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A member registered Jan 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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I am grateful for your help

(1 edit)

I published my game more than three months ago and still not indexed yet, but i didn't want to post anything about indexing and i keep researching for the game periodically.

So, since it is taking long time to be indexed, i just want to know if we get notification when game reviewed by moderator.


thanks for playing the game and for your feedback

The first new feature in the current version appears at level 8, it’s a block that gets destroyed when two fruits get destroyed nearby,

I updated the iOS version where new features appear earlier in the game and i shortened the duration in the first levels.

hi, please rate the levels progression and the way the new features are introduced in the game

Good job, i downloaded the version from iOS AppStore, it was smooth, 

Well done, is there a mobile version?

my Suika game style, i made it in level mode with new features to make the game more fun and challenging.


The chicken throw fruits, and it is up to you to merge them and get to the biggest fruit.

Clear all Levels or play in an endless mode in Events Tab

Use items to pop more fruits and get the highest score,

don't forget to invite your friends and compete with them

enjoy playing...

Link to the game ; Pophua

Thanks so much for playing

I'm sorry, but it's only for Android

Hello, thanks for your feedback, 

Yes, I modeled the hotel by myself and that took me the most Game Jam time, so when there is a critical bug, I try to find the fastest way to fix it in order to be able to submit a finished project in time, and that's why I used that character that look like a robot (it's a humanoid prototype), 

There are a lot of bugs to be fixed, and I'm working on them, and I will start updating after the result's announcement of the game jam

I will definitely play your game and wish you good luck.    

Hello, thanks for asking but sorry i'm not from Mexico