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Braymatter Games

A member registered Jul 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I always add a ton to anything I make :)

For sure,

I didn’t get to it, but the enemies all have elemental types; I’d like to have the elements in the player spells do more/less damage based on the type of entity that it hits.

It should be really quick to randomize the direction / distribution of the enemies, I’ll do it after voting closes and update :)

Thanks for playing!

THanks! I ran into an annoying physics problem with rapier that sucked up a lot of time the last few days; After voting closes I’m probably going to try to polish this up a bit; The vast majority of groundwork for the other 20-ish spells is in place, just needs some elbow grease.

I’m thinking of trying to port it to a mobile app, it would be pretty fun way to kill a few minutes I think :)