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Bred Frown

A member registered Nov 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's an honor! :)

(1 edit)

Good morning, Linky439!

Thank you so much for documenting this one with so much detail, as well as the letting me know that that variable "bombs_wait" was being saved. This was something I definitely overlooked, and I will remove that pronto from my save script! :D

Again, thank you so much for finding it! And thank you for doing some extra investigating with the save files.

I will get a fix out this weekend (most likely today) that will fix that issue as well as the variable being saved. I have a new build I was going to be uploading today anyway, but it won't be a problem to go ahead and get this fixed as well.

Thanks again!! :D

EDIT: I was able to get this bug fixed, along with a few other tweaks, and a new installer is now live! :)

Another one B)

New episode!

Spudcats is at it again! :)

Got it! ;)

Hey @henriquezTey!

This is something I've been interested in for a while, but I'm planning on finishing up all of the content updates I have in mind for Dawn of Dusk moving forward, so the translation and localization can be done in one push. 

I will keep you updated when I'm ready for this phase. :)

Back at it again at Krispy Kreme

I'll be coming out with a newsletter in February to go over the start of my plans for the Dynamic Updates B)

I love Spudcats! ;D

Thank you so much!! I hope folks enjoy it!! :D

If you find a bug or glitch, you can use this thread to post it. Some issues may need me to follow up with you through email. If so, I will let you know!

I work full-time, so there may be a delay in fixing some of these issues, but I will act as quickly as I can!

Thank you for your understanding.

Also, this thread is NOT for posting suggestions or feedback. Please make a new thread for that.

Here are some bugs that I am aware of:

- CRT filter turns off in a couple of areas in the game -

In a couple of parts in the game, the CRT filter may stop working (appearing to be turned OFF), but only in one room. When exiting the room it’s not working in, it will come back.

This usually happens if you play through the game in a single play though (without getting a game over), and the easiest solution if you run into this issue is to save your progress, quit the game, then re-launch it through Steam.

Folks who do not use the CRT filter will not have this issue.

- CRT filter makes the game run slow -

The CRT filter is a shader that can be a bit taxing on certain hardware. If you have issues with performance, you can turn it off in the options menu.

- Fullscreen with a 4K monitor or multiple monitors -

I have had a few reports of the game getting major lag when ran in fullscreen on a 4K monitor, or with multiple displays. Works absolutely fine in windowed or ran in fullscreen at a lower resolution (any resolution lower than 4K will work). I’m investigating if this is an issue on my end or GameMaker’s.

- FPS appears lower than 60 FPS with an odd-Hz refresh rate monitor -

For folks who have a monitor whose hertz (Hz) is an odd number, like 75, the game may appear to not quite hit 60 FPS. It feels like it's running at 58-59-ish FPS. This is a GameMaker issue from what I’ve learned, and turning the refresh rate down to 60 will fix it.

Folks who have an even Hz refresh rate monitor, such as 60, 144, etc., should not run into this issue.

- Mina (the player character) gets stuck moving in one direction after leaving a room -

This appears to be a minor controller issue, and rarely happens, but I figured it be worth mentioning here. If this happens to you, move in the same direction they’re moving on your analog stick or d-pad. For example, if Mina is moving downward, move downward on your controller, etc. This should "reset" things and you should no longer be stuck!


(2 edits)

Still episodic, since that suits my development schedule best since I have to work full-time.

Howdy, Poppy Works!
This Simplified Chinese character seems to be missing:


I started hearing about that game right after I released Awakening a couple of years ago, and I had never heard of it until then. Before my game was a game, it was originally a webcomic I did back in 2010. I put it on hiatus in late 2018 and decided to try making a game based off of it instead.

In this case, it is a coincidence. Same name, different game, lol.

Not currently, but that is currently in the works with Ep. 2, and will also be pushed to Awakening as well as soon as it's ready!

It's the first episode! I'm hard at work on next one, and am gearing up for a late 2021 release. I put more updates on my Twitter account.

Ahhhh, that may be it, but I'm not entirely sure.  What I will do on the next update is add that resolution (4K) as a catch, and that should fix it. I'll do some testing before I push it out. 
Switching the scale may work as well, but I'm not entirely sure since I'm still stuck in 1080P-land myself. lol!

Thank you so much for this screencap! I will use this for reference.

Hey there, Violet! Thank you so much for giving it a try! I'm glad you liked it, aside from the UI trouble - do you happen to know what resolution you're running at off the top of your head? I heard that issues did arise from 4K and some less common resolutions, and I will be working hard to get that fixed :). If it is 4K, I will have to do some external testing since I myself do not have a 4K monitor.

(1 edit)

Absolutely! I'm hoping to be able to resume taking care of any outstanding bugs for Awakening this coming January.

Hey there, Samildanach! That is indeed a big - I’ll get this recorded and fixed when I push a new update. Thanks for these screenshots!

Sounds great! I'm excited! :D

Of course! Have fun! :)

Thank you so much for the update on this, ItsZack! I am going to sticky this topic in order to help other players that may run into this issue as well! :D

(3 edits)

This one is completely on me, lol! With this room- it was meant to serve as a visual "depth trick" of sorts - the area you got to was not intended to be accessible, but there is a room NW from the "hub" where you can jump across platforms, and on the other side, you will reach a cliff with this key piece. ;) This was mean to be a "hint" of sorts. 

On the next update, I'll reinforce the wall here and swap that key piece out with a "dummy" one.

I think it know what area you got it from, but yeah - screenshots will work just fine as well, and will be very much appreciated! Thank you so much, Shawn! :D

Hey there, Shawn! I will need to get these glitches fixed in a new update, by the sound of it - could you please record a short gameplay video or screenshots so I can replicate on my end? 



Hey there, Zack! That is a new one for me! Would it be possible for you to record a video of what’s happening for my reference? Do you happen to see any error messages pop up of any sort as well?

(1 edit)

Thank you for reporting this! I will get this taken care of for the next update. :D

Thank you for showing interest in a Mac port! I used to solely be a Mac user myself, but I upgraded from a MacBook to a PC a couple of years back. I still use Macs for my dayjob, though!

A Mac port is definitely in the works! I have actually worked on the game on a Mac mini a few times, and it tested just fine - I will work on getting a Mac port out on the next update! :D

Thanks for that info! :)

I know it’s a pain for now, but one workaround (until I get this fixed) would be to set the TV’s resolution at 1080p and then try again.

That's not good! Do you happen to know your native resolution? I will get this fixed up in the next update :).

I am so happy to hear this!! :D Thank you so much for trying it out! Awakening was sort of the "pilot" for the series. Rest assured, Ep.2 (which I've been working on now), will be much longer! :D

I love Discord, but I do not have time to manage one as of right now. <:(. I encourage fans to create and host servers themselves, though!

I have not played Celeste yet, but Undertale was a big inspiration! ;D