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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I’m trying to show the game maker some respect which you clearly are not doing. I called you a Karen as you are very clearly and obviously acting like one. And I didn’t start anything this is all you with your demanding and yelling so chillax bud. Grow up. You’re going to say I’m wasting my time as you’re the one writing paragraphs screaming about how you want your problem fixed and I how triggered you are right now.

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

Bryan you are acting like a Karen because you are trying to turn the argument into the other guys like the bad guys if they try to avoid the point of the matter. You did not show a single sentence in "respect for the game maker", but every single sentence of yours either insulted either of these guys, or just venting how they are the ones doing something wrong even though the 1st guy didn't even say anything but his problems like the others. You decided to respond calling them a "Karen" despite the fact that they were voicing frustration at the game. Which is fair like the other people on here. Don't be "that guy" who turns everything serious due to one single sentence. 


I was not trying to turn this into any sort of argument that is the OP who went haywire after my first intial comment. I did not show "respect for the game maker" obviously since I didn't make any point towards the game maker... you can say I may have insulted the guy but there is no denying he was the first one to sling insults I only did so in response so do not paint me to be the bad guy. OP's initial comment came off in a disrepectful, entitled and demanding sort of way I was only defending so on the game makers behalf. If you are going to throw points please at least have them make sense.

(3 edits)

Thanks for defence. I appreciate it alot. Like everyone on here, I was venting my frustrations on the game. I think the Game Maker has made lots of Money on the Success on their game and that my ranting might have come off strong, but it was also like a feedback. It was meant for them no one else. 

I was expecting a Positive response even a response from someone with a similar problem but I did not get that. I got attack for it instead. I guess some people have nothing better else to do with their lives, then to be Assholes, but it's ok, Thanks again. 

bro your a defeated Karen so shut up

your the Karen's husband dude