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A member registered Nov 12, 2020

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Just simply defending myself. If these less then intelligent people keep making non-sense remarks I would not need to.

I was not trying to turn this into any sort of argument that is the OP who went haywire after my first intial comment. I did not show "respect for the game maker" obviously since I didn't make any point towards the game maker... you can say I may have insulted the guy but there is no denying he was the first one to sling insults I only did so in response so do not paint me to be the bad guy. OP's initial comment came off in a disrepectful, entitled and demanding sort of way I was only defending so on the game makers behalf. If you are going to throw points please at least have them make sense.

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I’m trying to show the game maker some respect which you clearly are not doing. I called you a Karen as you are very clearly and obviously acting like one. And I didn’t start anything this is all you with your demanding and yelling so chillax bud. Grow up. You’re going to say I’m wasting my time as you’re the one writing paragraphs screaming about how you want your problem fixed and I how triggered you are right now.

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Literally not a single thing he said was phrased as or even like a question, I think you need to retake your 3rd grade English class.. and I’m the stupid f**k LOL learn to read bud.

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You never “asked a simple question” because you never asked a single question and were just freaking out and demanding” you need to fix this ASAP!” literally fitting the definition of a Karen. Point is you need to chill and now you’re just being belligerent and disrespectful as well, grow up.

this game is literally free, and even if you buy all of the in game content which would be more then anyone needs,  even if you did it’s still barely any money. Quit complaining Karen.