It's definitely not just mobile. I use PC and I am getting this error as well
Recent community posts
Anyone else having trouble with the new update on Chester's route day 26? Since the new update and having to replay the route, on day 26 when you are playing tennis and have to press the letters on the keyboard, no matter what I do the game crashes and automatically returns to the title screen :( (Playing on pc as well)
Yeah I eventually got the scene as well. The only difference I made in both plays was the conversation during day 21 or day 22 when Dozer is teasing MC and mentions about being on top.
Originally I had the MC reply that he wanted to top Dozer and that led to the scene at the ski lodge with ONLY that MC topping Dozer scene I mentioned in the original comment.
I replayed his route and chose most of the same options as I did originally and the only change was during that topping coversation where this time I said MC wanted Dozer to top. This led to flip flop ski lodge scene (I agree it is a great scene!)
I have played all routes so let me of some assistance!
Spencer: You can top and bottom depending on confidence scores (to be on bottom choose choices that are not confident)
Harold: You can only top
Dozer: You can only top
Darius: You can only top
Chester: You can only bottom (atm, if you choose you want to top Chester, you actually skip the sex scene, so I am incliined to believe that eventually all the routes will have both options otherwise this route wouldn't show the option if all it does is skip the scene)
I can't remember what day it occurs on, but there is a conversation around the time you get the buttplug where MC and Chester talk about roles during sex. You need to choose that you want to be on the bottom. As long as you choose being on the bottom for that conversation, day 28 should include the sex scene