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A member registered Jun 30, 2022

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I know this is an old message but since no-one else seems to have responded I figured I would give my interpretation of what is happening here. I believe the part that says you have 100% chance of success and 20% chance of great success means you have 100% chance of receiving a reward and 20% chance of a higher reward. Basically the results that say you failed at studying are still considered a success because they still awarded points and the results where you successfully study are the great successes that happen 20% of the time. As for studying with Mom, that is a separate activity with a separate reward. Basically you have the choice to study with Mom and get a consistent reward or study alone and probably get a lower reward but have a chance at (or use exploits to guarantee) a higher reward. 

This may be a kind of dumb question but what platform is the game for? Most games on have icons for Windows, Apple, Linux or Android on the search results so you can tell what they are for without even clicking but for this game it seems like the only way to know if I can play it would be to download it. 

Does this game have controller support? Or are there plans to add controller support?

(1 edit)

I think "destruction" was a mistake, I couldn't find it but tried the opportunity anyway and it used elemental 3 (lightning). 

Can anyone explain the different editions? 

The gay/lesbian/futa editions seem easy enough to understand since they seem to focus on those types of content but I am confused about the male/female editions since going by the screenshots those titles seem to refer to the player character and I was under the impression that both those options were available in the base version so why different releases? Also what is Lust Hunter: Brothel? Is it the same base scenario but with added brothel quests or is it a completely new scenario? And finally what are the standalone/portable editions?