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A member registered Apr 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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I don't really want to give you the file if you're just going to use/copy it for your own contest submission, sorry.

Why do you need to use it for your school project? Just wondering

It was made in Construct, no code :)

I could send you the .capx file but I use the paid version, I don't think you would be able to open it using the free version.

That's the whole point of the game haha...

If the player shoots without thinking about where the arrow will land then it will be harder to retrieve it. 

Once they learn to kill enemies while making sure the arrow lands somewhere convenient is when they'll start reaching the higher scores. 

Can you elaborate?

Nice, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Maybe I need to add something to stop players just jumping in the middle haha.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I do agree with the player being a bit too fast but after messing around with different speeds it was the best compromise, any slower and it gets too hard to outrun the enemies. 

(1 edit)

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After taking a break from game dev for a couple months I decided I’d try again and make a little arcade style game. I gave myself a time limit of 48 hours and I think it turned out quite well.

Any feedback is appreciated!

Thank you so much for suggesting Shazam! I managed to find the track and I've credited the artist in the description of my game. 

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it, this is actually only my 2nd game jam so your feedback really means a lot! It's funny how you mention the story, it was a last minute addition to make the game feel a bit more complete so I'm glad you liked it. I was planning on making the clones 'smarter' as the levels progressed to make it harder in a different way other than more clones but unfortunately I didn't finish it in time.

To answer a few of your questions:

- The idea basically came from me being lazy and not wanting to make lots of art haha. I normally use premade assets but since the jam had a set palette I had to create my own, I'm not very good at art so I wanted to keep the assets needed at a minimum. My first idea was a game where you make clones of yourself to help navigate through puzzles (by standing on buttons, etc.) but realized it was hard to distinguish between yourself and other clones. That's when I had the idea to make this game.

- I make sure all the music I download is public domain and completely free to use for my projects. I pretty much always give credit to the artist and was considering not using the music since I couldn't find the original but it fit my game too well! I'm actually in the process of going through all my saved music to make sure I have the correct artist noted down for each one.


Thank you for the in depth feedback! The story was actually something I added it last minute to make the game feel more complete.

Thank you!

Thanks Vlad! Always love watching your videos, you give good feedback and it really helps me improve. 

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you!

Thank you! I did have a few ideas to make the levels harder as they go on (other than just more clones), but didn't really have time to add them sadly.


Thank you!

Thanks! This is the first game I'v made using my own art so I tried to come up with an idea with the least art required lol

Thank you! Haha good idea I should

Thank you!

Thank you! I didn't make the music, I wish I could make something that good lol. Normally I'd give credit to whoever made it (even though its public domain) but I'v had the track saved on my PC for a while and honestly can't remember where I got it from haha. I'm glad you liked the game!

I loved the art and all the cards, I just wish there was more of them!

Not sure if it's just me, but the game doesn't seem to load? It gets stuck right at the end it seems like.

This is a pretty fun game, I really liked the art style and the overall feel of it! The environment did feel a bit empty and repetitive though.

Nice little game! It did feel a bit too hard to control at times though, I moved so fast I couldn't get any further, I just kept shooting off past all the platforms.

This is a really fun game with really nice art and sound design! I liked the idea of being able to place your own checkpoints, it made dying and going back feel like my own fault since I didn't place a checkpoint for myself. The wall jump did feel a bit weird to use though since it was on a different button to the normal jump.

This is a cool little game, I liked the music! I think you should add what keys to press on the fish though instead of just showing them at the start.

Pretty fun game, I liked the art style and the gameplay was good too! I'm not sure if I was playing it right though, were you just meant to guess what fuel to give people? If so I feel like you should add some kind of indicator since guessing felt annoying sometimes when you couldn't get it right.

If you finished the game I think it'd be really cool, obviously I can't comment much on the gameplay since it isn't finished but I really like the art style and the overall feel of the game.

This is a fun little game and it has a pretty good story too! It just felt a bit too slow at times, for example in the car at the start it felt like it took ages. Other than the pacing though its a cool little game!

This was a fun little game and a cool new take on the tower-defense style! The art and sound really fit well, I thought the start of the game was a little slow though since it took a while for the initial turret to make enough money for another. Overall though really fun game!

My favorite game so far, I love the art style and the music. The gameplay was really fun, I just wish there was more levels! Good job.

I love the art style you went for and the story was really interesting! I thought the sounds were a bit too loud though, like the constant power tool noise in the background was a bit annoying. Overall though nice job!


This is a fun little game and a pretty good concept. I like how the mood change was like a constant rhythm, maybe the music could go along with this rhythm? 

I really liked the effect and screen shake when you hit something with your sword. It could definitely do with some music or sound effects though!

This is a cool concept and a nice little game, impressive you managed to do it in only a day!