distance.

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Yeah the moving platforms are a little jank, they'll work 95% of the time. I've left levels running for 10 minutes and nothing breaks, then I've loaded the same level and in a few seconds the platform stops, I don't know why but as I said they work most of the time. If a level does break just press R to restart the current level and it should work again.

The art immediately stood out to me, along with the somber music in the background. All the elements really mold well together to make a sad immersive story.

Wow the music at the start threw me off, in a good way. It was fun to have it playing and seeing how it changed depending on which character you were speaking to.

The sound design really added to the feeling of like an old computer from the 90s or something you'd see in the matrix or something.

I appreciate the detail how you colored the letters for each option. Made it interesting to see which keys and options I'd have next.

I'm not sure if it was my computer/monitor but for me the text was overlapping so I couldn't really read what was happening.

For a game called we're just squids it got surprisingly philosophical which I was not expecting.

Wow, the fact that this game was entirely 3D is really surprising. It went against the normal of other projects, which is really impressive and surprising.

It was a little hard to read the darker text but the way it scrolled made it feel like a proper computer. I also found that the use of clicking buttons with your mouse rather than using the keyboard was interesting as most other games used the keyboard.

The dialog for the game was funny, made me want to replay to see the other text options.

I won't deny, I'm very confused by the game. But I will say the sound design for the game is very nice.

Wow the style behind this game is very impressive. The fact that it's first person and the enemies such as the Golem actually change what they do if they attack you or not is really immersive.

Yeah the checkpoints were very convient. I made it to the safe house on my first attempt but on a repeat playthrough to see all the different options, it helped with not needing to restart from the beginning multiple times over.

I didn't even noticed that detail, makes me want to go back and replay it just to see the eerie details. And yeah I was expecting a bad ending with the way the games atmosphere is.

Yeah I picked blue for my color and got it the first 5 times in a row, thought it was just always going to be the color you picked. Then I started to get other colors that surprised me they were even in the machine.

one thing I wonder that I haven't noticed others mention yet is I wonder if the image sizes was intentional. It's hard to say if the game is fully full screened or not because nothing gets close to the edges of the screen. But I think it adds to the style of the game.

Interesting how the way the game is coded led to it going on infinitely, just the way in the life of god. I wonder what made you choose each life form for each number, my guess is plant, rock (the true god), sea creature, flying creature, bug, human, and god were all selected to cover a wide variety of different types of creatures.

The design of the game is really well made and feels serious, yet at the same time with all the information we "supposedly have to memorize" it has a hidden humor behind it. I wonder if the dev wanted to make more patients and have multiple people you have to save or just wanted one.

I noticed others mentioning the different key presses to continue as well, personally I think its intentional with the humor of the game. I also find that the middle of the screen is essentially empty while the sides are what have text and images, it adds to the weird silliness that feels intential.

As some have mentioned it has an uncanny valley kind of feel. One thing I found interesting was the cut to black at the end, I wondered if her response at the end is the same or different for each choice the player has.

I can't say for sure but it felt as though attacks hard a bit of RNG to them which is really impressive and adds to the immersion as not all attacks land. Unless there were set times when you'd miss and dodge which if so, that's surprising.