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A topic by Palmeira Studios created Jul 26, 2024 Views: 13,835 Replies: 61
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You can post your questions about gameplay and other stuff (except release dates) here. 


do you plan on animating the sex scenes in the future

(1 edit)

also is there gonna be a way to fuck the slime queen after you defeat her and come back to the earth temple


I'd love to know more about the actual game development process! What tools, workflow, etc.

This may be a kind of dumb question but what platform is the game for? Most games on have icons for Windows, Apple, Linux or Android on the search results so you can tell what they are for without even clicking but for this game it seems like the only way to know if I can play it would be to download it. 


its for windows, download and unzip the file and start the Game.exe


are you going to add ukrainian language to the game?


only if I can find a good translator ;)


I'm french and I'd like to offer my services as a translator for this language !


explain how to get a cutting tool?


progress main quest

Greetings, I've been playing version 1.5 for a long time and in this new version I'm not aware of it and I can't improve the character's stats. Someone clears me of doubt or is it that it is only a test version for the new introduction and interactions with the characters?


the stats are now increased by progressing the main or side quests :)


In the devlog for 2.0 and 2.1 it says that saves should transfer but I don't see an explanation for how to do this. Is it posted somewhere else?

You can simply copy and paste your "save" folder from the ancien version to the new one, overwritting the empty folder. This folder is located in the "www" folder

Can some please tell how to get INT started i went to the book and it tells me i need lv1 INT to read


you have to progress the main quest. there will be an event where your INT will increase. 

After that you are able to read the book and start Isabella's sidequest line

Deleted 197 days ago

is there anyone knows how to reach the Fire Artefact? I cannot find the temple, after complete all the sidequests tho.


go to the goblin mine, there is an entrance to the desert in the top left corner

In all escenes and all characters apears a black square,  how i can quit that?

just want to ask if  this game every be for android  and Macbook in the future

hello, the main quest tell me to go in cave under kokoa village, i think it's where kalea is searching for an artefact.

but i just can't interact with her, and i'm totally stop because all the side quest cant be continue without intelligence or new item.

can someon help me plzzzz

same problem qwq

The game keeps suddenly freezing? How can I fix this?

same problem


after i help the pixie out of the tree it keeps freezin

Where can I find the recipe for the body lotion ? It isn't in the slime cave

how to update game, so i can keep progression?

(1 edit)

You can simply copy and paste your "save" folder from the ancien version to the new one, overwritting the empty folder. This folder is located in the "www" folder


You're welcome ;)

i did exactly what u said, i dragged the save folder in www  from v0.2 to the www folder from v0.2.1 i loaded the game and i loaded the save file but every task said wait until next update. so what do i do now?

I... don't know. Sorry maybe these tasks didn't get a follow-up in this update. If they did, I don't know how you can access them so only the dev can help you with that

Wait, if the game tells you that you have to wait for the next update to continue your tasks, it means that you must be quite far in the game. Maybe you can help me in this case: do you know how I can get a pickaxe and where is the body lotion in the slime cave?

i just speedrunt the game again so..

Pickaxe is in the goblini hut

But u need the cutting tool to the right before u enter the graveyard

And the body lotion is in the end of the cave top left i think to acces u need to acces jumping skills

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In this place in the cave I see nothing but old inscriptions and a pile of dirt. Maybe I have to progress in the main quest first ? If it's the case it's weird because I already reach the limit of the main quest for this update.

I don't have the save folder in my www file in winrar do I have to add it manually cause it doesn't appear there when I look for it

Did you already launch the game ? I think this folder is automatically created once a save is made in the game.

yes but when I launch it and make a save the folder doesn't appear

Oh really ? But can you still save and load with it ?

Yes but if I close the game the save files are just gone so every time I downlpad the new version I have to start from 0

It really weird. And when your game is open ? Does the save folder appear ?

Nope , not even then 

I think you can try to create it manually but I don't know if it will resolve your problem sorry.

alr the how to create it manually , like I just make a new folder named save there ?

Yep. Maybe it will help


it would be really cool if the sex scenes were animated

is it a bug that you cant defeat lyranna?

i used to install and played this game about a month ago, then i vacuum for a while and now i want to play this game again and i cant open it, i try to re install this game but it said that there are no compatible device, whereas i played in the same device as before. anyone knows the solution?


try downloading from browser with a zip file and extract it , I tried to download it on the itch io app too but it said same thing 

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thankyou for the solution, man


se que es tonto que diga esto , pero no tengo experiencia en esto 

Necesito un tutorial de como instalarlo paso por paso en Android 

Ya que solo me otorga un archivo y no un apk como otras apps 


Idk if anyone asked but can you make an android port?

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Hey Palmeira studios,

I realy like the Artwork you are using so i wonder what ai generator tool  you use to get those Artworks?

Also can you maybe make an tutorial on how you get te characters look mostly the same but in other poses or clothes or what tool you are using to animate them?

Im trying to get into making AI art for a long desired project of mine and you semm to have good knowledge about it.

Best regards and keep up your awesome work.

how to beat lyrana?

Where is the ruby at? I've been looking but to no avail.

80 days 🥲

Are there plans for an Android Mobile version?

hey dev are you still working on this game it's been like a month since your last patreon post

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