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A member registered Jul 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm charmed by this! Great work and thank you for sharing it.

It is quite... a-peel-ing...

Lots of fun. The art, level design, sound effects and music were great. Major VVVVVV vibes! I even went back to get the "good ending." :)

hopefully constructive feedback:

There were a couple times where I hit a spike where it didn't quite look like the character model was going to be hit (i.e. on the leg by the flying spike, or barely hitting the corner). An idea to alleviate that might be making the hitboxes a bit more forgiving on the corners and such.

The "feel" of the controls could also be a bit tighter, if that makes sense. Sometimes I felt like I was a bit "floaty" for a platformer, but that's also a style choice and just my personal preference.

Overall, great job! Love that controller support + volume slider, too!

Lovely game. Puzzle design and music were done well. I love the clean art style and the SNES-vibes from the sprites. Very, very cool take on the magnet theme!

Hopefully constructive feedback:

One of the puzzles I found a bit frustrating, the one with a platform in the middle and a switch at the top of the screen, with a minus block on the floor and a gap we had to get across ahead with a skinny platform in the middle. I eventually cleared that one after some trial and error in what felt like a ... sort of random way. All the other puzzles I felt were great (if not apparent after some inspection, solvable with some trial and error).

Even with a controller I found myself moving the wrong character at times. I honestly don't know how to help with this, and there was definitely a point where moving both characters felt more natural, so this may have just been the learning curve. A positive note is that it was fun enough to stick through the intial awkwardness of that. Maybe when one character is being moved and the other stationary, the moving character is highlighted? Again I'm not really sure how I would tackle that.

Again, love the concepts, art, music - really everything about it. Thank you for sharing!

Amazing work. I'm in love with the overall visual style, the main menu and the sound design. The controls are tight and intuitive, and the game has an old school feel that is equal parts addicting and punitive. Love the sense of humor. Kudos to your wife for the title!

Hopefully constructive feedback:
I found myself a bit frustrated at times knowing exactly when my shield was about to drop. Sometimes I would try and collect an asteroid right as it was going down, only to explode while the indicator on the ship was still (seemingly) active. Either allowing a little leeway window, or giving some kind of flashing indicator on the ship/shield itself might alleviate this. The UI elements in the corner look great, but I found in the middle of the run I didn't want to ever look down there, because I was laser-focused on my ship and dodging projectiles.

It also took me a few runs before I realized that the asteroids you carry can be used defensively as well as offensively. I'm not actually sure if it was intended, but I progressed further once I realized I could reliably keep a few towers down.

Minor nitpick: it was sometimes difficult at times to differentiate between the "background" space ruins, vs. what was foreground and impassable. A couple times I ran into or got caught on the foreground parts and died as a result. Also, on my very first run I completely avoided the background bits because I assumed I'd crash if I hit them. This may just be due to the colors on my monitor not being clear.

Overall, amazing job. This was a joy to play. Thank you for sharing it!

Great job! It is a lot of fun. I love the music and the "doodly" MS-paint art style. The controls are fluid and feel good, was able to make it to 18 on my best run before dying.

Hopefully constructive feedback:

It seems like I have to click repeatedly to propel the magnet forward, which tired out my clicking finger in a long run. The option to hold down the button instead would feel great IMO.

Also would like to see some indicator for where the positive particles are (either a mini-map, arrows, or maybe just particle effects that they spit out), because I found one strategy was to just go in a single direction until I see a positive, while amassing a horde of negatives behind me (which admittedly was very funny).

Not a simple idea: you could even have the negatives "suck in" particles that the positives "spit out," so by following the trajectory, you know where the positives are, even off screen. Would be helpful and a cool effect at the same time!

These are just some ideas for "polishing." Again, great job overall!

Sure, I think the pacing is generally fine, if not a bit slow in the shallow zones. It would be neat if there was more to differentiate the zones instead of just color/light level.

It might be because the sea creatures are all pretty alike other than looks/hitbox, so it starts to feel a little stale in the shallow zones after several consecutive runs. Maybe the creatures could have distinct movement patterns that make the early zones more interesting? Or maybe allow the diver to progress faster if you keep them towards the bottom of the screen?

Just a lovely looking game. Great clean visual style and the bubble particle effect and lighting effects are very stylish. I was impressed by the different levels and modes and fluid controls. I loved how the flashlight turns on at the Abyssal zone and how the enemy types began changing.

One point that is hopefully constructive: I found myself a little frustrated at times when a fish hit my fin and it damaged me, maybe the hitbox could be toned down a bit by the fins? I didn't find it too difficult, but it felt like I was being discouraged from making too risky of a maneuver because I wasn't sure exactly what would hit my fins/feet.

Even on Windows, it was a great experience that felt fine with mouse controls, but I would bet it is even better on mobile. Amazing work!

Overall, I like it a lot. The quick gameplay loop is addictive, the visuals are well done and the music tracks are perfect for underwater exploration. Big pluses for that splash screen at the start and the shipwreck. Very cool!

Some (hopefully) constructive feedback:

-I love that grabbing the money has a sound effect, it contributes to a sense of addictive replay. I would have liked to see a sound or animation or something when buying gear from the shop. Even a little sign that said "SOLD OUT," would have worked. Anything to reinforce that process with some kind of player feedback. On a related note, was cool to see the gear on the player avatar.

-From a system design standpoint: a little "breather" at the very start would be nice. Because you start with such little breath and you immediately begin drowning, on my very first play I died before I really knew what was happening. I could see something like this working: on-screen text that reads "Dive down to start!" and then the breath meter begins as soon as the player goes down.

Lovely overall, thanks for sharing!